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621 lines (487 loc) · 27.1 KB

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621 lines (487 loc) · 27.1 KB


Since 0.16.0-beta, Nougaro follows Semantic Versioning.

This file is updated nearly every commit and copied to GH release changelog.

Since 0.19.0-beta, we use this changelog format. It consists of 6 sections, titled Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, Security. The Nougaro changelog has another section, Calculator, keeping track of the changes relative to the Nougaro Calculator under the same 6-sections format.



  • Fixed a crash in math.log on base=1

Build scripts

  • Build scripts now copy
  • build.bat is now more verbose.



  • Fixed a crash with log on base=1

1.1.0 (2024-08-13)


  • Added the loop loop, which is an infinite loop.
  • Add support for newlines after ( and [, before ) and ], as well as inside lists, calls, and function defs, and after commas. For instance, this is now legal:
    def a(
       d = 4,
       e = 5


  • Version id has been increased to 10



  • Added the sto instruction, that stores the last value in the stack into the memory.
  • Added the gsto variable, which is the value contained in the memory.


  • The p instruction can be used in any command (e.g. things like 1 2 + p are now possible)

1.0.0 (2024-07-08)

As this change does not affect public API, this is released as 1.0.0


  • (Build scripts) (Windows) The build script now properly removes __pycache__.

1.0.0-rc.2 (2024-07-02)


  • Maybe fixed some encoding bugs (for instance with imports) under Windows

1.0.0-rc.1 (2024-06-28)

Note: rc stands for release candidate.


  • Version id has been increased to 9.


  • Fixed attribute error messages (previously, (1).b was giving the message AttributeError: attribute of 1 has no attribute 'b'., which was erroneous)

0.23.0-beta (2024-06-26) [YANKED]


  • Added noug_version.clean_version_for_nuitka_under_windows() function, that returns a nice output of the Nougaro version that can be passed into the --windows-product-version Nuitka argument. Takes 2 optional parameters: print_value (default=False), which, if true, makes the function prints the result; and return_value (default=True), which, if true, makes the function returns the result.
  • Added two new optional parameters to the noug_version.clean_version_for_gh() function: print_value (default=False), which, if true, makes the function prints the result; and return_value (default=True), which, if true, makes the function returns the result.


  • Version ID has been increased to 8.


  • (Build scripts) (Windows) Fix Nuitka crashing when called

0.22.0-beta (2024-06-26)

This version comes with a new huge functionality – optional parameters –, rather big bug fixes, as well as smaller tweaks and fixes.


  • Added optional parameters to function definitions. Use def identifier(mendatory1, mendatory2)(optional1=default_value, optional2=default_value) to define optional parameters. When you call the function, you can omit the optional arguments. If you want to leave optional1 to its default value but to change optional2, you can use identifier(mendatory1, mendatory2, <default>, new_value).
  • Added the <default> token, and the <default> value.
  • Added a new type of comments (NOUGAROIGNORE). They are opened and closed by ..NOUGAROIGNORE or .. NOUGAROIGNORE where . is any character among #@/%!$;. There should not be anything else on lines where there are NOUGAROIGNORE opening or closing statements.


  • Version ID has been increased to 7.
  • Lib version has been increased to 4.
  • Key "run_noug_dir_work_dir" in BuiltinFunction dictionaries (and in libs too) was renamed to "run_noug_dir".
  • Type of functions is now func, regardless of if they are functions or built-in functions. However, type of methods is still method.
  • Modules and functions are now True in boolean context (i.e. in a condition)
  • round built-in function now returns int if n_digits ⩽ 0, not only for n_digits = 0.
  • __how_many_lines_of_code__ now accepts any value as argument (it checks if the value is true).
  • (Internal API) dived_by and floor_dived_by methods in Values are now renamed to divided_by and floor_divided_by.
  • (Build scripts) (Windows) The Nougaro version is now automatically fetched.


  • (Internal API) to_str_, to_int_, to_float_, to_list_ methods in Values are now removed. Please use to_str, to_int, to_float and to_list instead.


