- Adding comments, documentation and setup guide to Analytics.h
- Automatically handling app state hooks internally
- Adding Cocoapod podspec, with testing project
- Updating podspec to download from AWS rather than Github Raw
- Fixing build settings to include an armv7s slice, optimized for iPhone 5
- Moving version number to be visible externally from the library
- Fixing compile and run-time bugs
- Adding a complete testing app, including for crash reporting tests
- Adding debug logging setting to reduce debug log output by default
- Adding provider headers and binaries to project
- Restructuring project for Framework Builds vs CocoaPod builds
- Removing Crittercism to avoid HockeySDK PLCrashReporter collisions
- Adding support for context.providers to ProviderManager
- Implementing the reset method to help with debugging
- Cleaning up NSLogs everywhere
- Removing OS X Platform from podfile
- Re-architecting the library to bundle providers
- Adding support for Amplitude
- Adding support for Bugsnag
- Adding support for Chartbeat
- Adding support for Countly
- Adding support for Crittercism
- Adding support for Flurry
- Library now downloads the provider settings from the Segment.io server
- Fixing timestamps to include millisecond precision
- Fixing initWithSecret method signature in header file
- Simplifying sessionId to behave the same on iOS 6 as on iOS 5 and OS X
- Fixing reset function to actually destroy userId and roll sessionId
- Added a getSessionId method
- Added a testing suite
- Added context variable, which includes device info and metadata for Segment.io
- Added alias method
- Merged fix from @pkamb to fix types in logging statements.
- Removed UDID usage after Apple's announcement that it will no longer be accepted in the app store https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3212013a
- Renamed repo to analytics-ios-osx
- Made timestamp more accurate
- Added max batch size
- Merged in numerous improvements from tonyxiao
- support for OSX apps
- a shared dispatch queue and async flushing
- removed JSON library dependency to use native JSON support
- Added enqueueAction to DRY things up
- Added an optional initialization method that reveals flushAt and flushAfter
- Added Cocoapods podspec
- Added working library for iOS
- Added README