You can contribute to Area51 in various ways.
Feel free to open issues for any bugs you encounter. You may also fix any open bugs or fix the bug which you are reporting!
To implement new features, first open a new issue and outline the feature you would like to implement as well as how you plan on implementing the feature. You can also ask for help in outlining how the feature should be implemented.
This will help keep the architecture of the project consistent.
You can improve documentation either by changing .md files or adding proper swift docs to the code.
This section refers to the UI / UX of Area51.
You can help with designing features or screens which you can then implement on your own or another developer can implement. This is a great way for designers to work on their mobile design skills.
The possibilities are not limited, you can create new color palettes, fonts, icons, etc.
Please first fork the project and then create a branch off the latest master to make your changes. You can follow the flow / documentation listed here. After the changes are made, be sure to update accordingly.
When opening your PR, give a summary of what has changed. Also add any github issues links - Implements #100