import pickle from PIL import Image import json import numpy as np import os import argparse def format_ag_to_vg(args): source_dir = args.source_dir # default="ActionGenome/dataset/ag/" dest_dir = args.dest_dir # default="AGinVGformat/" if ~os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) if ~os.path.exists(dest_dir+'VG_100K'): os.mkdir(dest_dir+'VG_100K') file1 = open(source_dir+'annotations/object_bbox_and_relationship.pkl', 'rb') file2 = open(source_dir+'annotations/person_bbox.pkl', 'rb') obj_rel_file = pickle.load(file1) person_file = pickle.load(file2) obj_list = ['person', 'bag', 'bed', 'blanket', 'book', 'box', 'broom', 'chair', 'closet/cabinet', 'clothes', 'cup/glass/bottle', 'dish', 'door', 'doorknob', 'doorway', 'floor', 'food', 'groceries', 'laptop', 'light', 'medicine', 'mirror', 'paper/notebook', 'phone/camera', 'picture', 'pillow', 'refrigerator', 'sandwich', 'shelf', 'shoe', 'sofa/couch', 'table', 'television', 'towel', 'vacuum', 'window'] rel_list = ['looking_at', 'not_looking_at', 'unsure', 'above', 'beneath', 'in_front_of', 'behind', 'on_the_side_of', 'in', 'carrying', 'covered_by', 'drinking_from', 'eating', 'have_it_on_the_back', 'holding', 'leaning_on', 'lying_on', 'not_contacting', 'other_relationship', 'sitting_on', 'standing_on', 'touching', 'twisting', 'wearing', 'wiping', 'writing_on'] # rel types: 1 = attention, 2 = spatial, 3 = contacting relation # 0 = unsure, notcontacting or otherrelationship rel_list_type = [1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] rel_skip_list = ['unsure', 'not_contacting', 'other_relationship'] image_id = 0 # Output JSON objects / dicts image_data = [] objects = [] attributes = [] relationships = [] # spatial, attention and contacting relationships scene_graphs = [] lists_object_relation = { "objects_list": obj_list, "relationships_list": rel_list, "relationships_list_types": rel_list_type } # for attribute_synsets.json attribute_synsets = {"nothing": "nothing.n.01"} for key in obj_rel_file.keys(): obj_rel_dict_list = obj_rel_file[key] person_dict = person_file[key] subj_id = obj_list.index('person') # Person = Subject subj_bbox = person_dict['bbox'] # XYXY box format (top-left corner and bottom-right corner) if np.shape(subj_bbox)[0]>0: subj_bbox = subj_bbox.astype(int).tolist() subj_bbox[0][2] = subj_bbox[0][2] - subj_bbox[0][0] # to XYWH box format subj_bbox[0][3] = subj_bbox[0][3] - subj_bbox[0][1] if os.path.exists(source_dir + 'frames/' + key): I = + 'frames/' + key) [w, h] = I.size key_split = key.split('/') filename = key_split[0] + '_' + key_split[1] + 'VG_100K/' + filename) os.remove(source_dir + 'frames/' + key) image_id = image_id + 1 # For image_data.json image_data.append({ "image_id": image_id, "filename": filename, "url": None, "width": w, "height": h, "coco_id": None, "flicker_id": None }) for i in range(len(obj_rel_dict_list)): if obj_rel_dict_list[i]['bbox'] is not None: obj_rel_dict = obj_rel_dict_list[i] obj_name = obj_rel_dict['class'] obj_id = obj_list.index(obj_name) obj_bbox = np.array(obj_rel_dict['bbox']) # XYWH box format (top-left corner, width, height) obj_bbox = obj_bbox.astype(int).tolist() sp_rel = obj_rel_dict['spatial_relationship'] at_rel = obj_rel_dict['attention_relationship'] cont_rel = obj_rel_dict['contacting_relationship'] visible = obj_rel_dict['visible'] # if relation is visible, format data in dicts and to vars for JSON files if visible and (any(item not in rel_skip_list for item in sp_rel) or any(item not in rel_skip_list for item in at_rel)): # for objects.json objs = [] objs.append({ "object_id": obj_id, "x": obj_bbox[0], "y": obj_bbox[1], "w": obj_bbox[2], "h": obj_bbox[3], "name": obj_name, "synsets": [obj_name + ".n.01"] }) objs.append({ "object_id": subj_id, "x": subj_bbox[0][0], "y": subj_bbox[0][1], "w": subj_bbox[0][2], "h": subj_bbox[0][3], "name": "person", "synsets": ["person.n.01"] }) objects.append({ "image_id": image_id, "filename": filename, "objects": objs }) # for attributes.json attrs = [] attrs.append({ "object_id": obj_id, "x": obj_bbox[0], "y": obj_bbox[1], "w": obj_bbox[2], "h": obj_bbox[3], "name": obj_name, "synsets": [obj_name + ".n.01"], "attributes": "nothing" }) attrs.append({ "object_id": subj_id, "x": subj_bbox[0][0], "y": subj_bbox[0][1], "w": subj_bbox[0][2], "h": subj_bbox[0][3], "name": "person", "synsets": ["person.n.01"], "attributes": "nothing" }) attributes.append({ "image_id": image_id, "filename": filename, "attributes": attrs }) # for relationships.json rels = [] for rel in sp_rel: if rel not in rel_skip_list: rels.append({ "relationship_id": rel_list.index(rel), "predicate": rel, "synsets": [rel + ".v.01"], "subject": { "object_id": subj_id, "x": subj_bbox[0][0], "y": subj_bbox[0][1], "w": subj_bbox[0][2], "h": subj_bbox[0][3], "name": "person", "synsets": ["person.n.01"] }, "object": { "object_id": obj_id, "x": obj_bbox[0], "y": obj_bbox[1], "w": obj_bbox[2], "h": obj_bbox[3], "name": obj_name, "synsets": [obj_name + ".n.01"] } }) for rel in at_rel: if rel not in rel_skip_list: rels.append({ "relationship_id": rel_list.index(rel), "predicate": rel, "synsets": [rel + ".v.01"], "subject": { "object_id": subj_id, "x": subj_bbox[0][0], "y": subj_bbox[0][1], "w": subj_bbox[0][2], "h": subj_bbox[0][3], "name": "person", "synsets": ["person.n.01"] }, "object": { "object_id": obj_id, "x": obj_bbox[0], "y": obj_bbox[1], "w": obj_bbox[2], "h": obj_bbox[3], "name": obj_name, "synsets": [obj_name + ".n.01"] } }) for rel in cont_rel: if rel not in rel_skip_list: rels.append({ "relationship_id": rel_list.index(rel), "predicate": rel, "synsets": [rel + ".v.01"], "subject": { "object_id": subj_id, "x": subj_bbox[0][0], "y": subj_bbox[0][1], "w": subj_bbox[0][2], "h": subj_bbox[0][3], "name": "person", "synsets": ["person.n.01"] }, "object": { "object_id": obj_id, "x": obj_bbox[0], "y": obj_bbox[1], "w": obj_bbox[2], "h": obj_bbox[3], "name": obj_name, "synsets": [obj_name + ".n.01"] } }) relationships.append({ "image_id": image_id, "filename": filename, "relationships": rels }) # for scene_graphs.json sg_rels = [] for rel in sp_rel: if rel not in rel_skip_list: sg_rels.append({ "relationship_id": rel_list.index(rel), "predicate": rel, "synsets": [rel + ".v.01"], "subject_id": subj_id, "object_id": obj_id }) for rel in at_rel: if rel not in rel_skip_list: sg_rels.append({ "relationship_id": rel_list.index(rel), "predicate": rel, "synsets": [rel + ".v.01"], "subject_id": subj_id, "object_id": obj_id }) scene_graphs.append({ "image_id": image_id, "filename": filename, "objects": objs, "relationships": sg_rels }) print(key + ' processed... ' + str(image_id)) else: print(key + ' not found') # save data formatted for JSONs to JSON files with open(dest_dir+'image_data.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(image_data)) else: print('image_data.json already exists, not updated.') with open(dest_dir+'objects.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(objects)) else: print('objects.json already exists, not updated.') with open(dest_dir+'attributes.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(attributes)) else: print('attributes.json already exists, not updated.') with open(dest_dir+'relationships.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(relationships)) else: print('relationships.json already exists, not updated.') with open(dest_dir+'scene_graphs.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(scene_graphs)) else: print('scene_graphs.json already exists, not updated.') with open(dest_dir+'lists_object_relation.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(lists_object_relation)) else: print('lists_object_relation.json already exists, not updated.') with open(dest_dir+'attribute_synsets.json', 'w+') as f: if len( == 0: f.write(json.dumps(attribute_synsets)) else: print('attribute_synsets.json already exists, not updated.') file1.close() file2.close() # Code to write to JSON # with open('logs.json', 'r+') as f: # if len( == 0: # f.write(json.dumps(dictionary)) # else: # f.write(',\n' + json.dumps(dictionary)) # Code to read from JSON # with open('logs.json') as f: # g = json.load(f) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Format AG dataset to VG format") parser.add_argument("--source_dir", default="ActionGenome/dataset/ag/", help="Folder containing AG videos, frames and annotations folders.") parser.add_argument("--dest_dir", default="AGinVGformat/", help="Folder where VG images and JSON files will be saved.") args = parser.parse_args() format_ag_to_vg(args)