fortressmaximus.js is a Javascript library to help content creators for the Transformers Trading Card Game. Add this library to your website and it will fetch cards
written in [[]]
brackets and change to HTML links that will link to the card on as well adding the card image when a user hovers over the link.
fortressmaximus.js require the JQuery Javascript library which can be found here
<script src=""></script>
Then simply add the fortressmaximus.js script after
<script src="" integrity="sha384-ObkgViPLhtAYXCPKKVBaFvhI+oEzFRifLWtS00IMw2X3e22I+FwYrtrzqhpGAmNe" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Finally, on your web page, the script will fetch any card inbween [[]]
[[optimus prime battlefield legend]]