Releases: jaredhendrickson13/pfsense-api
Releases · jaredhendrickson13/pfsense-api
pfSense API v1.0.3
- Fixes bug that unexpectedly reverted existing VLANs when creating new VLAN interfaces
- Fixes bug that periodically prevented interface reassignment
- Fixes bug that incorrectly identified interfaces as LAGG interfaces
- Minor framework adjustments
pfSense API v1.0.2
- Minor framework adjustments
- Fixes bug that added empty alias entries when utilizing the /api/v1/firewall/alias/entry endpoint
pfSense API v1.0.1
pfSense API v1.0.1
- Fixes bug that unnecessarily required the protocol field when updating firewall rules
- Fixes bug that prevented ports from behaving correctly when updating firewall rules
- Fixes bug that prevented firewall rules from being disabled
- Fixes bug that prevents clients from receiving access tokens when API is set to read only mode
- Fixes bug that would sometimes prevent the API server key from being generated correctly
- Fixes bug that sometimes allowed embedded API docs to be viewed without privilege
- Download URL has changed to better support updates
pfSense API v1.0.0
pfSense API v1.0.0
Initial production ready release. Some key changes from beta releases are:
- Documentation tool embedded within API page of pfSense webConfigurator
- System tunable API endpoints
- System table API endpoints
- Static route API endpoints
- Status log API endpoints
- DHCP configuration API endpoints
- DHCP static mapping API endpoints
- API query engine
- PUT and DELETE requests are now supported
- API framework improvements to improve speed and security
- Endpoint URLs have changed to reflect a more traditional REST style
- Endpoint URLs no longer require trailing slash
- Parameters have been simplified to better match pfSense's XML configuration
- Improved validation
pfSense API (Beta) v0.0.3
- Adds support for JWT bearer authentication to provide a more traditional REST API
- Introduces new framework to assist development and extensions
- Converted function based structure to object oriented structure
- Removed Base64 as authentication mode
- Removes search field from GET API calls
pfSense API (Beta) v0.0.2
- Optimized /services/unbound/ API calls
- Added ability to run /services/unbound/ API calls without immediately applying the configuration changes after each call. Users will see a big performance improvement when adding/modifying/deleting Unbound host overrides in bulk
- Added API endpoint for /services/unbound/apply/ to apply pending Unbound configuration changes
- Updated documentation
pfSense API (Beta) v0.0.1
Merge pull request #1 from jaredhendrickson13/development v0.0.1 (Beta)