From 4cd05fbfa14cc8f889d590cdda63a34409117a6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: bkristmundsson Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 15:44:56 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] TS-924 Update messages namespace --- .../new-primary-school/src/lib/messages.ts | 242 +++++++++--------- .../types/src/lib/ApplicationTypes.ts | 2 +- 2 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/application/templates/new-primary-school/src/lib/messages.ts b/libs/application/templates/new-primary-school/src/lib/messages.ts index 510ec6473fec..4f8ebf3ef61c 100644 --- a/libs/application/templates/new-primary-school/src/lib/messages.ts +++ b/libs/application/templates/new-primary-school/src/lib/messages.ts @@ -6,102 +6,102 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { // Messages shared across the New Primary School application templates shared: defineMessages({ applicationName: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Umsókn í nýjan grunnskóla', description: 'Application for a new primary school', }, institution: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Sveitarfélög', description: 'Municipalities', }, formTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:form.title', + id: 'nps.application:form.title', defaultMessage: 'Umsókn', description: 'Application', }, alertTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:alert.title', + id: 'nps.application:alert.title', defaultMessage: 'Athugið', description: 'Attention', }, yes: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:yes', + id: 'nps.application:yes', defaultMessage: 'Já', description: 'Yes', }, no: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:no', + id: 'nps.application:no', defaultMessage: 'Nei', description: 'No', }, date: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:date', + id: 'nps.application:date', defaultMessage: 'Dagsetning', description: 'Date', }, datePlaceholder: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:date.placeholder', + id: 'nps.application:date.placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Veldu dagsetningu', description: 'Select date', }, fullName: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Fullt nafn', description: 'Full name', }, nationalId: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:nationalId', + id: 'nps.application:nationalId', defaultMessage: 'Kennitala', description: 'National id', }, email: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:email', + id: 'nps.application:email', defaultMessage: 'Netfang', description: 'Email address', }, municipality: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:municipality', + id: 'nps.application:municipality', defaultMessage: 'Sveitarfélag', description: 'Municipality', }, municipalityPlaceholder: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:municipality.placeholder', + id: 'nps.application:municipality.placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Veldu sveitarfélag', description: 'Select municipality', }, postalCode: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:postalCode', + id: 'nps.application:postalCode', defaultMessage: 'Póstnúmer', description: 'Postal code', }, address: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:address', + id: 'nps.application:address', defaultMessage: 'Heimilisfang', description: 'Address', }, phoneNumber: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:phoneNumber', + id: 'nps.application:phoneNumber', defaultMessage: 'Símanúmer', description: 'Phone number', }, relation: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:relation', + id: 'nps.application:relation', defaultMessage: 'Tengsl', description: 'Relation', }, relationPlaceholder: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:relation.placeholder', + id: 'nps.application:relation.placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Veldu tengsl', description: 'Select relation', }, school: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:school', + id: 'nps.application:school', defaultMessage: 'Skóli', description: 'School', }, schoolPlaceholder: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:school.placeholder', + id: 'nps.application:school.placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Veldu skóla', description: 'Select school', }, @@ -109,68 +109,68 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { pre: defineMessages({ externalDataSection: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Forsendur', description: 'Prerequisites', }, externalDataSubSection: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Gagnaöflun', description: 'Data collection', }, externalDataDescription: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Eftirfarandi upplýsingar verða sóttar rafrænt', description: 'The following information will be retrieved electronically', }, nationalRegistryInformationTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.national.registry.title', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.national.registry.title', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar frá Þjóðskrá', description: 'Information from Registers Iceland', }, nationalRegistryInformationSubTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.national.registry.subtitle', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.national.registry.subtitle', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um þig, maka og börn.', description: 'Information about you, spouse and children.', }, userProfileInformationTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.userprofile.title', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.userprofile.title', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar af mínum síðum á Í', description: 'Information from My Pages at Í', }, userProfileInformationSubTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.userprofile.subtitle', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.userprofile.subtitle', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um netfang og símanúmer eru sóttar á mínar síður á Í', description: 'Information about email address and phone number will be retrieved from My Pages at Í', }, checkboxProvider: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.checkbox.provider', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.checkbox.provider', defaultMessage: 'Ég skil að ofangreindra upplýsinga verður aflað í umsóknarferlinu', description: 'I understand that the above information will be collected during the application process', }, startApplication: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.start.application', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.start.application', defaultMessage: 'Hefja umsókn', description: 'Start application', }, // Children childrenSubSectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.children.sub.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.children.sub.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Börn', description: 'Children', }, childrenDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.childrenDescription#markdown', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.childrenDescription#markdown', defaultMessage: `Samkvæmt uppflettingu í Þjóðskrá hefur þú forsjá með eftirfarandi barni/börnum. Ef þú sérð ekki barnið þitt hér, þá bendum við þér að hafa samband við Þjóðskrá. \n\nAthugaðu að einungis er hægt að sækja um fyrir eitt barn í einu. Ef skrá á tvö börn svo sem tvíbura er hægt að fara beint í að skrá annað barn þegar búið er að skrá það fyrra.`, description: `According to the Registers Iceland database you have the following children. If you do not see your child in this process, please contact the Registers Iceland. \n\nPlease note that you can only apply for one child at a time. If you have two children, such as twins, you can proceed to register the second child directly after completing the registration for the first one.