  • Fixed position start and end of duplicate arguments error messages.
  • __test__ and example builtin functions now work from every location in the file system.
  • Fixed functions returning None if their return value was interpreted as False (empty string, empty list, …)
  • Fix a potential crash with errors (when an error occurs in an empty line…)

0.21.0-beta (2024-06-11) [YANKED]

This version is small but contains a rather big crash fix, as well as a deprecation.


  • Data version has been increased to 7.
  • Lib version has been increased to 3.
  • Version ID has been increased to 6.
  • Data in the config files can now be typed, meaning that only a certain type of data can be written.
  • Under GNU/Linux and Unix, panicsort (sort(list, "panic")) now crashes with illegal hardware instruction instead of segmentation fault when the list is not sorted (funnier). Thanks @Mistera91!
  • (Internal API) Changed to_str_, to_int_, to_float_, to_list_ methods to to_str, to_int, to_float and to_list in Values. The old name are now deprecated and will be removed in 0.22.0 (or will be removed in 1.0.0-rc.1 if it releases before 0.22.0)


  • (Internal API) to_str_, to_int_, to_float_, to_list_ methods in Values are now deprecated and will be removed in 0.22.0. Please use to_str, to_int, to_float and to_list instead.


  • (Internal API/Writing libs) Removed TRUE, FALSE and NULL values, please use Number(True), Number(False) and Number(0) instead.


  • Fixed a crash when giving too many arguments to a function having the property should_respect_args_number set to False.
  • Fixed a bug with position_end of call nodes (it was just before the closing parenthesis)

0.20.0-beta (2024-06-06)

This version may in some cases improve performance.



  • Allow the + sign in a e-infix expression (such as 10e+3)

Flow control

  • Add the break and return (value) syntax, which allows to return a certain value when breaking a loop.
  • Add loop labels:
    • Using the syntax for:label, while:label or do:label, you can label your loops.
    • Using the syntax break:label and continue:label, you can break or continue an outer loop.


  • Add the is_object builtin function
  • Add the is_constructor builtin function


  • Add the appendNoneOnContinue meta
    • Takes no argument
    • If enabled, loops will append None to their result if there is a continue (see the Changed section)
  • Add the appendNoneOnBreak meta
    • Takes no argument
    • If enabled, loops will append None to their result if there is a break (see the Changed section)

Command line interface

  • Add the -i (or --interactive) CLI argument. Allows to run an interactive shell after executing a file, within the context of that file (i.e. with all the variables)

Technical and debug

  • Add the print_time debug option: add debug.should_print_time (0 or 1), debug.print_time(), debug.stop_print_time(). This option prints the total time different parts of Nougaro took to complete.
  • [Internal API] Add RecursionError, accessible in libs using RTRecursionError.
  • [Internal API] Add Library Version, accessible through src.noug_version.LIB_VERSION. It is stored in the key "lib-version" in noug_version.json. It is currently 2.



  • Numbers can no longer have trailing underscore at the beginning or at the end.


  • Loops no longer append None to their result if there is a continue or break. Use appendNoneOnContinue and appendNoneOnBreak metas if you still want to do that.
  • Rework completely equality and other comparisons to be more consistent
    • Functions, built-in functions, methods and module functions can now be equal (if they’re the same)
    • Same for objects and constructors
    • Strings can now be less than or equal to others, according to the alphabetical order. For instance, "foo" > "bar", and "hello" < "world".
    • <, <=, >, >= comparisons now crash when used on lists, modules, constructors, objects, any function, None.
    • and, or and xor now works properly with functions, methods, built-in functions
  • Functions can now be converted to strings using str().
  • Representation of the exit builtin function is now "Use exit(), CTRL+C (i.e. interrupt) or CTRL+D (i.e. EOF) to exit." instead of "<built-in function exit>".

Technical and debug

  • debug.enable_all() and debug.disable_all() now also enable or disable the print_time debug option.
  • Data version has been increased to 6.
  • Version ID has been increased to 5.
  • [Internal API] It is now possible to compare Nodes and Tokens. Use node1 == node2 or node1 != node2. Does not check pos_start and pos_end, so it is better than hash(node1) == hash(node2).
  • [Build scripts] (Linux) The Nougaro version is now automatically fetched.

Writing libraries

  • Modules written in Python now need to have a library version (__LIBRARY_VERSION__). If a module doesn’t have the same library version as the current Nougaro version, an error is thrown. Library version is currently 2.
  • Libraries now need the is_eq method as described in documentation.


  • Removed noug_version.phase_minor. Use noug_version.release_serial instead.


  • Fix position start of constructors in error messages.
  • 10eanystringofcharacters-10 is no longer parsed to 10e-10, and throws an error instead.
  • Fix a crash on maximum recursion depth exceeded.
  • Fix a bug where you could have two parameters with the same name in a function definition.
  • Start and end positions of xor are now correct.
  • Accessing a variable no longer return a copy of the value, but directly the value instead. It allows things such as def return(object)->object; var return(a).b = 4 (this previously left a.b unchanged, it now properly updates it to 4)
  • input_num now returns an integer if the entered value is an integer, otherwise it returns a float.
  • Fix a crash when trying to print surrogates Unicode characters (within a pair or not)

0.19.0-beta (2024-05-08)

This version comes with a lot of new features, and one single deprecation (see “How to update” to know how to update your code). This version improves a little bit performances in some cases.



  • Add the noug_version.clean_version_for_gh function that generates a beautiful str for the GH issues or PRs.
  • Add noug_version.release_serial which is the same as noug_version.phase_minor, as it is now deprecated.
  • Add math.factorial, which computes factorial.
  • Add webbrowser lib, which contains one function:
    •, new=0, autoraise=True): display url using the default browser. If new is 0, the url is opened in the same browser window if possible. If new is 1, a new browser window is opened if possible. If new is 2, a new tab is opened if possible. If autoraise is True, the window is raised if possible (note that under many window managers this will occur regardless of the setting of this variable).


  • Add a “meta” system
    • Using the syntax @meta metaName or @meta metaName metaValue at the beginning of a file, you can now enable special features
    • As predicate, you can use @, #@, %@, @@, -@ or $@.
  • Add legacyAbs meta
    • No value required
    • It makes the legacy absolute value possible: |-1|=1
    • However, it makes bit-wise or not accessible.
  • Add nbspBetweenFrenchGuillemets meta
    • No value required
    • Experience the true french pain! (and I don’t talk about baguettes…) If you want to use the french string quotes («»), you will have to put a no-break space (or a narrow no-break space) after the « and before the other ». Those (N)NBSP will not be counted in the string.
  • Add setTheTestValueTo meta
    • Sets __the_test_value__ to the str value given in the meta value
    • If no value is given, it sets it to None.


  • Data version and version ID can now be known using __data_version__ and __version_id__.
  • Data version is now stored in ./noug_version.json
  • (lib to make libs) Add default_pos function, which returns a tuple (Position, Position)
  • (Internal API) Noug version can now be retrieved using src.noug_version library. It consists of 8 constants: MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH, PHASE, RELEASE_SERIAL, VERSION (str), VERSION_ID, DATA_VERSION. It does not contains “phase minor”, as it is now called “release serial”.
  • (Build scripts) It is now possible to use a custom python command in by passing the command as parameter. Note that I forgot to mention that this is possible with since 0.18.0-beta.


  • Renamed “phase minor” to “release serial”. In noug_version.json, the key is renamed from phase-minor to release-serial. The different “phase minor” references are now deprecated (see the Deprecated section), and will be removed in 0.20.0


  • Moved ./config/noug_version.json to ./noug_version.json
  • Data version has been increased to 5
  • Version ID has been increased to 4
  • Argument handling has been rewritten back without argparse, it was causing more issues than it simplified things
  • Renamed the --command_dont_verbose CLI option to --command-dont-verbose.
  • Each value now takes pos_start and pos_end arguments, so watch out if you’re making libs! These changes will be available in the documentation (along with everything else)


  • noug_version.phase_minor is deprecated and will be deleted in 0.20.0.


  • Fix typos
  • Fix a bug where files were referred as <stdin> in the shell (and therefore in error messages, etc.)
  • Fix some crashes with imports (where values didn’t have any context)
  • Fix an internal bug where the first optional argument of functions whose should_respect_args_number was False was not populated. Never happen in real life because no such function take optional arguments, but you know, just in case.
  • Unit tests now work properly when debug mode is enabled
  • Fix the fact that Nougaro exited with exit code 0 even when there was an error using -c, -d, etc.
  • Sometimes, tracebacks in error messages indicated file (unknown) and line (unknown): this has been fixed



  • Add the possibility to print the current value (last value in stack) using p.
  • Add the possibility to exit with exit() (yes, it was frustrating)
  • Add a “DC mode”, accessible using -d or --dc-mode option, which is a minimal, teletype-friendly mode.
  • Add the possibility to print the help message using -h CLI option.
  • Add the possibility to print the last error message with h.
  • Add factorial with number !.


  • Remove the possibility to print i with pi (it is now possible to get the value of π outside of an operation)
  • Remove the possibility to print the help with h


  • Adding more dots into a float no longer does the same thing as adding multiple floats (for instance, 1.9.12 was previously parsed to 2.02, which is the same as 1 0.9 + 0.12 +)

How to update


If you were using noug_version.phase_minor, simply replace it with noug_version.release_serial, as phase_minor is now deprecated.

0.18.0-beta (2024-03-16)


  • « and » are now valid string delimiters
  • Allow to nest multi-line comments
  • Allow the use of NBSP and NNBSP as spaces


  • list(list_value) now returns an unlinked copy of the original list
  • Remove PROTECTED_VARS, which means that variables can now use builtin names as identifiers.
  • Change repo image
  • Under GNU/Linux and Unix, add an interactive history using readline. May not work with non-GNU/Linux systems.

Built-in functions

  • Add path_exists(path) builtin function
  • Add print_in_green(value) and print_in_green_ret(value) builtins functions
  • Add miracle sort and panic sort


  • Better error messages
  • Fix crashes in math.log
  • Fix several overflow crashes
  • Fix other crashes
  • Fix some bugs, such as #18
  • Fix a bug where values other than String and Number weren’t printed in input


  • Add noug_version.version_list
  • Add math.tau and math.sqrt_tau.


  • Add more tests
  • Rewrite argument handling in using argparse (arguments have changed, use (nougaro) -h to view the new arguments)
  • (internal API) py2noug can now properly convert lists and tuples containing python values
  • (internal API) py2noug can now properly convert dicts, under a list of [key, value] lists
  • (internal API) add an alias is_noug_num to is_n_num function
  • (internal API) add an alias is_tok_type to does_tok_type_exist function
  • Moved config files to the right directory depending on the OS (such as ~/.config). More infos in the docstring of the src.conffiles file.
  • Add a version_id. Incremented at least each new version. The current version_id is 3.


  • Now, the stack is kept at the end of a command. You can make computations using multiple commands, like in Unix’ dc. Note that if there is an error, the stack is left unchanged.
  • Add logarithm
  • Add a bunch of debugging commands (such as printi, prints, resets, rsi, …) and aliases for existing commands (such as quit).
  • Add tau
  • Better error messages
  • Move the RPN examples from the greeter to the help, and add an example
  • If debug is enabled (through debug.enable() in Nougaro), it now prints tokens

0.17.0-beta (2024-01-19)


  • Fix a lot of crashes and a lot of bugs
  • Rewrite and type hint the source code
  • Better error messages
  • Add some edge-case tests
  • Now works with pipe operator in (...)sh
  • Change lib API


  • Add e in calculator
  • Fix bugs in calculator

0.16.0-beta (2023-11-27)


  • Add var ... ++ and var ... --


  • Loops now append None to their result even if the node is None, not printable, or if the loop is broke or continued.


