from itertools import chain from os.path import normpath from django.contrib.staticfiles.finders import ( AppDirectoriesFinder as DjangoAppDirectoriesFinder, ) from django.contrib.staticfiles.finders import BaseFinder, BaseStorageFinder from django.contrib.staticfiles.finders import ( FileSystemFinder as DjangoFileSystemFinder, ) from django.contrib.staticfiles.finders import find from import staticfiles_storage from django.utils._os import safe_join from pipeline.conf import settings class PipelineFinder(BaseStorageFinder): storage = staticfiles_storage def find(self, path, all=False): if not settings.PIPELINE_ENABLED: return super().find(path, all) else: return [] def list(self, ignore_patterns): return [] class ManifestFinder(BaseFinder): def find(self, path, all=False): """ Looks for files in PIPELINE.STYLESHEETS and PIPELINE.JAVASCRIPT """ matches = [] for elem in chain(settings.STYLESHEETS.values(), settings.JAVASCRIPT.values()): if normpath(elem["output_filename"]) == normpath(path): match = safe_join(settings.PIPELINE_ROOT, path) if not all: return match matches.append(match) return matches def list(self, *args): return [] class CachedFileFinder(BaseFinder): def find(self, path, all=False): """ Work out the uncached name of the file and look that up instead """ try: start, _, extn = path.rsplit(".", 2) except ValueError: return [] path = ".".join((start, extn)) return find(path, all=all) or [] def list(self, *args): return [] class PatternFilterMixin: ignore_patterns = [] def get_ignored_patterns(self): return list(set(self.ignore_patterns)) def list(self, ignore_patterns): if ignore_patterns: ignore_patterns = ignore_patterns + self.get_ignored_patterns() return super().list(ignore_patterns) class AppDirectoriesFinder(PatternFilterMixin, DjangoAppDirectoriesFinder): """ Like AppDirectoriesFinder, but doesn't return any additional ignored patterns. This allows us to concentrate/compress our components without dragging the raw versions in via collectstatic. """ ignore_patterns = [ "*.js", "*.css", "*.less", "*.scss", "*.styl", ] class FileSystemFinder(PatternFilterMixin, DjangoFileSystemFinder): """ Like FileSystemFinder, but doesn't return any additional ignored patterns This allows us to concentrate/compress our components without dragging the raw versions in too. """ ignore_patterns = [ "*.js", "*.css", "*.less", "*.scss", "*.styl", "*.sh", "*.html", "*.md", "*.markdown", "*.php", "*.txt", "README*", "LICENSE*", "*examples*", "*test*", "*bin*", "*samples*", "*docs*", "*build*", "*demo*", "Makefile*", "Gemfile*", "node_modules", ]