Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image.
Inside the Dockerfile
FROM node:alpine / ASP.NET Core / ...
LABEL author="Jayharron Mar Abejar"
ENV NODE_ENV=production
WORKDIR /var/www <- directory of where you are working at, example root folder of the project
COPY . . <- source, working dir. example: copy build/ to /workdir
RUN npm install <- run a command, example run npm install
EXPOSE 3000 <- expose the port 3000, that will be what this container will be listening on
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "server.js"] <- what will be the first command that we're going to run to start this up.
Build an image
> docker built -t <name> .
-t stands for tag, short for --tag . stands for build context, where is the Dockerfile? relative to where you are running this command
Build an image with registry
> docker build -t <registry>/<name>:tag .
> docker build -t jaymar/photolib:1.0 .
List Docker Images
> docker images
Remove an image
> docker rmi <imageId>
Creating a bridge network
docker network create
// another way
docker network create --driver bridge network_name
Showing list of network
docker network ls
Remove network
docker network rm [network]
docker run -d --net=network_name --name=mongodb mongo
^ ^
Bridge network to use Database container name
Note that --net
or --network
can be used
Docker Compose Features
- Define services using a YAML configuration file
- Build one or more images
- Start and stop services
- View the status of running services
- Stream the log output of running services
Docker Compose Workflow
Build Services
-> Start Up Services
-> Tear Down Services
inside the docker-compose.yml
, note that the indentation matters
version: "3.x"
container_name: myapp_1
image: myapp_1
context: . # (.) root folder
dockerfile: /path/to/Dockerfile
- "3000:3000" # external_port : internal_port
- network_name
- mongodb # ensures that the mongodb runs first before this service, but it wont make sure that it's ready to accept connections
container_name: mongodb
image: mongo
- network_name
driver: bridge
docker-compose build
- build all the apps specified in the servicesdocker-compose up
- run the containers/servicesdocker-compose down
- shutdown all containers/services and delete them