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The Nextbike Package


This package implements typical transformation and cleaning steps that are useful when working with raw Nextbike data. This package also implements various machine-learning models for different targets that can be used (when trained) on unseen/new Nextbike data.



Preferred way using environment.yml:

Install everything at once using conda env create -f environment.yml from the root directory of this project. This assumes an installation of (mini)conda.

The environment then can (and must) be activated using conda activate NextbikeENV.

Alternative way (manually):

Prior to installing the package itself, please install it's one external dependency: geopandas. This can easily be done by executing the following (assuming you have activated your conda environment): conda install geopandas (

Additional dependencies for Jupyter Notebooks in the notebooks folder are:

jupyter notebook - - or conda install notebook

folium - or conda install folium

h3 - or pip install h3

Nextbike Package:

After all prerequisites are installed using either the environment.yml or installing everything manually, then this package can be installed:

Within the same folder as setup.pyrun pip install . to install the package. Use flag -e to install in development mode.

In subdirectory notebooks run pip install .. to install the package. Import via import nextbike.


The usual workflow is as follows:

  1. Transform both the training data (e.g. bremen.csv) and the unseen/new data (e.g. bremen_test.csv). These need to be in /data/raw/.

  2. Train on the processed (now in /data/processed/) training data. (no need to specify filename)

    • Both the models duration and direction do not need an additional parameter.

    • demand takes an additional parameter --resolution or short -t that specifies the temporal resolution, the model should be trained on.

      (Usage: nextbike train -t 12 demand for a demand model with temporal resolution of 12 hours)

    Training won't work without doing step 1 first.

  3. Predict processed (now in /data/processed/) unseen/new data with a specified filename (e.g. bremen_test.csv)

    • The model duration does not need an additional parameter.

    • The model direction requires a flag (either --uni or --mainstation to be set as an option) to know which direction to predict.

      (Usage: nextbike predict --uni direction for a prediction wheter a trip is headed towards the University of Bremen)

    • The model demand takes the same additional parameter as with training.

    Prediction won't work without doing steps 1 and 2 first.

Usage without Prediction:

If the user does not want to predict stuff, but rather only wants to use the transformation of raw Nextbike data to a more human-friendly format indexed by trips, step 1 provides an intermediate DataFrame named FILENAME_trips.csv under /data/processed/.

Command-Line Interface

This package implements a command line interface for the three main commands used during a typical workflow.

Commands have the following usage (this can also be displayed using the --help option for each sub-command):

Transformation to Trips:

Usage: nextbike transform [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  This command allows for transforming raw Nextbike data to a more human and
  machine-learning friendly format indexed by trips.

  Input             -> Output

  data/raw/FILENAME -> data/preprocessed/FILENAME

  -r, --refresh  If this flag is given, then intermediate datatsets are


Usage: nextbike train [OPTIONS] <model>

  This command allows for training several machine-learning models for
  different scopes on preprocessed Nextbike data. A trips-indexed Nextbike
  file for the city of Bremen must exist in data/processed/.

  Duration, direction and demand models are available. Models are saved
  after training as pre-trained models in pickle format under /models/.

  -t, --resolution <temporal resolution>
                                  The temporal resolution in hours used for resampling
                                  the data in combination with demand
                                  prediction. (1, 6, 12 or 24)


Usage: nextbike predict [OPTIONS] <model> FILENAME

  Predict several aspects (duration, direction and demand) of unseen
  Nextbike Data. Requires the respective trained model. Data has to be in
  trips-indexed format (use the transform command) in /data/processed/.

  When predicting the direction of trips, please specify a direction using
  the "--uni" or "--mainstation" flag. When predicting the demand of bikes,
  please specify a temporal resolution (1, 6, 12, 24).

  Predictions are saved under /data/predicted/

  --uni                           Specifies direction towards Bremen
                                  university, when predicting direction.

  --mainstation                   Specifies direction towards Bremen main
                                  station, when predicting direction.

  -t, --resolution <temporal resolution>
                                  The temporal resolution used for resampling
                                  the data in combination with demand


"Error: no module named ..."

Ensure the environment, where all dependencies have been installed, is activated (using conda activate ENVNAME).

Ensure that in addition to the Nextbike package, all its dependencies are installed. (See Installation - Prerequisites)

pip vs pip3

Please ensure that there is only Python 3 installed in your environment. Python 2 installations and bad aliases can cause pip installs to fail because pip links to python instead of python3.

installation of folium and geopandas

Folium and Geopandas do not provide pre-built wheels (at least not through pip) for each operating system and have a lot of requirements that cannot just be installed by doing a pip install. In most cases this can be fixed by using the conda package manager to install them, because there, pre-built wheels do exist. Otherwise please follow the installation instructions for your operating system and install dependencies of these two packages before installing them.