Name | Type | Description | Notes |
category | str | The category associated with the accounting code. | [optional] |
created_by | str | The ID of the user who created the accounting code. | [optional] |
created_on | datetime | Date and time when the accounting code was created. | [optional] |
gl_account_name | str | Name of the account in your general ledger. Field only available if you have Zuora Finance enabled. | [optional] |
gl_account_number | str | Account number in your general ledger. Field only available if you have Zuora Finance enabled. | [optional] |
id | str | ID of the accounting code. | [optional] |
name | str | Name of the accounting code. | [optional] |
notes | str | Any optional notes for the accounting code. | [optional] |
status | str | The accounting code status. | [optional] |
success | bool | Returns `true` if the request was processed successfully. | [optional] |
type | str | Accounting code type. Note that `On-Account Receivable` is only available if you enable the Invoice Settlement feature. | [optional] |
updated_by | str | The ID of the user who last updated the accounting code. | [optional] |
updated_on | datetime | Date and time when the accounting code was last updated. | [optional] |