Encrypt/Decrypt files from the command line.
CommandCrypt may be used to encrypt and decrypt files using AES 128 encryption
right from the command line. Specify single files or whole directories.
You can also give a directory where the processed files will be stored.
The default options for CommandCrypt are to encrypt the files specified in
the immediate command line arguments. If a directory is provided, only the
files in the first level of the directory will be encrypted. The resulting
files will be stored in the current directory.
$ python CommandCrypt.py samplefile.txt
Command line arguments enable more complex operations and decryption.
Use "-d" or "--decrypt" to decrypt an encrypted file.
$ python CommandCrypt.py -d ENCsamplefile.txt
Use "-r" or "--recurse" to include files in subdirectories.
S python CommandCrypt.py -r ./sampleDir
A directory for output can be speficied with the "--dest" flag.
$ python CommandCrypt.py samplefile.txt --dest ./resultDir
SALT_BYTES (int): The number of bytes to be used when salting passwords.
ITERATIONS (int): The number of times to apply the hash function to itself.
* Add padding to smaller files
* Store encrypted files in the specified destination
* Maintain or encode file hierarchy in encrypted files