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How does Nougaro work internally ?

The simple explanation

Lexer, parser, interpreter

When you enter something in the shell, or that you run a nougaro file, the code always pass into these three steps: lexer, parser, interpreter.


Firsts things first, the lexer converts your plain text code into tokens. Tokens (in French: « lexèmes ») are like lexical units, such as a '+', a keyword like 'import' or an identifier.

For example, the line while a != 10 then var a += 1 is translated by the lexer to this list of tokens :

keyword:while, identifier:a, !=, int:10, keyword:then, keyword:var, identifier:a, +=, int:1, end of file

The list of the token types in this example is:


The lexer uses the position class to not lose itself in the raw code. Each token has a start and an end position.


After the lexer, the parser converts the tokens into an abstract syntax tree composed of nodes, following some grammar rules. Nodes are bigger parts of the code, such as function definitions or binary operators.

The lexer return a parse result where the main node of the file is stored, along with errors that may have occurred.

Let's take the tokens from the previous example and put them into the parser. We get this:

list:[(while:(bin_op_comp:([var_access:[identifier:"a"]], !=, [num:int:10]) then:var_assign:([[identifier:"a"]] += [num:int:1])), False)]

Ouch… Let's organize this mess to explain it easier.

            [[identifier:"a"]] += [num:int:1]
      ), False

First, we have a ListNode. It contains only one other node, but if the code to execute had more lines, there would be more nodes. Every pased file or line of input is inside a ListNode.

The node inside the ListNode is a WhileNode that is split into two parts: the while part including the condition, and the then part containing the body.

The condition is a BinOpCompNode: var_access:[identifier:"a"], !=, num:int:10. It is a BinOpCOMPNode because it is a comparison. First, we have a VarAccessNode, with the identifier a: it means that the user wants to access to the value of the variable a. Then, there is a NE (not equal) token, and, finally, a NumberNode with an INT (int) token, with a value of 10. So we have our a != 10 condition from the line!

After the then, we have the “body node”. Here, the body node is just a VarAssignNode, that contains the identifier (a), the PLUSEQ (+=) token, and then a NumberNode with an INT (int) token. So here again we have our var a += 1 from the example line!


The interpreter (AKA runtime) take the nodes as entry and return a run-time result. In our case, the WhileNode will be 'visited', and will return (if a=1) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. The variable a will be updated to 10. It uses a contex to store useful information.


The context contain a lot of useful thing for the interpreter, such as the display_name (name of the function), booleans to store whether or not it should break or continue the loop, or which value to return in the function… It also stores the Symbol Table.

Variables and symbol tables

The interpreter stores all the variables in the Symbol Table. This is a dictionnary, with the name of the variables as the keys and the values as the, well, values. It looks like that:

   "parent": None,
   "symbols": {
      "a": 10,
      "some_builtin_function": <built-in function "some_builtin_function">,
      "another_variable": value

When the Interpreter wants to create a variable, it creates an entry in the symbol table of the current Context. If it wants to access a variable, it checks in the symbol table of the current Context, but also in its parent, and its parent’s parent, etc.


The only case where it doesn’t look into the parent symbol table is in built-in functions, because otherwise if an optional parameter is not given but the user already have a variable with the same name, the interpreter will look to this variable (see issue #10). By the way, this is why it is recommended in this doc page to use the getf method of symbol table in built-in functions (see the difference in the code between get and getf).

The symbol table is set to its default value at the beginning of the execution of a program, using this file

More details about some steps/files

When you execute some code in the shell or from a file, the code starts to travel into all the other files from (below: “The shell”).

The shell have some main and important roles: check if the file exist, send the code to src/ and print errors in red if there are some.

src/ have also important roles: it sets the symbol table by calling the function in src/, it sends the code to the lexer, the parser and then the interpreter, by checking at every step if there is any error to return to The shell.

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