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362 lines (317 loc) · 13.7 KB


This log records how alnSeq has changed between versions. Each version is labeled with the version number, year, month, and then day. For example version 1.20230615 would be version 1, from June 15th, 2023.

TODO or to fix list

  • Vector support for memory efficient Waterman and Hirschberg.
  • Fix mem water giving different anwser for reverseing the reference and query. At least for the small test using the query as the reference ignores the the starting insertions.
  • Python wrapper returns a full alignment when doing paritial alignments. This is also true for the C code when specifing a specfic range to align
  • Get the filters for query reference scans working

Ideas that would be cool, but not worth working on

These ideas are a future visions that are not worth the time unless this algorithm becomes useful to others.

  • Multithreading & gpu support with openCL
  • Get a matrix scan function that recalculates scores on fly, so that user can search a completed direction matrix.
  • Add a filter for alternative alignments.



  • Fixed some small errors that were resulting in random indels when alining larger genomes
  • Removed all .c files, except the main file. There are some functions that are set with "static" and so will raise the -unused-function flag in gcc. Use the -Wno-unused-function flag when compiling.
  • Converted loops for alignments into for loops. This gave a minor speed boost for all functions.
  • Fixed query reference scans, and changed the requirement to keep a score to be a snp. I also make sure each score is only recoreded once. For the frist half of the reference it is the reference scores, then thw query. For the last half it is first recoreded under the query scores, then the reference.
    • This change has made the scans a bit slower.
  • I am now recording index's instead of query and reference starting positions. This means the maximum alignment size for the memWaters is the maximum size of an unsined int (~ 4 billion) - 1.
    • This has speed up the memory efficent waterman alignments.
    • It also would speed up the query reference scans, except I changed how things are recoreded.
  • I have set up a separate function for normal alignments, two bit alignments (-two-bit) (waterman/needleman only), and for alignments without gap extension penalties (-no-gapExtend).
    • For python this has been added in the wrapper functions as noGapBool (no gap extension) and twoBitBool (use to bit arrays).
  • Added in the ability to set what counts as a match. See the match-matrix.txt file for an example.
  • alnSeq is now c89 complient
  • Updated to reflect the new changes. Not everything will be in there, but it should be a start.


  • Changed complile settings for alnSeq to have -DBYTEMATRIX and -DINSDELSNP. These can be disabled by overwriting the CFLAGS or CFLAGS="-DBLANK".
    • This is the old mid compile option.
  • Set up alnSeq to be a library in Python (pythonPkg).
    • Supported: Hirschberg, Needleman Wunsch, and Smith Waterman
  • Fixed a minor bug in the Hirschberg conversion to an alnStruct function. In rare cases it caused an infinite loop.
  • Add in python library compile option.


  • Changed the default settings for alnSeq to favor insertions, deletions, and then snps/matches. This was to deal with an error I caught in some of my alignments.
  • Set the scoreing step in the Hirschberg to only recored if direction was a gap or snp (instead of ins, del, or snp). This speeds up the Hirschberg at no cost to accuracy.
    • This change broke the twobit compiled Hirschberg (-DHIRSCHWOBIT). My best guess it this is an error in my if defines.
  • Changed how I found the max direction in the Needleman, Waterman, and memory waterman programs. This reduced the number of operations and provided a small speed increase.
    • Old way was a maximize function.
    • This change broke the query scans and twobit memory efficent Smith Waterman (-DTWOBITMSW). I suspect that this may be a copy/paste error, but I could be wrong.


  • Fixed an issue in the memory efficent Watermans were the alternative alignments were not printing out the starting alignments.
    • This is still a bit broken for the non-memory efficent Waterman. This was due to an issue with the Hirschberg adding bases at the end for stich (my artic-benchmarking repository). I have been unable to replicate this error, so it may have been an issue with stich.


  • Fixed insertion error for memory efficient Waterman.


  • Added in the memory efficient Waterman.
  • Changed -query-ref-scan-water to -query-ref-scan.
    • The memory efficient Waterman is now the default option when -query-ref-scan is used. This can be changed by using -use-water.
  • Fixed a minor error in my if not defines in waterman.c, which resulted in a byte matrix being used in the alternative alignment function with -DNOGAPOPEN.


  • Alternative alignment printing now prints out the score, starting bases of alignments, and ending bases of alignments (Used to be cigars).
    • Still need to add a filter.
  • The query-reference scan has been simplified.
  • Matrix scan has been removed. It was not that great in the first place.
  • Issue with Waterman not printing out full length alignments has been fixed.
    • It was do to using a && when I should have been using || in the while loop in printAln (alnStruct.c Fun-03 Sec-05 Sub-01).
      *refAlnStr != defEndAlnFlag ||
      *qryAlnStr != defEndAlnFlag
  • Fixed an issue in -format-emboss, were it would print out the wrong alignment length. It now prints out the matches + insertions + deletions instead of the longest sequence.
  • Adding in several compiler time flags
    • -DNOGAPOPEN: Disables gap opening penalties
      • Default gap penatly is set to -6 for this option
      • Removed -gapopen option.
    • -DBYTEMATRIX: Use a character matrix instead of an two bit matrix for the Needleman and Waterman alignments.
    • Flags to make alnSeq use only one direction
      • Removes the direction selection options.
  • Added in a -flag and -flag-only options to print out the flags alnSeq was complied with. -flag will also print out a description of each flag.
  • Shortened two bit array function names
    • TwoBitArry -> TwoBit
      • sed 's/TwoBitArr*y/TwoBit/g'
    • TwoBitAry -> TwoBit
      • sed 's/TwoBitArr*y/TwoBit/g'
    • twoBitAryMove -> twoBitAryMv
      • sed 's/twoBitAryMove/twoBitAryMv'
    • getTwoBitAryIndes -> twoBitGetIndex
  • Added to twoBit to two bit function names missing two bit
    • moveToNextLimb -> mvToNextTwoBitLimb
    • moveToLastLimb -> twoBitMvToLastLimb
    • moveXElmFromStart -> twoBitMvXElmFromStart
    • lenTwoBit -> twoBitGetLen
  • Updated using this code guide for the new printing and alnStruct changes.

Version 20230811

  • Switched from converting my bases to a look up table on checks to the read in sequence.
    • (disable with make CFLAGS="-DNOSEQCNVT")
  • Improved speed by inlining several functions and adding some branchless operations at key points (selecting max score, and zeroing waterman values). Other places not worth it.
    • All functions in twoBitArrays.c have been inlined and are now in twoBitArrays.h.
    • Scoring functions are macros in generalAlnFun.h
  • Hirschberg is now compiled with 1 byte arrays by default
    • This is faster, but use a small amount of extra memory.
    • enable twobit version with make CFLAGS=-DHIRSCHTWOBIT`.
  • Made Hirschberg thread safe. This will increased memory usage by a very slight amount
    • ~ bytes = 1/4 * reference length for two bit.
    • ~ bytes = * reference length for byte arrays
    • This was added in at this point, but I forgot to mention the updated. That is why it is added in at a later date.

Version 20230804

  • Fixed base getting removed on printing. It turned out to be error in my fasta reader (assigning an index 0 variable an index 1 value). So, it was not a printing error.
    • line 510 in seqStruct.c spareBuffUL = resBuffUL; was changed to spareBuffUL = resBuffUL - 1;.

Version 20230803

  • The Hirschberg now prints using the normal functions.
    • I corrected an error were I was sending in the query as the reference to the Hirschberg.
  • alnStruct has been changed. It now stores two alignment arrays. One for the reference and one for the query.
    • Each array tells if a specific reference base or query base mapped to a gap, snp, match, or was soft masked.
    • Also added in are insertion, deletion, snp, and match counts.
    • Also includes the first match/snp and last base in the alignment
    • The alignment arrays now include matches.
  • The Smith Waterman is now printing correctly when a line wrap is applied.
  • Changed printAln (alnStruct.c/h, function 03, used to be 04) to take in more input. This allowed me to print out more to the header.
    • You can now print the output file in fasta, clustal, or an emboss like format. The old expanded cigar format is still the default option.
    • I am hoping the change in printing method got rid of a rare error I found a few days ago, were one or two bases would be replaced with an deletion. I have not confirmed if my hope is correct.
  • Added in an option -print-alinged to only print out the aligned bases in the alignment.
  • Added in option -print-position to include starting and ending base numbers at each line.
    • Always set when output is in the EMBOSS like format.
  • Updated the help message. I also made a printHelpMesg function, which adds in the default values in alnSeqDefualts.h/c to the help message and prints it out. This should avoid the help message getting out of date in the future.

Version 20230726

  • Hirschberg is working, but the output methods are limited.
  • Gap opening penalty has been changed to -10. I found this worked better when using alnSeq for my projects.

Version 20230709

  • using "-line-wrap 0" will now disable line wrapping
  • Worked out some bugs in the Hirschberg alignment
    • Hirschberg still not working

Version 1.20230630

  • Changed sequence lengths and offsets to be longs instead of integers
  • Put down logic for Hirschberg, which I am currently debugging
  • Changed the default gap extension and gap opening penalties to be more suited for non-noisy reads
    • Gap opening penalty is now -4 (used to be -1)
    • Gap extension penalty is now -1 (used to be -4)
  • Changed

Version 1.20230620

  • Fixed an issue were two very different large alignments (Tested was: testing/largeTest-query-a.fasta and TickBornEncephalitis-reference.fasta) would segfault.
    • This error was due to my inputting unsigned longs instead int32_t for twoBitAryMoveForXElm.
    • twoBitAryMoveForXElm now uses unsigned longs instead of int32_t for its index

Version 1.20230619

Other than bug fixes that pop up, this will be my final code update until I see that this code is useful to others. The only exception is if I find a use for pressing this code further.

  • Fixed the printing to stdout on Debain error.
    • This was due to alnST not being allocated properly in the cnvtDirMatrixToAlnAry function with calloc. This resulted in only a partial alnStruct structure being allocated.
    • Also had problem were I freed the alignment matrix to soon and so lost the best score. This has been fixed by storing the best score in a temporary variable.
  • Multi sequence output that prints a best score for each query and reference for Waterman Smith alignment no longer segfaults
    • Was problem with using double pointers to make an array of structures.
    • Setting has been changed to "-query-ref-scan-water".
  • Fixed matrix scan for Waterman Smith having reference starting base is going out of bounds of unsigned integer.
    • This was caused by my Loop always going negative for a counter, so I switched to finding starting base by using the ending index (end of the traced alignment path or start of alignment) of the two-bit Array to find the starting base.
  • The reported base range for the alignment is now in index 0 (first base is position 0) instead of index 1 (first base is position 1).
  • The min score for matrix scanning and query/reference scanning (best score for each reference/query base) has been changed to 1000 (at least 200 bases).
    • Score increased for each non-anonymous match is 5.
  • Set U and T to be separate scores and updated the default EDNA scoring matrix to have U and T be the same.
    • This was set because I built alnSeq to align DNA and RNA sequences, which have T and U being the same. This would have had no effect on protein alignments, which do not use U, but would have had an effect on word alignments.
    • AlnSeq ignores case for all alignments.
    • The scoring matrix alnSeq can be set up to have scores for the characters a-z.

Version 1.20230616

  • The Smith Waterman multi base alignment logic has been modified to only record a best score if the alignment does not extend to the next row or the current score is better then the next score in the alignments path.
    • Currently this segfaults
  • Added in a matrix scan feature.
    • This currently is off on the reference starting base

Version 1.20230615

  • Smith Waterman single answer alignment is now working
  • Fixed some issues with printing out alignments.
    • Converting matrix index's to base positions was off
    • Alignment printing function was printing extra bases or two few bases

Pre Version 1.20230615

  • Logic set up and Needleman Wunsch alignment working