Import and export

  • Add import ... as ...
  • You can now import Nougaro files from current folder and sub-folders.
  • Add export (node) as ...
  • export now returns the value to export

Builtin libs

  • Add noug_version lib
  • Fixed an old bug in the debug lib:
    • When you activate the debug mode from the shell, you no longer need to restart it for errors to print their origin file.

Builtin functions

  • Add __python__ builtin func
  • Update reverse builtin function (fix error message + can now take strings as argument)
  • Improve __gpl__ builtin func on BSD:
    • now can take any command as text editor


  • Better error messages
  • Switch to semantic versioning
  • Add __args__ to have access to CLI args (except in Nebraska)
  • Better retro-compatibility with python 3.10 in tests
  • Add a reference to this changelog file in the intro text
  • Add back lines to the intro text to be more pleasant to read
  • Add python version to intro text in debug mode

0.15-beta (2023-10-14)


  • Nougaro is now object-oriented!
    • Add class keyword
    • Add constructor, object and method types

Builtin functions

  • Add __py_type__ builtin function
  • Add sort builtin function
    • 3 algorithms: timsort (default), stalin and sleep (sleep sort was implemented by @Mistera91, thank you 😄)
  • Add startswith and endswith builtin functions
  • Add reverse builtin function
  • Add print_in_red and print_in_red_ret builtin functions


  • Add possibility to make a new line inside a str, like in "a";"b", which is equivalent to "ab"
  • Add var variable.attribute = value
  • Add multi-line comments (with /* */ syntax)
  • Add dollar-print
    • syntax: $identifier
    • prints and returns the content of variable identifier
    • if not defined, prints and returns the string "$identifier"
    • if no identifier is given, prints and returns the string "$"
  • Add "\x00", "\u0000" and "\U00000000" escape characters in strings, as well as "\N{UNICODE_CHAR_NAME}"


  • Add unicodedata module
  • Add debug.disable() and debug.enable() aliases (same as debug.debug_mode_disable() and debug.debug_mode_enable())
  • Add random.shuffle() and random.seed()
  • Add time.time() and time.epoch()
  • Add math.isqrt() and math.iroot()


  • Various changes in calculator example
    • done
    • cls, clear
    • //
    • help
    • i


  • Add -V (--version) CLI option
  • Fix various bugs, crashes, typos, error messages, …
  • Rewrite some files
  • Add best match in error messages (... is not defined, did you mean ...?)
  • Delete highlight theme for notepad++ (I’m currently working on a VSCode one)

0.14-beta (2023-08-20)

  • Add -c option to run a line, and -cd to do that silently
  • Add --help option
  • Add Tic Tac Toe example
  • Make colorama optional to run Nougaro.
  • Results of loops no longer contain None
  • Better error messages
  • Better intro text
  • A lot of bug fixes, including #10 and interpreter crashes
  • Fix typos


  • Better error messages
  • Fix crashes
  • Add sqrt, pi, mod
  • Add clear command


  • Improve build scripts

0.13.1-beta (2023-02-15)

This release fixes a little bug, updates the repo structure and makes Nougaro mostly work under FreeBSD and OpenBSD.

0.13-beta (2023-02-07)

  • ADD lorem LIB
  • ADD export statement
  • Add calculator example
  • Add is_module builin func
  • Str is now iterable (str(3))
  • Fix keyword and (False and stuff will now ignore completely stuff)
  • Fix variable edit permissions (__noug_dir__)
  • Make things return their values instead of None (if, for, while, do while)
  • Fix (finally) #6
  • Fix a critical bug (interpreter crash)
  • Fix a bug where the shell tries to execute itself (python code) when renamed
  • Now, for Nougaro modules too you need to write module.value instead of module_value
  • Better error messages
  • Fix some typo
  • Reorganise the repo

0.12-beta (2023-01-18)

