I really want to see both the Botwiki.org website and the Botmakers.org commnity grow. We already get helpful contributions from people, but I would really like to have an official Botmakers.org team and find more admins/moderators for the Botmakers.org community.
With that being said, if you (or anyone you know who might be interested) have any relevant experience with managing wiki-style websites, engaging community members and fascilitating interaction, managing donations, running crowd-sourcing campaigns or experience in other relevant areas, I'd love to hear from you!
At minimum I'd like to see a proof of civil and engaging interaction with the general public or another community (your blog, a public Facebook or Twitter page, etc).
I'm @fourtonfish on Twitter, @stefan in the Botmakers.org Slack community -- or you can just send an email to stefan@fourtonfish.com.