3.1.1 (2017-05-31)
- show error name the error stack for Node.js 8 (a628aa7)
3.1.0 (2017-05-30)
3.0.0 (2017-05-18)
- pipeline: add #length to get the command count (a6060cb), closes #461
- sentinel: allow connection to IPv6-only sentinels (#463) (a389f3c)
3.0.0-2 (2017-05-03)
- restore the default connectTimeout to 10000 (dc8256e)
3.0.0-1 (2017-04-16)
- add debug logs for resolved sentinel nodes (8f3d3f7)
- report error on Sentinel connection refused (#445) (#446) (286a5bc)
- set default port of sentinels to 26379. (#441) (539fe41)
- The default port of sentinels are now 26379 instead of 6379. This shouldn't break your app in most case since few setups has the sentinel server running on 6379, but if it's your case and the port isn't set explicitly, please go to update it.
3.0.0-0 (2017-01-26)
This is a performance-focused release. We finially switch to the new version of JavaScript parser and drop the support for hiredis (Thanks to the lovely community!). Also, we switch to denque to improve the queueing performance.
Let us know if there's any issue when using this pre-release.
- Although the interface doesn't change after upgrading the js parser, there may be still some potential internal differences that may break the applications which rely on them. Also, force a major version bump emphasizes the dropping of the hiredis.
2.5.0 (2017-01-06)
- quit immediately when in reconnecting state (#410) (a6f04f2)
2.4.3 (2016-12-15)
- wait all the commands in a pipeline before sending #411 (#413) (bfa879a)
2.4.2 (2016-12-04)
- handle error when creating tls connection (904f433)
2.4.1 (2016-12-04)
- by default call setNoDelay on the stream (#406) (990a221)
2.4.0 (2016-09-24)
2.3.1 (2016-09-24)
- prevent sentinel from getting duplicated nodes (0338677)
2.3.0 (2016-08-11)
2.2.0 (2016-06-28)
- cluster: ensure node exists before being redirected via an ASK (#341) (5d9d0d3)
2.1.0 (2016-06-22)
- sentinel: update sentinels after getting master (e3f14b2)
2.0.1 (2016-06-01)
- fix transaction with dropBufferSupport:true(47a2d9a)
2.0.0 (2016-05-29)
Refer to Breaking Changes between V1 and V2 for all breaking changes.
Changes since 2.0.0-rc4:
2.0.0-rc4 (2016-05-08)
- reconnect when ready check failed(3561fab)
- remove data handler when flushing command queue(b1c761c)
- won't emit error again when password is wrong(dfdebfe)
- add dropBufferSupport option to improve the performance (#293)(1a8700c)
- add support for Node.js v6 (#295)(a87f405)
- emit authentication related errors with "error" event(9dc25b4)
- print logs for unhandled error event(097fdbc)
- Authentication related errors are emited with "error" event, instead of "authError" event
2.0.0-rc3 (2016-05-02)
- fix wrong host not causing error (25c300e), closes #287
- reconnect when getting fatal error (#292) (1cf2ac1)
- deps: upgrade redis-commands package (df08250)
2.0.0-rc2 (2016-04-10)
- CLUSTER: fix cluster not disconnected when called disconnect method (#281) (91998e3), closes [(#281](https://github.com/(/issues/281)
- sentinel: improve the error message when connection to sentinel is rejected (3ca30d8), closes #280
2.0.0-rc1 (2016-03-18)
- dependencies: upgrade all dependencies to the newest version (3fdafc8).
2.0.0-alpha3 (2016-03-13)
- auth: emit authError when the server requiring a password (c5ca754)
- cluster: add enableReadyCheck option for cluster (b63cdc7)
- cluster: redirect on TRYAGAIN error (b1a4b62)
- cluster: support update startupNodes in clusterRetryStrategy (4a46766)
- transaction: transform replies of transactions (e0b1883), closes #158
- Reply transformers is supported inside transactions.
is deprecated. UsePipeline#exec()
2.0.0-alpha2 (2016-02-29)
- cluster: fix memory leaking in sendCommand method (410af51)
- cluster: add the option for a custom node selector in scaleReads (6795b1e)
2.0.0-alpha1 (2016-02-10)
- cluster: avoid command.reject being overwritten twice (d0a0017)
- cluster: fix not connecting to the unknown nodes (0dcb768)
- cluster: set retryDelayOnFailover from 2000ms to 200ms (72fd804)
- cluster: support scaling reads to slaves (98bdec2), closes #170
- redis: support readonly mode for cluster (0a4186e)
- cluster:
is removed. UseCluster#nodes('masters')
instead. - cluster:
is removed. UsePromise.all(Cluster#nodes().map(function (node) {}))
instead. - cluster: Option
is removed. Check outscaleReads
1.15.1 (2016-02-19)
1.15.0 (2016-01-31)
- "MOVED" err not crashing process when slot was not assigned (6974d4d)
- remove extra typeof in .to cluster helper (a7b0bfe)
- revisit of .to(nodeGroup) command (ba12e47)
- Support returning buffers for transactions (#223).
- Add argument transformer for msetnx to support Map (#218).
- Fix
transformer not supporting keyPrefix (#217).
- [Cluster] Select a random node when the target node is closed.
- [Cluster]
also works forCLUSTERDOWN
- [Cluster] Fix failover queue not being processed. Shahar Mor.
- [Cluster] Add queue support for failover and CLUSTERDOWN handling. Shahar Mor.
- Emits "error" when connection is down for
- [Sentinel] Emits "error" when all sentinels are unreachable (#200).
- Emits "select" event when the database changed.
- [Cluster] Supports scanStream (#175).
- Update debug module to 2.2.0
- Update bluebird module to 2.9.34
- [Cluster] Support redis schema url.
- [Cluster] Support specifying password for each node.
- Add an option for setting connection name. cgiovanacci.
- Switch to the previous db before re-subscribing channels.
- Listen to the "secureConnect" event when connect via TLS. Jeffrey Jen.
- Improve parser performance.
- Emits "authError" event when the password is wrong(#164).
- Fixed wrong debug output when using sentinels. Colm Hally
- Discard slave if flagged with s_down or o_down. mtlima
- Support TLS.
- Support reconnecting on the specified error.
- Add keepAlive option(defaults to
). - Fix compatible issues of Buffer with Node.js 4.0.
- Fix errors when sending command to a failed cluster(#56).
- Fix for allNodes array containing nodes not serving the specified slot. henstock
- Restore the previous state before resending the unfulfilled commands. Jay Merrifield
- Fix empty pipeline not resolving as empty array. Philip Kannegaard Hayes
- Handle watch-exec rollback correctly(#199). Andrew Newdigate
- Fix not running callback in pipeline custom command(#117). Philip Kannegaard Hayes
- Fixes status debug message in case of Unix socket path(#114). Thalis Kalfigkopoulos
- Re-subscribe previous channels after reconnection(#110).
- Fix
not being exported correctly(#100).
- Add a streaming interface to
commands. - Support GEO commands.
- Fix the order of received commands(#91).
- Allow omitting callback in
- Add
method for compatibility(#90).
- Fix connection error emitting before listening to
- Fix
in cluster mode(#88). Kris Linquist
- Fix subscriptions lost after reconnection(#85).
- Silent error when redis server has cluster support disabled(#82).
- Fix storing wrong redis host internally.
- Fix masterNodes not being removed correctly.
- Fix sometimes monitor leads command queue error.
- Fix
is alwaysfalse
in monitor mode(#77).
- Fix getting NaN db index(#74).
- Uses double ended queue instead of Array for better performance.
- Resolves a bug with cluster where a subscribe is sent to a disconnected node(#63). Ari Aosved.
- Adds ReadOnly mode for Cluster mode(#69). Nakul Ganesh.
- Adds
(#71). Frank Murphy.
- Continue monitoring after reconnection(#52).
- Support pub/sub in Cluster mode(#54).
- Auto-reconnect when none of startup nodes is ready(#56).
- Support Node.js 0.10.16
- Fix unfulfilled commands being sent to the wrong db(#42).
- Fix possible memory leak warning of Cluster.
- Stop reconnecting when disconnected manually.
- Add missing Promise definition in node 0.10.x.
- Fix possible memory leak warning.
- The constructor of
accepts a batch of commands.
- Support pipeline redirection in Cluster mode.
returns a promise.
- Fix showFriendlyErrorStack not working in pipeline.
- Fix errors when sending commands after connection being closed.
- Try a random node when the target slot isn't served by the cluster.
- Remove
option. - Try random node when refresh slots.
- Fix errors when
- Add
option to handle CLUSTERDOWN error. - Fix
commands sometimes doesn't return a promise.
- Fix
sometimes doesn't return a promise.
- Add
- Support get built-in commands.
- Fix buffer supporting in pipeline. @AVVS.
- Fix error of sending command to wrong node when slot is 0.
- Support Transaction and pipelining in cluster mode.
- Support cluster auto reconnection.
- Add
option to Cluster. - Remove
option in favor ofsentinelRetryStrategy
. - Improve compatibility with node_redis.
- More stable sentinel connection.
- Support for defining custom commands in Cluster.
- Use native array instead of fastqueue for better performance.
- Add
option for outputing friendly error stack.
- Improve performance for calculating slots.
- Support single node commands in cluster mode.
- Add promise supports in Cluster.
- Add
option to prevent auto re-subscribe. - Add
for compatibility. - Add
- Support setting connect timeout.