  • Update way to call module functions/constants (only with python-written ones)
    • Now, if you want to access to function asin of module math, you have to type math.asin instead of math_asin.
  • or built shell.exe or shell is now launchable from everywhere in the system, without any error
  • You can now, if you are under Linux and that you install the readline module, browse in the command history using arrow keys in the shell
  • Several bug fixes
  • [TECHNICAL] Added attributes to values

0.11-alpha (2023-01-06)

  • Add round builtin func
  • Fix lot of bugs
  • Finish test_file.noug and __test__ builtin func
  • Add


Nougaro now requires PYTHON 3.10 (or 3.11)! Consider download it from your favourite package manager or from the official Python website

0.10-alpha (2022-11-28)


  • add var foo, bar = a, b (and also var foo, bar = bar, foo)
  • add id ? id ? expr
  • add for e in "str"
  • add NUMeNUM and NUMe-NUM
  • 12_345 is now interpreted as 12345 (cool thing ^^)
  • add 0b, 0o and 0x
  • add *any_expr in lists and function calls if any_expr is a list
  • write "foo" >> "<newfile>" will now create the file

Libs and debug

  • add a new lib system (see Wiki if you want to write one ^^)
  • add hello lib
  • add debug lib
  • add config folder and debug mode:


  • add ord and chr builtin functions


  • better error messages
  • fix a lot of bugs

0.9-alpha (2022-10-05)

  • All code is now commented
  • A few bugs fixed
  • Some features added
    • int("null") now returns 0
    • add __python_version__
    • len now calculates the length of a string
    • add __is_keyword__ builtin function
    • add __is_valid_token_type__ builtin function
    • add math_log and math_log2 functions in math module
    • pop(list) now pops the last element of the list
    • add __test__ builtin function
    • .5 is now parsed as 0.5

0.8.1-alpha (2022-05-24)

  • add assert
  • add example builtin function
  • add ppap example
  • increase speed of max and min builtin functions
  • fix bugs (like #5)

0.8-alpha (2022-05-17)

  • add 'time' module
  • add 'statistics' module
  • better error messages
  • renamed noug_version, os_name, os_release, os_version to __noug_version__, __os_name__, __os_release__, __os_version__
  • add __symbol_table__ and __base_value__
  • (change in python source code) add py2noug
  • (change in python source code) add draft for attributes
  • (source code downloads only) add build.bat

0.7-alpha (2022-05-11)

  • add read and write keywords
  • add the "do while" loop (do ... then loop while ...)
  • add replace builtin function
  • add ===, <==, <<=, >==, >>=
  • add TypeError that replace some RunTimeErrors
  • add KeyboardInterrupt instead of the python traceback when KeyboardInterrupt
  • Single-line for statement now accepts break and continue

0.6-alpha (2022-05-02)

Builtin functions

  • Add insert builtin function
  • Add split builtin function


  • Add is_int and is_float methods in src.values.basevalues.Number
  • Better import system
  • add __actual_context__ and __exec_from__.

0.5-alpha (2022-04-09)

Better error messages, usage of _ as identifier now legal, new input_num builtin func.

0.4-alpha (2022-04-05)

  • Add modules
    • Add math module with builtin math functions and constants
    • Add random module with some awesome random functions like randint, random, or choice !!
  • Better error message
  • Huge bug fixes
  • Random tweaks and fixes

0.3-alpha (2022-03-31)

  • Update README and highlight theme
  • Add os_name, os_release and os_version constants (read the Wiki for more info)
  • extend builtin function can now delete duplicates (read the Wiki for more info)
  • first argument of print and print_ret builtin functions is no longer required (e.g. print() is like print(''))
  • Add special *[...] syntax. More infos in the Wiki, in functions and lists.
  • Better error messages
  • Bug fixes

0.2-alpha (2022-03-23)

Bug fixes, better error messages, new id ? id syntax, upper and lower builtin functions and system calls (system_call builtin function).

0.1-alpha (2022-03-21)

Bug fixes.

prototype-2 (2022-03-19)

New operators and some fixes.

prototype-1 (2022-03-17)

The first version of the Nougaro programming language.