The main database containing all the collections is called MUGS.
(We recommend examining the database using the MongoDB Compass tool).
Within the MUGS database there are six collections:
- audit : A tracking collection for each run of the mugalyser
- members : The list of all members associated with the MongoDB pro group
- groups : All the Meetup groups associated with the MongoDB pro group
- attendees : All the members who have attended events in the past
- past_events : All the events that have already happened
- upcoming_events : All the events that are about to happen
With each execution of the program a new batch is created in the audit collection. As records are added to each of the collections they are embedded inside a batch document. Here is an example.
> db.members.findOne({}, { "_id":0, "member.member_name" : 1, timestamp:1, batchID:1 } )
"member" : {
"member_name" : "Ramya Varkala"
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-01-03T21:53:54.065Z"),
"batchID" : 1
Within the audit collection there is a locator document for finding the current batch.
> db.audit.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("586c1d6c0cb2350488fedbc1"),
"name" : "Current Batch",
"currentID" : 1,
"batchID" : 0,
"valid" : false,
"schemaVersion" : "1.0.1 alpha",
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-01-03T21:53:48.398Z")
It is identifed by the name "Current Batch" and a batchID of 0. The currentID field defines the batch that was run.
The members collection contains all the member information these records are created by the PRO meetup API call get members. You will need a PRO enabled meetup API key to allow this request to succeeed.
All the meetup API requests are contained in class.
You can use the Meetup API console to see the output format.
We do some basic post processing at the API level. The two key functions are converting meetup time objects to datetime objects that can be inserted in a way that MongoDB prefers and collecting lat/long coordinates into a point object which MongoDB also prefers.
A list of all the meetup groups associated with the pro account.
This is a list of attendees and the events they have attended.
All events that have happened at the time when the batch was collected.
All events that were pending at the time when the batch was collected.