Name | Type | Description | Notes |
amount | float | The amount of the credit memo item. For tax-inclusive credit memo items, the amount indicates the credit memo item amount including tax. For tax-exclusive credit memo items, the amount indicates the credit memo item amount excluding tax. | [optional] |
amount_without_tax | float | The credit memo item amount excluding tax. | [optional] |
applied_amount | float | The applied amount of the credit memo item. | [optional] |
comment | str | Comments about the credit memo item. | [optional] |
created_by_id | str | The ID of the Zuora user who created the credit memo item. | [optional] |
created_date | datetime | The date and time when the credit memo item was created, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. For example, 2017-03-01 15:31:10. | [optional] |
credit_tax_items | list[GETCMTaxItemType] | Container for credit memo taxation items. | [optional] |
finance_information | GETCreditMemoItemTypewithSuccessFinanceInformation | [optional] | |
id | str | The ID of the credit memo item. | [optional] |
refund_amount | float | The amount of the refund on the credit memo item. | [optional] |
service_end_date | date | The service end date of the credit memo item. | [optional] |
service_start_date | date | The service start date of the credit memo item. | [optional] |
sku | str | The SKU for the product associated with the credit memo item. | [optional] |
sku_name | str | The name of the SKU. | [optional] |
source_item_id | str | The ID of the source item. | [optional] |
source_item_type | str | The type of the source item. | [optional] |
subscription_id | str | The ID of the subscription associated with the credit memo item. | [optional] |
unapplied_amount | float | The unapplied amount of the credit memo item. | [optional] |
updated_by_id | str | The ID of the Zuora user who last updated the credit memo item. | [optional] |
updated_date | datetime | The date and time when the credit memo item was last updated, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. For example, 2017-03-02 15:36:10. | [optional] |