Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accounting_period_name | str | Name of the accounting period that the journal entry belongs to. | [optional] |
aggregate_currency | bool | Returns true if the journal entry is aggregating currencies. That is, if the journal entry was created when the `Aggregate transactions with different currencies during a Journal Run` setting was configured to `Yes`. Otherwise, returns `false`. | [optional] |
currency | str | Currency used. | [optional] |
home_currency | str | Home currency used. | [optional] |
journal_entry_date | date | Date of the journal entry. | [optional] |
journal_entry_items | list[GETJournalEntryItemType] | Key name that represents the list of journal entry items. | [optional] |
notes | str | Additional information about this record. Character limit: 2,000 | [optional] |
number | str | Journal entry number in the format JE-00000001. | [optional] |
segments | list[GETJournalEntrySegmentType] | List of segments that apply to the summary journal entry. | [optional] |
status | str | Status of journal entry. | [optional] |
success | bool | Returns `true` if the request was processed successfully. | [optional] |
time_period_end | date | End date of time period included in the journal entry. | [optional] |
time_period_start | date | Start date of time period included in the journal entry. | [optional] |
transaction_type | str | Transaction type of the transactions included in the summary journal entry. | [optional] |
transfer_date_time | datetime | Date and time that transferredToAccounting was changed to `Yes`. This field is returned only when transferredToAccounting is `Yes`. Otherwise, this field is `null`. | [optional] |
transferred_by | str | User ID of the person who changed transferredToAccounting to `Yes`. This field is returned only when transferredToAccounting is `Yes`. Otherwise, this field is `null`. | [optional] |
transferred_to_accounting | str | Status shows whether the journal entry has been transferred to an accounting system. | [optional] |