Name | Type | Description | Notes |
deferred_revenue_accounting_code | str | The accounting code for the deferred revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Liability. | [optional] |
deferred_revenue_accounting_code_type | str | The type of the deferred revenue accounting code, such as Deferred Revenue.' | [optional] |
on_account_accounting_code | str | The accounting code that maps to an on account in your accounting system. | [optional] |
on_account_accounting_code_type | str | The type of the accounting code that maps to an on account in your accounting system. | [optional] |
recognized_revenue_accounting_code | str | The accounting code for the recognized revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Charges or Overage Charges. | [optional] |
recognized_revenue_accounting_code_type | str | The type of the recognized revenue accounting code, such as Sales Revenue or Sales Discount. | [optional] |
revenue_recognition_rule_name | str | The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. | [optional] |
revenue_schedule_number | str | Revenue schedule number. The revenue schedule number is always prefixed with "RS", for example, RS-00000001. | [optional] |