- Chair: Don Richards
- Notes: Gabriela
- Attending: Don Richards, Gabriela Mircea, Melissa Anez, Robin Naughton, Audrey, Janice Banser
- [Documentation Interest Group - January 24, 2017 - 3:00 PM EST] (https://github.com/islandora-interest-groups/Islandora-Documentation-Interest-Group/blob/main/meetings/2017/Meeting-Notes-2017-01-24.md)
- Approved
- update the terms of the group regarding the meetings schedule - Robin - DONE
- ask the community to add DIG in the subject line for all documentation related emails for easier monitoring - Melisa will add this to the listserv instructions
- add links to https://github.com/Islandora/islandora/wiki/How-To-Audit,-Document,-or-Test-an-Islandora-Release and https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA/Contribute to the DIG github - Gabriela will add the links
- look at the Jira tickets and resolve as many as possible during the meeting
- https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/ISLANDORA-1905?jql=project%20%3D%20ISLANDORA%20AND%20issuetype%20%3D%20Documentation%20AND%20status%20%3D%20Open
- ISLANDORA-1905 - no action yet until confirmed
- ISLANDORA-1885 - will have to revisit at a later date
- ISLANDORA-1833 - Don will resolve this
- ISLANDORA-1698 - Robin and Audrey will resolve this
- ISLANDORA-1678 - Nick Ruest
- ISLANDORA-1676 - Nick Ruest
- ISLANDORA-1664 - Nick Ruest
- ISLANDORA-1592 - Mark Jordan
- ISLANDORA-1505 - Don Richards will try to get the basics in and get in touch with the person in charge of documenting this for the next release
- ISLANDORA-1498 - update the ticket - bring it to the next committers meeting
- ISLANDORA-1497 - see if we can find an expert to edit it; add details on working with branches
- ISLANDORA-1489 - Melissa
- Code freeze will take place on March 1st
- http://islandora.ca/content/islandora-7x-19-release
- start documenting as soon as possible after the code freeze
- TBD Agenda: