All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- AppMenu openItem in Chrome
- CheckBox READONLY / EDITABLE conditions support
- Table.getRows() with Selectors.isVisible()
- Table.getCell() with Selectors.byRowColIndexes(r, c)
- Table.getRows() with Selectors.isVisible()
- GroupBox condition support for captionContains(..)
- Updated Selenium / Selenide version to 3.8.1 / 4.9.1
- Component interface
- Standard UI library, including: fields, containers, table, dialog, notifications
- Components factory class that creates Component instances
- Composite class - convenient parent class for composite UI components: panels, screens, tabs, etc.
- Untyped class - convenient class for non-implemented-yet UI components
- @Wire annotation for fields of Composite class for DI injection of nested components
- @Log annotation that is used for automatic logging of method calls of UI components
- Selectors utility class that includes useful Selenide selectors: byCubaId, byPath, byChain
- Conditions utility class that includes useful Conditions for UI components: ENABLED, EDITABLE, REQUIRED, etc
- ComponentConfig interface for custom component sets that can be imported in projects
- DefaultComponentConfig class that is imported by default before all ComponentConfig implementations registered using Java SPI
- Connectors factory class that creates different connector-like objects
- JMX connector implementation and Connectors.jmx(...) based on standard Java JMX subsystem
- @JmxName annotation for JMX object interfaces
- REST-API v2 connector implementation and Connectors.restApi(...) based on Retrofit 2
- Built-in authentication service for REST-API v2