Return number of failed 404 requests and the corresponding page
grep " 404 " access.log | cut -d ' ' -f 7 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
Return number of requests by user agent
cat access.log | cut -d '"' -f 6 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
Return user agents ordered by the number of hits
awk -F\" '{print $6}' access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -fr | head -20
Return number of status codes (userful to see how many 404 hits and 403 hits)
awk '{print $9}' access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
Unique Request IP Addresses
cat access.log | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 25
Unique Request IP Addresses – Resolve country
apt-get install geoip-bin
cat access.log | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 25 | awk '{ printf("%5d\t%-15s\t", $1, $2); system("geoiplookup " $2 " | cut -d \\: -f2 ") }'
Reurns which IP are requesting with Blank user agents
awk -F\" '($6 ~ /^-?$/)' access.log | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq
Returns top 10 IPs
cat access.log | awk '{ print $1 ; }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head -n 10
Returns top 10 user agents
cat access.log | awk -F\" ' { print $6 } ' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 10
Unique IPs today
cat access.log | grep `date '+%e/%b/%G'` | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l
unique IPs this month
cat access.* | grep `date '+%b/%G'` | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | wc -l
Most popular URLs
cat access.log | awk '{ print $7 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 25
List Number of user agents (Log file)
logparser.exe "SELECT cs(User-Agent), count(*) as count FROM "\Logs\iis\u_ex200222.log" GROUP BY cs(User-Agent) "
How many hits from each IP
logparser "select s-ip as IP, count(*) as hits from "\Logs\iis\u_ex200222.log" group by ip"
What Path is getting the most hits
logparser "select cs-uri-stem as path, count(*) as hits from "\Logs\iis\u_ex200222.log" group by path"
Returns a listing of query parameters passed to pages, with the number of times such requests were made
logparser "SELECT cs-uri-query, COUNT(*) AS [Requests] FROM u_ex200222.log WHERE cs-uri-query IS NOT null GROUP BY cs-uri-query ORDER BY cs-uri-query"
Return the most noisy IP addrsses
logparser "SELECT c-ip, COUNT(*) AS [Requests] FROM u_ex200222.log GROUP BY c-ip ORDER BY [Requests] DESC"
Returns requests per day (how many requests in a day)
logparser "SELECT TO_STRING(TO_LOCALTIME(TO_TIMESTAMP(date, time)), 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS [Day], COUNT(*) AS [Requests] FROM u_ex200222.log GROUP BY [Day] ORDER BY [Day]"
Returns all requests by method, excluding common GETs and POSTs. Returns ip address and user agents, with count for each, for determining whether any are testing vulnerabilities
logparser "SELECT cs-method, c-ip, cs(User-Agent), COUNT(*) AS [Requests] FROM u_ex200222.log WHERE cs-method NOT IN ('GET';'POST') GROUP BY cs-method, c-ip, cs(User-Agent) ORDER BY cs-method, Requests"
Return requests by user agent or browser
logparser "SELECT cs(User-Agent) AS Browser, COUNT(*) AS Requests FROM u_ex*.log GROUP BY Browser ORDER BY Requests DESC"
returns number of requests for each uri path
logparser "SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Requests], EXTRACT_PATH(cs-uri-stem) AS [Path Requested] FROM u_ex*.log GROUP BY [Path Requested] ORDER BY [Requests] DESC"
You Need to enable logging for the following items before you can use your event logs. TODO How to enable logging for ...
*Important event IDs*
512 / 4608 STARTUP
513 / 4609 SHUTDOWN
528 / 4624 LOGON
538 / 4634 LOGOFF
551 / 4647 BEGIN_LOGOFF
4525 / 4625 LOGIN FAILED
Successful logon
528, 540
failed logon
529-537, 539; 538, 551,
Created 624;
enabled 626;
changed 642;
disabled 629;
deleted 630
Service Started or Stopped
7035, 7036
Total Application Errors by day (Live logs)
LogParser "SELECT QUANTIZE(TimeGenerated, 86400) AS Day, COUNT(*) AS [Total Errors] FROM Application WHERE EventType = 1 OR EventType = 2 GROUP BY Day ORDER BY Day ASC"
List Service Errors and Installation info
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path="system.evtx"; ID=7030,7045}
same as above but use live system logs
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname="system"; ID=7030,7045}
Get USB info from event logs
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname="system"} | Where {$_.Message -like "*USB*"}
from offline log
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{path="system.evtx"} | Where {$_.Message -like "*USB*"}
Event ID | Descriptoin |
1 | Process Created |
2 | A process changed a file creation time |
3 | Network Connection |
4 | Sysmon service state change |
5 | Process Terminated |
6 | Driver Loaded |
7 | Image Loaded |
8 | CreateRemoteThread |
9 | RawAccessRead |
10 | ProcessAccess |
11 | FileCreate |
12 | RegistryEvent (Object create and delete) |
13 | RegistryEvent (Value Set) |
14 | RegistryEvent (Key and Value Rename) |
15 | FileCreateStreamHash |
16 | |
17 | PipeEvent (Pipe Created) |
18 | PipeEvent (Pipe Connected) |
19 | WmiEvent (WmiEventFilter activity detected) |
20 | WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumer activity detected) |
21 | WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumerToFilter activity detected) |
22 | DNSEvent (DNS query) |
255 | Error |
Get all DNS events without info
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ path="sysmon.evtx"; id=22}