Sequel’s core database and dataset functions are designed to support the features shared by most common SQL database implementations. However, Sequel’s database adapters extend the core support to include support for database-specific features.
By far the most extensive database-specific support in Sequel is for PostgreSQL. This support is roughly broken into the following areas:
Database Types
DDL Support
DML Support
Note that while this guide is extensive, it is not exhaustive. There are additional rarely used PostgreSQL features that Sequel supports which are not mentioned here.
Some of this this support depends on the specific adapter or underlying driver in use.
postgres only
will denote support specific to the postgres adapter (i.e. not available when connecting to PostgreSQL via the jdbc adapter). postgres/pg only
will denote support specific to the postgres adapter when pg is used as the underlying driver (i.e. not available when using the postgres-pr driver).
Sequel’s default support on PostgreSQL only includes common database types. However, Sequel ships with support for many PostgreSQL-specific types via extensions. In general, you load these extensions via Database#extension
. For example, to load support for arrays, you would do:
DB.extension :pg_array
The following PostgreSQL-specific type extensions are available:
- pg_array
arrays (single and multidimensional, for any scalar type), as a ruby Array-like object
- pg_hstore
hstore, as a ruby Hash-like object
- pg_inet
inet/cidr, as ruby IPAddr objects
- pg_interval
interval, as ActiveSupport::Duration objects
- pg_json
json, as either ruby Array-like or Hash-like objects
- pg_range
ranges (for any scalar type), as a ruby Range-like object
- pg_row
row-valued/composite types, as a ruby Hash-like or Sequel::Model object
In general, these extensions just add support for Database objects to return retrieved column values as the appropriate type and support for literalizing the objects correctly for use in an SQL string, or using them as bound variable values (postgres/pg and jdbc/postgres only
There are also type-specific extensions that make it easy to use database functions and operators related to the type. These extensions are:
- pg_array_ops
array-related functions and operators
- pg_hstore_ops
hstore-related functions and operators
- pg_json_ops
json-related functions and operators
- pg_range_ops
range-related functions and operators
- pg_row_ops
row-valued/composite type syntax support
These extensions aren’t Database specific, they are global extensions, so you should load them via Sequel.extension
, after loading support for the specific types into the Database instance:
DB.extension :pg_array Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops
With regard to common database types, please note that the generic String type is text
on PostgreSQL and not varchar(255)
as it is on some other databases. text
is PostgreSQL’s recommended type for storage of text data, and is more similar to Ruby’s String type as it allows for unlimited length. If you want to set a maximum size for a text column, you must specify a :size
option. This will use a varchar($size)
type and impose a maximum size for the column.
In create_table
blocks, you can use the exclude
method to set up exclusion constraints:
DB.create_table(:table) do daterange :during exclude([[:during, '&&']], name: :table_during_excl) end # CREATE TABLE "table" ("during" daterange, # CONSTRAINT "table_during_excl" EXCLUDE USING gist ("during" WITH &&))
You can also add exclusion constraints in alter_table
blocks using add_exclusion_constraint:
DB.alter_table(:table) do add_exclusion_constraint([[:during, '&&']], name: :table_during_excl) end # ALTER TABLE "table" ADD CONSTRAINT "table_during_excl" EXCLUDE USING gist ("during" WITH &&)
You can add a not_valid: true
option when adding constraints to existing tables so that it doesn’t check if all current rows are valid:
DB.alter_table(:table) do # Assumes t_id column already exists add_foreign_key([:t_id], :table, not_valid: true, name: :table_fk) constraint({name: :col_123, not_valid: true}, col: [1,2,3]) end # ALTER TABLE "table" ADD CONSTRAINT "table_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("t_id") REFERENCES "table" NOT VALID # ALTER TABLE "table" ADD CONSTRAINT "col_123" CHECK (col IN (1, 2, 3)) NOT VALID
Such constraints will be enforced for newly inserted and updated rows, but not for existing rows. After all existing rows have been fixed, you can validate the constraint:
DB.alter_table(:table) do validate_constraint(:table_fk) validate_constraint(:col_123) end # ALTER TABLE "table" VALIDATE CONSTRAINT "table_fk" # ALTER TABLE "table" VALIDATE CONSTRAINT "col_123"
You can create indexes concurrently using the concurrently: true
DB.add_index(:table, :t_id, concurrently: true) # CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "table_t_id_index" ON "table" ("t_id")
