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Q161772: IBM CA/400 ODBC Driver Stops Receiving Large Query Responses |
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Article: Q161772
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:2.11
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kb3rdparty
Last Modified: 13-JUN-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft SNA Server, version 2.11
When using the ODBC driver included with IBM Client Access/400 for Windows
(V3R1M1) over the SNA Server 2.11 Windows 3.x client software, the ODBC driver
may stop responding while receiving large query responses from the AS/400.
While receiving data, the SNA Server Windows 3.x client APPC interface returns
the following error to the CA/400 ODBC RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE call:
primary_rc = 0x0001 (AP_PARAMETER_CHECK)
secondary_rc = 0x00000006 (AP_INVALID_DATA_SEGMENT)
The IBM Client Access/400 ODBC driver passes a 32-bit address in the dptr "data
pointer" parameter to the SNA Server Windows 3.x APPC RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE
function. To protect against memory access violations, the SNA Server Windows
3.x APPC interface attempts to verify that the calling application has access to
the data pointer and address range supplied to the RECEIVE_IMMEDIATE function.
During this verification check, the address is treated as a 16-bit address,
causing the top 16 bits to be truncated, in turn causing the verification to
To resolve this problem, obtain the hotfix mentioned below. With this update
applied, if Client Access/400 is used (indicated by setting CA400=YES in the
[WNAP] section of the Win.ini initialization file), the SNA Server Windows 3.x
client disables address verification checking as described above.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server version 2.11. This
problem was corrected in the latest SNA Server version 2.11 U.S. Service Pack.
For information on obtaining this Service Pack, query on the following word in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):
A supported fix is now available, but has not been fully regression-tested and
should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. Unless you
are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you
wait for the next Service Pack that contains this fix. Contact Microsoft
Technical Support for more information.
Additional query words: prodsna
Keywords : kb3rdparty
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch kbSNAServ211
Version : WINDOWS:2.11
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