prefix | desription |
%% | define a full machine |
%% wd | write data - puts data needed for the machine here |
%% wi | write init - puts machine initialization code here |
%% we | write exec - puts machine execution code here |
fbreak | fbreak - break out of the execute loop |
fcall | fcall - push target state and jump to given entry point |
fexec | fexec - set the next character to process |
fgoto | fgoto - jump to the given entry point |
fhold | fhold - do not advance beyond current char |
fnext | fnext - set the next state to be the given entry point |
fret | fret - return to the fcall origin |
prefix | desription |
machine | name the machine |
:= | instantiate a machine |
wd | write data - puts data needed for the machine here |
wi | write init - puts machine initialization code here |
we | write exec - puts machine execution code here |
include | include another Ragel file |
import | import definitions |
action | define an action |