The project follows Semantic Versioning (
- Vrok\RandomLib\Source\Mcrypt - mcrypt is deprecated and removed with PHP 7.2
- Vrok\Stdlib\FileUtils - open files, delete files and directories(recursively)
- Vrok\Stdlib\StringUtils::slugify - create slugs from string input
- Vrok\View\Helper\TexEscape - to escape string to be used in LaTeX documents
- UserManager: Allow to logout from session only, keeping the remember-me cookie
- additional untranslated message showed up for invalid emails with invalid local name
- AuthorizationRedirectStrategy: logout from session only so remember-me is respected
- Travis config
- code style config
- NumberFormat did not use preset decimals
- updated ZF and other dependencies
- replace RandomLib with random_bytes() in Stdlib\Random
- applied code style fixer
- upgraded phpunit tests
- NumberFormatterStrategy::hydrate now rounds values
- updated ZF and other dependencies
- Vrok\Service\NotificationService that handles pushing/sending of notifications to the user
- Vrok\Stdlib\ErrorHandler::shutdownHandler did not log all fatal errors
- reworked Vrok\Entity\Notification to persist the notification text variants that are created by formatters, @see Vrok\Notification\FormatterInterface
- Vrok\Entity\User now has properties allowing the user to configure if he wants email notifications and to enable HTTP push notifications
- moved getNotificationFilter & getNotificationRepository from UserManager to NotificationService
- DB schema update is required
- require PHP 7.1+
- Vrok\Mvc\View\Http\ErrorLoggingStrategy that allows logging of exceptions/ errors that occur within the application but are handled by the application itself instead of bubbleing up to the ErrorHandler
- Vrok\Entity\Notification that allows to store notifications that should be displayed to the user at the next occassion (login/next page/push notification)
- Delegator config for ZF3
- stripTags filter for user displayName wasn't applied
- Vrok\Hydrator\Strategy\DateTimeFormatterStrategy & NumberFormatterStrategy to support converting localized form inputs with date & numbers to database format and back
- bin\ executable flag
- renamed LICENSE and CHANGELOG to *.md
- RandomLib: custom sources compatibility with version 1.2.0
- Vrok\RandomLib\Source\Php7 - included in new version 1.2.0
- SlmQueue\JobProviderInterface for module classes to automatically inject job factories into the slmQueue JobManager
- require PHP 7.0+
- require ZF3, implemented ZF3 compatibility
- updated dependencies
- SlmQueue\AbstractJob - use a factory to inject dependencies instead
- currentUser() view helper & controller plugin
- redirect on auth failure in XHR request
- do not enable all form elements when removing the loading animation