Dear Reviewers:
I build this package using [R CMD build .] and checked is with command [R CMD check --as-cran rglobi_0.2.6.tar.gz] on my Mac OS X (v 10.9.5) machine running R 3.1.3 . Also, the checks were executed on (running Ubuntu) and winbuilder (running windows).
- Previously, all trophic interaction where described using "preysOn". Now, trophic types are described by "eats" in addition to "preysOn". This allows for making the distinction between eating a leaf and hunting and killing an animal. Changes include updated test assumptions following an API change.
The remaining note for this version is:
- checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: ‘Jorrit Poelen’ Components with restrictions and base license permitting such: MIT + file LICENSE File 'LICENSE': YEAR: 2015 COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Jorrit Poelen
Thank you for taking the time to review my submission.