This is a tool for online blind deconvolution of high frame-rate astronomical imaging data, and a continuation of DWH and DFM's work on a project of the same name,
It attempts to fit a model to large stacks of imaging data via stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In order to be performant, it leverages the automatic differentiation and GPU support provided by PyTorch.
While designed to work with high frame-rate imaging in particular, the ideas here can be used to fit models to large stacks of conventional CCD imaging, providing an interesting alternative to co-addition approaches when the image-to-image PSF is varying.
The package has the following requirements:
- torch (tested with cuda enabled version 1.10.1)
- numpy (tested with version 1.21.2)
- skimage (tested with version 0.15.0)
- scipy (tested with version 1.7.1)
- astropy
- os
- pathlib
- matplotlib
- time
For now, you can just download TheThresher directory.
After you've setup the configuration file (see below), just run the following from the command line:
Estimates of the model will be continually saved to some specified directory as the optimisation proceeds.
The file that needs editing by the user is The variables are explained below, with some example entries.
## Paths ##
spool = 'MyLISpool.fits' # path to the image spool (should be a .fits file)
init_path = 'ModelInitialisation.fits' # the image used to initialise the model (should be a .fits file)
out_path = '/DirectoryOfResults/' # where the continually updated output from the SGD is stored
fname = 'scene' # scene estimates will be saved with this keyword in the filename, followed by the number of updates
## Detector parameters ##
# The Thresher supports noise models for both EMCCD and CCD images. The user must specify
# which to use (e.g. EMCCD = True), and then supply some appropriate noise model parameters. For example, below,
# the EMCCD noise model will be adopted. The the CCD flag is set to False to make sure its ignored.
EMCCD = True
EMCCD_params = [60, 25, 300, 0, 1] # readout noise, f, (EM) gain, c, q (check noise_models for units)
CCD = False
CCD_params = [10.5/7.7, 7.7] # readout noise (ADU), gain (e-/ADU)
## SGD settings ##
# The proportional_clip may require at bit of tinkering to get good results, but values between 1e-3 to 1e-1
# usually work OK on most problems we've encountered.
proportional_clip = 5e-3 # approximate maximum fractional change in image model pixel value per update
spool_length = 3000 # number of images in spool (required as we never load the entire spool into memory)
iterations = 1 # how many iterations over the spool should be made (i.e. total number of updates = spool_length * iterations)
## Kernel and sky fit ##
# Again, a bit of tinkering will be necessary here to get the best performance. Good values for lr_kernel are
# usually somewhere in the range of 1e-3 - 1e-2, and suggested values for lr_B are within 1e-1 - 1e1.
# phi also may require careful tuning, but values between 1e-3 - 1e-1 usually work OK.
# And if the initialisation for the model has been background subtracted, it's strongly
# recommended to keep positivity = True for numerical stability
kernel_size = 25 # single axis length of the square psf/convolution kernel object
positivity = True # non-negativity constraint on kernel and sky parameters
phi = 0.07 # hyper-parameter for controlling the strength of L1 regularisation on kernel
lr_kernel = 1e-3 # Steepest descen (Adam) learning rate for kernel
lr_B = 0.1 # Steepest descent (Adam) learning rate for sky parameter
tol = 1e-9 # Minimum relative change in loss before claiming convergence
max_iters = 2500 # Maximum number of iterations for the optimisation
fisher = False # Calculate parameter uncertanties from the Fisher Information Matrix (advised to keep this False)
## Housekeeping ##
sky_subtract = True # subtract median pixel value from init_path
crop_size = 0 # optional symmetrical crop to apply to images
show_convergence_plots = False # Plot (log) loss vs steps from the optimisation
show_nqrs = False # plot up the normalised quantile residuals from the kernel and sky fit
plot_freq = 100 # the interval between which model estimates and plots are saved into out_path
Optimisation problems are hard! For any advice in hyperparameter tuning, or any general queries, please do feel free to get in touch at: