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I got the below warning message when I run the code, respectively.
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
But I can get the desired output file.
When I run or, I can get the desired output file without any warning messages.
And if I run, I got the below error.
root@198c2471ad59:/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning# ./ /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 225, in <module> script_manager(sys.argv, replearning) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/../", line 31, in script_manager features=feature_method.extract_features_file(audio, static=static, plots=plots, fmt=fmt) File "", line 110, in extract_features_file hb=self.AEspeech.compute_bottleneck_features(audio) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/", line 177, in compute_bottleneck_features return TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first. /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 225, in <module> script_manager(sys.argv, replearning) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/../", line 31, in script_manager features=feature_method.extract_features_file(audio, static=static, plots=plots, fmt=fmt) File "", line 110, in extract_features_file hb=self.AEspeech.compute_bottleneck_features(audio) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/", line 177, in compute_bottleneck_features return TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first.
I tried several solutions based on similar issues on stackoverflow but none of them worked.
I am running these on docker. some environment as below shown:
Ubuntu 20.04.1
Python 3.6.9
Package Version
Thanks for the awesome toolkit.
After I installed all required packages.
I got the below warning message when I run the code, respectively.
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
But I can get the desired output file.
When I run or, I can get the desired output file without any warning messages.
And if I run, I got the below error.
root@198c2471ad59:/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning# ./ /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 225, in <module> script_manager(sys.argv, replearning) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/../", line 31, in script_manager features=feature_method.extract_features_file(audio, static=static, plots=plots, fmt=fmt) File "", line 110, in extract_features_file hb=self.AEspeech.compute_bottleneck_features(audio) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/", line 177, in compute_bottleneck_features return TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first. /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 225, in <module> script_manager(sys.argv, replearning) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/../", line 31, in script_manager features=feature_method.extract_features_file(audio, static=static, plots=plots, fmt=fmt) File "", line 110, in extract_features_file hb=self.AEspeech.compute_bottleneck_features(audio) File "/codes/m456_smk/DisVoice/replearning/", line 177, in compute_bottleneck_features return TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first.
I tried several solutions based on similar issues on stackoverflow but none of them worked.
I am running these on docker. some environment as below shown:
Ubuntu 20.04.1
Python 3.6.9
Package Version
chainer 7.7.0
chardet 3.0.4
click 7.1.2
cloudpickle 1.3.0
cntk-gpu 2.7
cupy 7.8.0
cycler 0.10.0
Cython 0.29.21
grpcio 1.32.0
h5py 2.10.0
httplib2 0.18.1
idna 2.10
imageio 2.9.0
importlib-metadata 1.7.0
ipykernel 5.3.4
ipython 7.16.1
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipywidgets 7.5.1
kaldi-io 0.9.0
Keras 2.4.3
Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2
librosa 0.8.0
matplotlib 3.0.2
numba 0.51.2
numpy 1.19.5
pandas 1.1.2
pandocfilters 1.4.2
parso 0.7.1
pathlib 1.0.1
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 7.2.0
pip 21.0.1
pooch 1.2.0
praat-parselmouth 0.3.3
ptyprocess 0.6.0
pyasn1 0.4.8
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8
pycparser 2.20
pydub 0.24.1
Pygments 2.6.1
pygobject 3.26.1
pygpu 0.7.6
pyparsing 2.4.7
pyrsistent 0.16.0
PySocks 1.7.1
pysptk 0.1.16
python-apt 1.6.5+ubuntu0.3
python-dateutil 2.8.1
python-distutils-extra 2.39
python-gflags 1.5.1
python-speech-features 0.6
pytz 2021.1
PyWavelets 1.1.1
PyYAML 5.3.1
pyzmq 19.0.2
qtconsole 4.7.6
QtPy 1.9.0
scikit-image 0.17.2
scikit-learn 0.23.2
scipy 1.5.2
seaborn 0.9.0
Send2Trash 1.5.0
setuptools 54.1.1
simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.15.0
SoundFile 0.10.3.post1
stopit 1.1.1
suds-jurko 0.6
tabulate 0.8.7
tensorboard 2.4.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.7.0
tensorflow 2.4.1
tensorflow-estimator 2.4.0
tensorflow-gpu 2.3.0
tensorflow-probability 0.11.0
Theano 1.0.5
threadpoolctl 2.1.0
tifffile 2020.8.25
torch 1.7.0
torchaudio 0.7.0
torchvision 0.8.0.dev20200828+cu101
Werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.36.2
widgetsnbextension 3.5.1
wrapt 1.12.1
zipp 3.1.0
Could you help me with these?
Many thanks
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