layout | title | permalink |
faculty |
Kevan Shokat |
/kevan/ |
<!-- Kill the style...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
#profiles_photo { height: 125px; margin: 1em; float: right }
.highlighted { background-color: #F3F781 }
* { transition: background-color 3s }
.btn-group-vertical { padding-left: 2em; padding-bottom: 1em }
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> -->
<!-- get data from the UCSF Profiles API -->
// we're grabbing data from the UCSF Profiles JSON API v2 // details at
// we get the Profiles URL name from the URL, e.g. "" // but you can also specify people by FNO, Profiles ID, Employee ID, etc. // USER CONTENT HERE.... add_profiles_user_content('ProfilesURLName', 'kevan.shokat'); // for example try commenting out the line above, and uncommenting the line below // add_profiles_user_content('FNO', '');
//PROFILES SCRIPT FUNCTIONS function add_profiles_user_content (identifier_type, identifier) { $.getJSON('' + identifier_type + '=' + identifier + '&publications=full&callback=?', function(response) { if (response) { if (response.error) { // if UCSF Profiles reports an error, can do something with that here if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log('Error from UCSF Profiles API: ' + response.error); // alert('Error from UCSF Profiles API: ' + response.error); } } else {
$(document).ready(function() { // execute the following code after DOM is ready
var data = response.Profiles[0];
if (data.Name) { // show name, if we have it
if (data.ProfilesURL) { // add link to Profiles
$('#profiles_page_link_container').empty().show().append('<a href="' + data.ProfilesURL + '" title="Go to UCSF Profiles, powered by CTSI" rel="me">UCSF Profiles page</a>');
} else {
if (data.PhotoURL) { // show photo, if we have it
$('#profiles_photo_container').empty().show().append($('<img class="img-circle" id="profiles_photo" />').attr('src', data.PhotoURL).error(function(){'none'}));
} else {
if (data.Narrative) { // show narrative, if we have it
// truncate text to 500 characters, and delete any partial last sentence
var truncated_narrative = data.Narrative.substr(0,500).replace(/[\s\r\n]/g, " ").replace(/^(.+\.[\s\n\r]).*?$/g, "$1");
} else {
if (data.Email) { // show narrative, if we have it
$('#profiles_email_link_container').empty().show().append('<a id="href="mailto:' + data.Email + '">' + data.Email + '</a>');
} else {
if (data.Publications && data.Publications.length > 0) {
$('#profiles_publications ol').remove();
$('#profiles_publications').show().append($('<ol id="profiles_publications_list"></ol>'));
jQuery.each(data.Publications, function() {
var li = $('<li id="profiles_publications_li" />'); // create new list item
li.append(this.PublicationTitle + ' '); // add the publication name
if (this.PublicationSource && this.PublicationSource.length > 0) { // ...and a link, if available
li.append($('<a class="profiles_publication_link" />').attr('href', this.PublicationSource[0].PublicationSourceURL).text('View on ' + this.PublicationSource[0].PublicationSourceName));
$('#profiles_publications_list').append(li); // insert the list item
} else {
if (data.AwardOrHonors && data.AwardOrHonors.length > 0) {
$('#profiles_awards').show().append($('<ul id="profiles_awards_list"></ul>'));
jQuery.each(data.AwardOrHonors, function() {
var li = $('<li />').append(this.Summary);
} else {
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 100);
function highlight_profiles_content (seconds) {
var ms = (seconds || 1) * 1000;
$( "[id^='profiles_']" ).addClass('highlighted');
setTimeout(function() {
$( "[id^='profiles_']" ).removeClass('highlighted');
}, ms);