- #358
- Use
to reduce bom update mistakes by @strangelookingnerd in #356 - Changed model for Bitbucket Server Payload by @RMadsenG in #359
- Fix: #350 and #348
- #350
- #348
- add git plugin interaction explanation and status propagation feature… by @julioc-p in #342
- 198 skipping resolution of commit since it originates from another repository by @julioc-p in #341
- Reformat declarative pipeline by @julioc-p in #344
- use merge commit for build if event is pull request fulfilled by @julioc-p in #346
- update help so that it does not recommend the refs/heads branch speci… by @julioc-p in #345
- Fix: Fix npe for propagation url settings by @solarlodge in #340
- New field for status propagation of pipeline by @julioc-p in #338
- add implementation of method getPullRequestUrl() and refactoring. by @cdelmonte-zg #339
- #331
- #332
- #334
- #337
- Use "get" prefix for configuration attribute getters by @laudrup in #328
- #334 - fix log message pattern to include parameter index by @Gozke in #335
- Enable Jenkins Security Scan by @strangelookingnerd in #333
- @laudrup made their first contribution in #328
- @strangelookingnerd made their first contribution in #333
- Use "get" prefix for configuration attribute getters by @laudrup in #328
- #334 - fix log message pattern to include parameter index by @Gozke in #335
- Enable Jenkins Security Scan by @strangelookingnerd in #333
- @laudrup made their first contribution in #328
- @strangelookingnerd made their first contribution in #333
Added Documentation on Bitbucket Cloud integration for build status propagation back to BB-cloud (tnx @ccecvb))
#316 Documentation on Bitbucket Cloud integration for build status propagation back to BB-cloud
- Fix issue #314
- Fix issue #310
- Porting to Java 11
- Add new feature "Add option for single triggered job", thanks to @solarlodge
- Fix issue #306
- fix for security issue security-3165
- fix log by @cdelmonte-zg in #274
- Replace git.io with expanded URLs by @MarkEWaite in #253
- Bitbuckt PPR Plugin: request failed. #243 , jenkins pipeline job not… by @cdelmonte-zg in #255
- Reduce log level to Fine #269
- #241 Jenkins pipeline job not triggered on created pull request
- #243 Bitbuckt PPR Plugin: request failed.
- JENKINS-67917
- Bug fix for state notification
#238 fix
- Added dedicated credentials for at global and at job level to use the Bitbucket Rest API
- Added Action for the event "Pull Request Declined"
- Distinction between "unapprove if job fails" and "decline if job fails"
- #225 Feature/update readme
- #221 decline on fail
- #219 Gozke feature/173 trigger on pr decline
- #206 Feature/consumer auth
- #220 add a trigger action for denied PR
- #214 Support ssh-keys to propagate build status to Bitbucket
- #199 Don't decline PRs whenever jenkins job is failed
- #195 Failed pipeline should not decline the PR and just report on the PR
- Fixed following bug: It happens from time to time that Bitbucket fires different events shortly one after the other for the same repo. In such cases builds have to queue up and the end result is usually that the build status notification gets mixed up for some of the events.
- #184 Resolving build key mix-up, by Gozke (tnx)
- #195 [help] Failed pipeline should not decline the PR and just report on the PR
- #194 One more pipeline starts during PR update/merge
- #186 HTTP ERROR 403 No valid crumb was included in the request investigating
- #183 [Bug] Queued up builds send notifications to Bitbucket with mixed up key stale
- Refactoring
- Making it possible to use job name a build key
- #197 Refactoring
- #181 Making it possible to use job name a build key
- #180 Make it possible to use job's name as build key during back-propagation enhancement
- #169 Bitbucket Trigger for job is not present
- #172 bitbucket-push-and-pull-request-plugin webhook is not triggering based push
Implemented enhancements:
- Added env vars for latest commit hashes from source and destination branches
Pull requests closed:
- #171 Add env vars for latest commit hashes from source and destination branches docs views
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Investigation] #163 Only builds latest commit on master if no Git filter matches source branch
Fixed bugs:
- Removed deprecation warning on
closure for freestyle jobs (it only affects Pipelines). - Updated unit tests and docs accordingly.
Pull requests closed:
- #168 hotfix/proper triggers dsl deprecation (tnx @rhotau)
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Fix] #166 Job DSL configuration failing
- [Fix] #143 [Docs] Missing DSL
Implemented enhancements:
- Added global configuration
- Added "silence notifications" option in global configuration
- Added "override default webhook endpoint" option in global configuration
Relevant tickets closed
- [Enhancement] #154 Add global configuration
- [Enhancement] #142 Silence notifications enhancement (tnx @SirMrDexter)
Implemented enhancements:
- Handle for deprecation of DSL triggers{} Since job-dsl plugin v1.77, triggers{} has been marked deprecated (see details), this pull request is a proposal of how to handle it by relying solely on properties{}. (tnx @rhotau )
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problem with PR that trigger simultaneously will override one another (tnx @hexonxons )
Relevant tickets closed
- [Bug] #146 PR that trigger simultaneously will override one another
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed bug BITBUCKET_X_EVENT not populated with full eventKey.
Relevant tickets closed
- [Bug] #152 BITBUCKET_X_EVENT not populated with full eventKey.
Implemented enhancements:
- Improving logging
Implemented enhancements:
- Added multibranch pipeline jobs support for BB Server
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Bug] #149 refs/heads/ spec in Bitbucket Server push action seems not working properly
Implemented enhancements:
- Added back propagation for build status and approve form BB Server
- Documentation improved
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Bug] #113 Build status "in progress" will be sent when the build is completed
Implemented enhancements:
- Added environment variables for multiconfiguration jobs
- Added description of Bitbucket Push and Pull Request environment variables in the Jenkins list of available environment variables.
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Enhancement] missing environment variables for multi configuration #132
Implemented enhancements:
- Bug fix for multi branch push
- New environment variable for bitbucket-x-event header
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Bug] Cloud Push doesn't trigger multi branch pipeline job #134 , #78
- [Enhancement]
added to environment variables #130
Implemented enhancements:
- Add possibility to trigger jobs only on tag pushes (for Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server)
- Add trigger for PR comment created (for Bitbucket Server)
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Feature] Triggering a job only when tags are pushed #119
- [Feature] Trigger builds on new tag only #106
Implemented enhancements:
- Added build state propagation (for Bitbucket Cloud)
- Added Approve push and pull request by Jenkins on successful build (for Bitbucket Cloud)
Relevant tickets closed:
- [Feature] Propagate build status to Bitbucket #23
- [Feature] Approve pull request on successful build #29
Implemented enhancements:
- Added triggers for Comments on pull requests from BB Cloud
Relevant tickets closed:
- Create a BucketPPRPullRequestCommentCreatedFilter #64
Implemented enhancements:
- Verified compatibility with BitBucket Server 7.0
- Added trigger for "Source branch updated" event of BitBucket Server >= 7.0
Relevant tickets closed:
- New "Source branch updated" PR Webhook/Event supported in BBS 7.0 #97
Implemented enhancements:
- Feature: New Environment Variables
- More tests
- Code style fixes
- Refactoring
- Updated documentation
- Doesn't work branch filter for Cloud BitBucket pull requests #86
- Webhook does not trigger build on pull request creation #98
- Not Working With the Pipeline, Kindly help me on this! #63
Implemented enhancements:
- Moved wiki files to Github
- Improved documentation
- Refactoring
- Code Style fixes
- Add filter for branches on pull requests
Bug fixes
- Issue #71: Polling is not available
Implemented enhancements:
- Added checkbox to define if changes on the repos have to be confirmed through the git plugin before starting a job triggered by a push
- Added pull request support for Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
- Added support for multiple triggers
Merged pull requests:
- #60 change pull request 59 and reformatting by cdelmonte-zg
- #59 adding logic to trigger target branch on merge by raghav-a
- #58 an option for repository hasChange() conditional behaviour by cdelmonte-zg
- #55 workflows: implement isPipelineMultibranch check by macghriogair
- #51 Job DSL multiple triggers by rhotau
- #50 Support for multiple triggers from dsl by rhotau
Implemented enhancements:
- Added pull request support for Bitbucket Server
- Added pull request support for Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
Closed issues:
- Issue #44 Branch expression matching before triggering the build: expecting fix for Bitbucket Server bug
- Issue #37 Jenkins build triggered from push event with Mercurial instead of git enhancement
Merged pull requests:
- #49 Add warnings
- #48 Add pull request support for Bitbucket Server and Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
Implemented enhancements:
- Added push support for Mercurial on Bitbucket Cloud
Closed issues:
- Issue #38 BITBUCKET*SOURCE_BRANCH has wrong value for repo:push events
- Issue #36 Branch expression matching before triggering the build
Merged pull requests:
- #47 Develop
- #46 Improving tests for allowed branches
- #45 Develop
Closed issues:
- Issue #36 Branch expression matching before triggering the build
- Issue #30 Version 1.6.2 throws exception after receiving PR payload bug
- Issue #27 Builds not triggering with 1.6.1 and Bitbucket Server 7.0.1 bug
- Issue #26 Add environment variable for git repository url
Merged pull requests:
- #41 BranchSpec pattern matching directions (by macghriogair)
- #34 Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (by eiriarte-mendez)
Closed issues:
- Issue #27 Builds not triggering with 1.6.1 and Bitbucket Server 7.0.1 bug
Merged pull requests:
- Builds not triggering with 1.6.1 and Bitbucket Server 7.0.1 #28
Implemented enhancements:
- added more enviroment variables and improved the documentation about them
Closed issues:
- Improvements#24 Add environment variable for pull request id
- Issue#19 Webhook not triggering
- Improvements#11 BITBUCKET_SOURCE_BRANCH is not injected for SCM poll
Merged pull requests:
- develop Enhance environment variables #25
Implemented enhancements:
- split methods of io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRJobProbe to allow unit tests
Closed issues:
- Improvements#20 Add trigger for pull request merged
- Improvements#14 Pattern for allowed branches
- Improvements#5 Improve support for BitBucket Server push
Merged pull requests:
- Remove deprecated username field from payload #17 by macghriogair
- add support for pattern matching on branches #18 by macghriogair
- Add support for merged pull requests #21 by cdelmonte-zg
Implemented enhancements:
- split methods of io.jenkins.plugins.bitbucketpushandpullrequest.BitBucketPPRJobProbe to allow unit tests
Closed issues:
- Improvements#10 add ssh uri matching for git clone
- Improvements#12 No change-logs or description of features
- Improvements#5 Improve support for BitBucket Server push
Merged pull requests:
- gitignore more project specific entries #13 by macghriogair