Similarly, you can drop indexes concurrently as well:
DB.drop_index(:table, :t_id, concurrently: true) # DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY "table_t_id_index"
When altering a column type, PostgreSQL allows the user to specify how to do the conversion via a USING clause, and Sequel supports this using the :using
DB.alter_table(:table) do # Assume unix_time column is stored as an integer, and you want to change it to timestamp set_column_type :unix_time, Time, using: (Sequel.cast('epoch', Time) + Sequel.cast('1 second', :interval) * :unix_time) end # ALTER TABLE "table" ALTER COLUMN "unix_time" TYPE timestamp # USING (CAST('epoch' AS timestamp) + (CAST('1 second' AS interval) * "unix_time"))
PostgreSQL allows marking tables as partitioned tables, and adding partitions to such tables. Sequel offers support for this. You can create a partitioned table using the :partition_by
option and :partition_type
options (the default partition type is range partitioning):
DB.create_table(:table1, partition_by: :column, partition_type: :range) do Integer :id Date :column end DB.create_table(:table2, partition_by: :column, partition_type: :list) do Integer :id String :column end DB.create_table(:table3, partition_by: :column, partition_type: :hash) do Integer :id Integer :column end
To add partitions of other tables, you use the :partition_of
option. This option will use a custom DSL specific to partitioning other tables. For range partitioning, you can use the from
and to
methods to specify the inclusive beginning and exclusive ending of the range of the partition. You can call the minvalue
and maxvalue
methods to get the minimum and maximum values for the column(s) in the range, useful as arguments to from
and to
DB.create_table(:table1a, partition_of: :table1) do from minvalue to 0 end DB.create_table(:table1b, partition_of: :table1) do from 0 to 100 end DB.create_table(:table1c, partition_of: :table1) do from 100 to maxvalue end
For list partitioning, you use the values_in
method. You can also use the default
method to mark a partition as the default partition:
DB.create_table(:table2a, partition_of: :table2) do values_in 1, 2, 3 end DB.create_table(:table2b, partition_of: :table2) do values_in 4, 5, 6 end DB.create_table(:table2c, partition_of: :table2) do default end
For hash partitioning, you use the modulus
and remainder
DB.create_table(:table3a, partition_of: :table3) do modulus 3 remainder 0 end DB.create_table(:table3b, partition_of: :table3) do modulus 3 remainder 1 end DB.create_table(:table3c, partition_of: :table3) do modulus 3 remainder 2 end
There is currently no support for using custom column or table constraints in partitions of other tables. Support may be added in the future.
PostgreSQL allows users to create unlogged tables, which are faster but not crash safe. Sequel allows you to create an unlogged table by specifying the unlogged: true
option to create_table
DB.create_table(:table, unlogged: true){Integer :i} # CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE "table" ("i" integer)
You can use the :identity
option when creating columns to mark them as identity columns. Identity columns are tied to a sequence for the default value. You can still override the default value for the column when inserting:
DB.create_table(:table){Integer :id, identity: true} # CREATE TABLE "table" ("id" integer GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY)
If you want to disallow using a user provided value when inserting, you can mark the identity column using identity: :always
DB.create_table(:table){Integer :id, identity: :always} # CREATE TABLE "table" ("id" integer GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY)
Sequel has built in support for creating and dropping PostgreSQL schemas, procedural languages, functions, and triggers:
DB.create_schema(:s) # CREATE SCHEMA "s" DB.drop_schema(:s) # DROP SCHEMA "s" DB.create_language(:plperl) # CREATE LANGUAGE plperl DB.drop_language(:plperl) # DROP LANGUAGE plperl DB.create_function(:set_updated_at, <<-SQL, language: :plpgsql, returns: :trigger) BEGIN NEW.updated_at := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; RETURN NEW; END; SQL # CREATE FUNCTION set_updated_at() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS ' # BEGIN # NEW.updated_at := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; # RETURN NEW; # END;' DB.drop_function(:set_updated_at) # DROP FUNCTION set_updated_at() DB.create_trigger(:table, :trg_updated_at, :set_updated_at, events: :update, each_row: true, when: {Sequel[:new][:updated_at] => Sequel[:old][:updated_at]}) # CREATE TRIGGER trg_updated_at BEFORE UPDATE ON "table" FOR EACH ROW WHEN ("new"."updated_at" = "old"."updated_at") EXECUTE PROCEDURE set_updated_at() DB.drop_trigger(:table, :trg_updated_at) # DROP TRIGGER trg_updated_at ON "table"
However, you may want to consider just use Database#run
with the necessary SQL code, at least for functions and triggers.
