Welcome to our class GitHub organization for the game development project of 3ITC. It's where we collaborate and bring our game to life 🚀, piece by piece.
To start contributing to the game development, you'll need to set up the project on your local machine. Here's how you can clone the repository, switch to your branch, and import it into Unity:
- Open your terminal (on Mac and Linux) or Git Bash (on Windows).
- Navigate to the directory where you want to place the project.
- Clone the repository using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/itc-21-25/3itcTeamGame.git
- After cloning, you will have a local copy of the game repository 📁.
- To switch to your personal or team branch, navigate into the cloned repository directory:
cd 3itcTeamGame
- Check the branches available by typing:
git branch -a
- Switch to your specific branch with:
git checkout [your_branch_name]
with the name of your branch. - Update your local repository:
git pull
- Open Unity Hub on your machine.
- Click on the 'Add' button ➕.
- Browse to the directory where you cloned the repository.
- Select the folder and open it with
Unity version 2022.3.11f1
Before making changes, be sure to read our Contributing Guide. It contains important information about naming conventions for commits, pull and merge requests.
If you run into any issues or have any questions, feel free to contact your team leader (TLD). They will happily assist you with any issues and problems you encounter.
© 3ITC Class, SPSUL. All Rights Reserved.