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jamolkhon edited this page Feb 21, 2012 · 4 revisions

Each annotation is a class that implements Sharbat\Inject\Annotation interface. All Sharbat annotations are namespaced and written inside phpDoc blocks in the following manner:

 * \Sharbat\Inject\@InScope(\Sharbat\Inject\Singleton)
class ASingletonClass {

   * \Sharbat\Inject\@Inject(ADependencyClass)
  private $aDependencyClass;
  private $anotherDependency;
   * \Sharbat\Inject\@Inject
  public function setAnotherDependency(AnotherDependency $anotherDependency) {
    $this->anotherDependency = $anotherDependency;


Typing fully qualified name every time is not fun. One would want to write them like @Inject and @Singleton. This is definitely doable. For each annotation create a class (preferably with the same name) in the global namespace, that extends the target annotation class.

class Inject extends \Sharbat\Inject\Inject {}

class Singleton extends \Sharbat\Inject\InScope {
  public function __construct() {

Now the following will work as expected:

 * @Singleton
class ASingletonClass {

   * @Inject(ADependencyClass)
  private $aDependencyClass;
  private $anotherDependency;
   * @Inject
  public function setAnotherDependency(AnotherDependency $anotherDependency) {
    $this->anotherDependency = $anotherDependency;

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