guignol.js is a small javascript library, used for animation. Here is an example:
var inst = new Guignol({
start: 0,
end: 100,
renderers: {
// We declare here a render "r" that will receive an object, and log
// the "v" attribute of it.
r: function(o) {
scenario: [{
// This animation uses the renderer called "r".
v: [{
// FROM and TO are the extreme values of this animation.
FROM: 0,
TO: 1000,
// START and END are the times where this animation starts and ends.
END: 100
// The following line will log "500":
// The following line will play the animation from the beginning:
// During 100 ms, it will at each frame expand our animation with the current
// time, and log the related value.;
In practice, renderers can be wrappers to CANVAS methods (for instance a .drawArc()
wrapper) or anything you want to animate (DOM, SVG, CANVAS, attributes...). It is also possible to cycle animations, to use easings functions...
Check the examples file for more information about how to use it. Sources are documented, and unit tests are also provided.
Released under the MIT License.