Sequel has support for parsing CHECK constraints on PostgreSQL using Sequel::Database#check_constraints
DB.create_table(:foo) do Integer :i Integer :j constraint(:ic, Sequel[:i] > 2) constraint(:jc, Sequel[:j] > 2) constraint(:ijc, Sequel[:i] - Sequel[:j] > 2) end DB.check_constraints(:foo) # => { # :ic=>{:definition=>"CHECK ((i > 2))", :columns=>[:i]}, # :jc=>{:definition=>"CHECK ((j > 2))", :columns=>[:j]}, # :ijc=>{:definition=>"CHECK (((i - j) > 2))", :columns=>[:i, :j]} # }
Sequel has support for parsing FOREIGN KEY constraints that reference a given table, using the :reverse
option to foreign_key_list
DB.create_table!(:a) do primary_key :id Integer :i Integer :j foreign_key :a_id, :a, foreign_key_constraint_name: :a_a unique [:i, :j] end DB.create_table!(:b) do foreign_key :a_id, :a, foreign_key_constraint_name: :a_a Integer :c Integer :d foreign_key [:c, :d], :a, key: [:j, :i], name: :a_c_d end DB.foreign_key_list(:a, reverse: true) # => [ # {:name=>:a_a, :columns=>[:a_id], :key=>[:id], :on_update=>:no_action, :on_delete=>:no_action, :deferrable=>false, :table=>:a, :schema=>:public}, # {:name=>:a_a, :columns=>[:a_id], :key=>[:id], :on_update=>:no_action, :on_delete=>:no_action, :deferrable=>false, :table=>:b, :schema=>:public}, # {:name=>:a_c_d, :columns=>[:c, :d], :key=>[:j, :i], :on_update=>:no_action, :on_delete=>:no_action, :deferrable=>false, :table=>:b, :schema=>:public} # ]
Sequel supports the ability to return rows from insert, update, and delete statements, via Dataset#returning
DB[:table].returning.insert # INSERT INTO "table" DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING * DB[:table].returning(:id).delete # DELETE FROM "table" RETURNING "id" DB[:table].returning(:id, Sequel.*(:id, :id).as(:idsq)).update(id: 2) # UPDATE "table" SET "id" = 2 RETURNING "id", ("id" * "id") AS "idsq"
When returning is used, instead of returning the number of rows affected (for updated/delete) or the serial primary key value (for insert), it will return an array of hashes with the returning results.
Sequel offers support for the VALUES
statement using Database#values
DB.values([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]) # VALUES (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4) DB.values([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]).order(2, 1) # VALUES (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4) ORDER BY 2, 1 DB.values([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]).order(2, 1).limit(1,2) # VALUES (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4) ORDER BY 2, 1 LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2
Starting with PostgreSQL 9.5, you can do an upsert or ignore unique or exclusion constraint violations when inserting using Dataset#insert_conflict
DB[:table].insert_conflict.insert(a: 1, b: 2) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
For compatibility with Sequel’s MySQL support, you can also use insert_ignore
DB[:table].insert_ignore.insert(a: 1, b: 2) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
You can pass a specific constraint name using :constraint
, to only ignore a specific constraint violation:
DB[:table].insert_conflict(constraint: :table_a_uidx).insert(a: 1, b: 2) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT table_a_uidx DO NOTHING
If the unique or exclusion constraint covers the whole table (e.g. it isn’t a partial unique index), then you can just specify the column using the :target
DB[:table].insert_conflict(target: :a).insert(a: 1, b: 2) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT (a) DO NOTHING
If you want to update the existing row instead of ignoring the constraint violation, you can pass an :update
option with a hash of values to update. You must pass either the :target
or :constraint
options when passing the :update
DB[:table].insert_conflict(target: :a, update: {b: Sequel[:excluded][:b]}).insert(a: 1, b: 2) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT (a) DO UPDATE SET b = excluded.b
If you want to update existing rows but using the current value of the column, you can build the desired calculation using Sequel[]
DB[:table] .insert_conflict( target: :a, update: {b: Sequel[:excluded][:b] + Sequel[:table][:a]} ) .import([:a, :b], [ [1, 2] ]) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT (a) DO UPDATE SET b = (excluded.b + table.a)
Additionally, if you only want to do the update in certain cases, you can specify an :update_where
option, which will be used as a filter. If the row doesn’t match the conditions, the constraint violation will be ignored, but the row will not be updated:
DB[:table].insert_conflict(constraint::table_a_uidx, update: {b: Sequel[:excluded][:b]}, update_where: {Sequel[:table][:status_id]=>1}).insert(a: 1, b: 2) # INSERT INTO TABLE (a, b) VALUES (1, 2) # ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT table_a_uidx # DO UPDATE SET b = excluded.b WHERE (table.status_id = 1)
PostgreSQL 10+ supports identity columns, which are designed to replace the serial columns previously used for autoincrementing primary keys. You can use Dataset#overriding_system_value and Dataset#overriding_user_value to use this new syntax:
DB.create_table(:table){primary_key :id} # Ignore the given value for id, using the identity's sequence value. DB[:table].overriding_user_value.insert(id: 1) DB.create_table(:table){primary_key :id, identity: :always} # Force the use of the given value for id, because otherwise the insert will # raise an error, since GENERATED ALWAYS was used when creating the column. DB[:table].overriding_system_value.insert(id: 1)
Sequel allows passing columns to Dataset#distinct
, which will make the dataset return rows that are distinct on just those columns:
DB[:table].distinct(:id).all # SELECT DISTINCT ON ("id") * FROM "table"
Sequel allows passing an SQL::AliasedExpression to join table methods to use a USING join with a table alias for the USING columns:
DB[:t1].join(:t2,[:c1, :c2], :alias)) # SELECT * FROM "t1" INNER JOIN "t2" USING ("c1", "c2") AS "alias"
PostgreSQL 11+ added support for procedures, which are different from the user defined functions that PostgreSQL has historically supported. These procedures are called via a special CALL
syntax, and Sequel supports them via Database#call_procedure
DB.call_procedure(:foo, 1, "bar") # CALL foo(1, 'bar')
will return a hash of return values if the procedure returns a result, or nil
if the procedure does not return a result.
