All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fix: remove unsupported MYSQL_PWD env variable
- fix: cleanup quotes surrounding database credentials
- fix: allow import local with remote config
- fix: syntaxwarning "is not" with a literal
- fix: string contact within cleanup command
- feat: remove sftp from cleanup
- fix: unit converter for rsync stats
- feat: support additional mysqldump options
- feat: support additional where clause
- fix: symfony database url with additional parameters
- fix: symfony database url with additional parameters
- fix: missing database password configuration for clearing
- fix: missing database password configuration for clearing
- fix: missing database password configuration for clearing
- fix: missing database password configuration for clearing
- fix: wrong database password configuration
- chore: update requirements
- fix: missing database password within console command
- feat: add typo3 env parse function
- fix: overwrite hosts with arguments
- fix: consider user confirmation input
- [Bugfix] Console output header fixed
- [Bugfix] Fix manual shell database arguments handling
- [Task] Loading spinner added
- [Task] Rename database dump filename
- [Task] Colored header
- [Task] Released dependencies
- [Test] Docker compose updated for ARM/M1
- [Bugfix] Tables option with necessary whitespace
- [Bugfix] Dictionary argument fix
- [Doc] Additional documentation for the jump host feature
- [Task] Jump host feature
- [Bugfix] Ignore table wildcard
- [Bugfix] Fix hosts without config
- [Bugfix] Module usage broken
- [Bugfix] Optional args argument
- [Task] Changelog updated
- [Test] Test Setting adjusted
- [Task] Reverse feature
- [Task] Load arguments after config file
- [Task] Truncate feature
- [Task] Post SQL feature
- [Task] Protected hosts
- [Doc] Extended documentation for yml usage
- [Task] Bump paramiko from 2.8.0 to 2.10.1
- [Task] Single table export
- [Task] Read from TYPO3 AdditionalConfiguration.php
- [Task] Hosts in config option
- [Task] Use rsync as transfer method
- [Bugfix] Python3.9 warning fixed
- [Task] Requirements updated
- [Bugfix] Fix mysql command option
- [Task] mysql command fix for < v5.6
- [Task] Improve version comparison
- [Task] Check for database version
- [Task] Check for own package update
- [Bugfix] Mask database name
- [Build] Dockerfile updated
- [Task] Force password option
- [Task] SSH authentication via SSH agent
- [Task] Default Timeout for Paramiko Clients
- [Task] Laravel support
- [Task] YAML support
- [Task] JSON Schema
- [Task] Host linking arguments
- [Task] Automatic framework type detection
- [CleanUp] pylint
- [Bugfix] Proxy mode clean up temp dir
- [Task] Keep alive for ssh client
- [Bugfix] Ignore table wildcard fix
- [Bugfix] "Sync local" fix
- [Task] Exported tables info
- [Task] Sync modes "Sync local" and "Sync remote"
- [Task] Adjust final message for dry run mode
- [Task] Simplify mode detection
- [Task] "Dry run" mode
- [Task] Clear Database Feature
- [Doc] Further documentation
- [Task] Extend scripts feature
- [Doc] Support section
- [Doc] Quickstart documentation
- [Task] Improved console output
- [Task] Drupal recipe uses Drush
- [Doc] Release Guide added
- [Doc] Advanced documentation
- [Task] Allow run command to fail
- [Improvement] Adjust console header
- [Task] Refactoring
- [Task] Additional output
- [Task] Refactor authorization
- [Task] Client "Local"
- [Task] Database port is not required
- [Task] User confirmation for database import
- [Bugfix] Nested dict for shell argument initialization
- [Bugfix] Wrong dict key for ssh key
- [Bugfix] Requirements in setup extended
- [Task] After_dump feature added
- [Bugfix] Fix legacy shell script call
- [Task] Added python 3.5 support
- [Task] Shell arguments extended
- [Task] Improved test output
- [Task] Extend setup
- [Task] Added Travis CI
- [Task] Manual database credentials
- [Task] Refactoring module structure
- [Task] Simplify extensions to recipes
- [Task] Further error prevention
- [Task] Wildcards for ignore tables
- [Bugfix] Drupal database settings parsing improved
- [Task] Test scenario symfony2.8 added
- [Task] Support Symfony v2.8
- [Task] Validating database credentials
- [Bugfix] SSH key authorization for dump-remote
- [Task] Support legacy script call from command line
- [Task] Improved script handling
- [Task] Support Wordpress
- [Task] Extension Drupal improved
- [Task] Run sync as module
- [Task] Adding supported framework Drupal 8
- [Task][!!!] Refactoring for export as python package
- [Task] Connection output improved
- [Task] Error handling improved
- [Task] Logging output optimized
- [Task] Re-enable check dump feature
- [Task] Added test environment
- [Task] Host linking feature added
- [Task] Added password option for hosts
- [Task] Adding "no-tablespaces" option for mysqldump command
- [CleanUp] Refactoring code
- [Bugfix] Logging error bug