The postgres adapter offers a Dataset#use_cursor
method to process large result sets without keeping all rows in memory:
DB[:table].use_cursor.each{|row| } # BEGIN; # DECLARE sequel_cursor NO SCROLL CURSOR WITHOUT HOLD FOR SELECT * FROM "table"; # FETCH FORWARD 1000 FROM sequel_cursor # FETCH FORWARD 1000 FROM sequel_cursor # ... # FETCH FORWARD 1000 FROM sequel_cursor # CLOSE sequel_cursor # COMMIT
This support is used by default when using Dataset#paged_each
Using cursors, it is possible to update individual rows of a large dataset easily using the rows_per_fetch: 1
option in conjunction with Dataset#where_current_of
. This is useful if the logic needed to update the rows exists in the application and not in the database:
ds.use_cursor(rows_per_fetch: 1).each do |row| ds.where_current_of.update(col: new_col_value(row)) end
Sequel supports PostgreSQL-specific truncate options:
DB[:table].truncate(cascade: true, only: true, restart: true) # TRUNCATE TABLE ONLY "table" RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE
PostgreSQL’s COPY feature is pretty much the fastest way to get data in or out of the database. Sequel supports getting data out of the database via Database#copy_table
, either for a specific table or for an arbitrary dataset:
DB.copy_table(:table, format: :csv) # COPY "table" TO STDOUT (FORMAT csv) DB.copy_table(DB[:table], format: :csv) # COPY (SELECT * FROM "table") TO STDOUT (FORMAT csv)
It supports putting data into the database via Database#copy_into
DB.copy_into(:table, format: :csv, columns: [:column1, :column2], data: "1,2\n2,3\n") # COPY "table"("column1", "column2") FROM STDIN (FORMAT csv)
You can execute anonymous functions using a database procedural language via Database#do
(the plpgsql language is the default): <<-SQL DECLARE r record; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'VIEW' AND table_schema = 'public' LOOP EXECUTE 'GRANT ALL ON ' || quote_ident(r.table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r.table_name) || ' TO webuser'; END LOOP; END; SQL
You can use Database#notify
to send notification to channels:
DB.notify(:channel) # NOTIFY "channel"
postgres/pg only
You can listen on channels via Database#listen
. Note that this blocks until the listening thread is notified:
DB.listen(:channel) # LISTEN "channel" # after notification received: # UNLISTEN *
Note that listen
by default only listens for a single notification. If you want to loop and process notifications:
DB.listen(:channel, loop: true){|channel| p channel}
The pg_static_cache_updater
extension uses this support to automatically update the caches for models using the static_cache
plugin. Look at the documentation of that plugin for details.
Sequel makes it easy to lock tables, though it is generally better to let the database handle locking:
DB[:table].lock('EXCLUSIVE') do DB[:table].insert(id: DB[:table].max(:id)+1) end # BEGIN; # LOCK TABLE "table" IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; # SELECT max("id") FROM "table" LIMIT 1; # INSERT INTO "table" ("id") VALUES (2) RETURNING NULL; # COMMIT;
If you run a query that raises a Sequel::DatabaseError, you can pass the exception object to Database#error_info
, and that will return a hash with metadata regarding the error, such as the related table and column or constraint.
DB.create_table(:test1){primary_key :id} DB.create_table(:test2){primary_key :id; foreign_key :test1_id, :test1} DB[:test2].insert(test1_id: 1) rescue DB.error_info($!) # => { # :schema=>"public", # :table=>"test2", # :column=>nil, # :constraint=>"test2_test1_id_fkey", # :type=>nil, # :severity=>"ERROR", # :sql_state=>"23503", # :message_primary=>"insert or update on table \"test2\" violates foreign key constraint \"test2_test1_id_fkey\"", # :message_detail=>"Key (test1_id)=(1) is not present in table \"test1\"." # :message_hint=>nil, # :statement_position=>nil, # :internal_position=>nil, # :internal_query=>nil, # :source_file=>"ri_triggers.c", # :source_line=>"3321", # :source_function=>"ri_ReportViolation" # }
When the postgres adapter is used with the pg driver, Sequel automatically checks for sequel_pg, and loads it if it is available. sequel_pg is a C extension that optimizes the fetching of rows, generally resulting in a ~2x speedup. It is highly recommended to install sequel_pg if you are using the postgres adapter with pg.
sequel_pg has additional optimizations when using the Dataset map
, as_hash
, to_hash_groups
, select_hash
, select_hash_groups
, select_map
, and select_order_map
methods, which avoids creating intermediate hashes and can add further speedups.
In addition to optimization, sequel_pg also adds streaming support if used on PostgreSQL 9.2+. Streaming support is similar to using a cursor, but it is faster and more transparent.
You can enable the streaming support:
Then you can stream individual datasets:
DB[:table].stream.each{|row| }
Or stream all datasets by default:
DB.stream_all_queries = true
When streaming is enabled, Dataset#paged_each
will use streaming to implement paging.