`, }, childrenRadioTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:prerequisites.childrenRadioTitle', + id: 'nps.application:prerequisites.childrenRadioTitle', defaultMessage: 'Veldu barn fyrir umsóknina', description: 'Select child for the application', }, @@ -178,68 +178,68 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { childrenNParents: defineMessages({ sectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Börn og foreldrar', description: 'Children and parents', }, // Child information childInfoSubSectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um barn', description: 'Information about child', }, childInfoDescription: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Athugaðu hvort upplýsingarnar séu réttar áður en þú heldur áfram.', description: 'Check that the information is correct before proceeding.', }, childInfoPreferredName: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Valið nafn', description: 'Preferred name', }, childInfoPronouns: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Fornafn', description: 'Pronoun', }, childInfoPronounsPlaceholder: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Veldu fornafn', description: 'Select pronoun', }, differentPlaceOfResidence: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Er dvalarstaður barns annað en skráð lögheimili?', description: "Is the child's place of residence different from the registered legal domicile?", }, childInfoPlaceOfResidence: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Dvalarstaður barns', description: "Child's place of residence", }, // Parents/guardians parentsSubSectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.parents.sub.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.parents.sub.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Foreldrar/forsjáraðilar', description: 'Parents/guardians', }, otherParent: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.otherParent', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.otherParent', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um foreldri/forsjáraðila 2', description: 'Information about parent/guardian 2', }, parent: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.parent', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.parent', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um foreldri/forsjáraðila 1', description: 'Information about parent/guardian 1', }, parentsDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.parents.description', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.parents.description', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um foreldra og forsjáraðila eru sóttar í Þjóðskrá. Athugaðu hvort símanúmer og netföng séu rétt skráð áður en þú heldur áfram.', description: @@ -248,39 +248,39 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { // Relatives relativesSubSectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.sub.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.sub.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Aðstandendur', description: 'Relatives', }, relativesTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.title', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.title', defaultMessage: 'Aðstandendur barnsins', description: "The child's relatives", }, relativesDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.description', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.description', defaultMessage: 'Skráðu að minnsta kosti einn tengilið sem má hafa samband við ef ekki næst í foreldra/forsjáraðila barnsins. Þú getur bætt við allt að sex aðstandendum. Vinsamlegast látið aðstandendur vita af skráningunni.', description: "List at least one contact person who can be contacted if the child's parents/guardian cannot be reached. You can add up to six relatives. Please inform the relatives of the registration.", }, relativesRegistrationTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.registration.title', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.registration.title', defaultMessage: 'Skráning aðstandanda', description: 'Registration of a relative', }, relativesAddRelative: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.add.relative', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.add.relative', defaultMessage: 'Bæta við aðstandanda', description: 'Add a relative', }, relativesRegisterRelative: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.register.relative', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.register.relative', defaultMessage: 'Skrá aðstandanda', description: 'Register relative', }, relativesDeleteRelative: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.delete.relative', + id: 'nps.application:childrenNParents.relatives.delete.relative', defaultMessage: 'Eyða aðstandanda', description: 'Remove relative', }, @@ -288,158 +288,158 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { primarySchool: defineMessages({ sectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Grunnskóli', description: 'Primary school', }, // Reason for application reasonForApplicationSubSectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Ástæða umsóknar', description: 'Reason for application', }, reasonForApplicationDescription: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Barn á alltaf rétt á skólavist í sínum hverfisskóla. Séu ástæður umsóknar aðrar en flutningur lögheimilis getur verið að skólinn sjái sér ekki fært að taka á móti barninu. Það fer eftir aðstæðum í skólanum hverju sinni, svo sem rými.', description: 'A child always has the right to attend school in his neighborhood school. If the reasons for the application are other than a change of legal residence, the school may not be able to accept the child. It depends on the situation in the school each time, such as space.', }, reasonForApplicationPlaceholder: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Veldu ástæðu', description: 'Select reason', }, transferOfLegalDomicile: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Flutningur lögheimilis', description: 'Transfer of legal domicile', }, studyStayForParents: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Námsdvöl foreldra', description: 'Study stay for parents', }, parentsParliamentaryMembership: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Þingmennska foreldris', description: "Parent's parliamentary membership", }, temporaryFoster: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Tímabundið fóstur', description: 'Temporary foster', }, expertService: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Sérfræðiþjónusta', description: 'Expert service', }, sickly: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Sjúkralega', description: 'Sickly', }, livesInTwoHomes: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Býr á tveimur heimilum', description: 'Lives in two homes', }, movingAbroad: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Flutningur erlendis', description: 'Moving abroad', }, otherReasons: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Aðrar ástæður', description: 'Other reasons', }, registerNewDomicileAlertMessage: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Minnum þig á að skrá nýtt lögheimili í Þjóðskrá.', description: 'We remind you to register your new domicile in the National Registry.', }, country: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Til hvaða lands er verið að flytja?', description: 'What country are you moving to?', }, countryPlaceholder: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Veldu land', description: 'Select a country', }, // Siblings siblingsSubSectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Systkini', description: 'Siblings', }, siblingsTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Systkini í sama grunnskóla', description: 'Siblings in the same primary school', }, siblingsRegistrationTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Skráning systkinis', description: 'Registration of a sibling', }, siblingsAddRelative: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Bæta við systkini', description: 'Add a sibling', }, siblingsRegisterRelative: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Skrá systkini', description: 'Register sibling', }, siblingsDeleteRelative: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Eyða systkini', description: 'Remove sibling', }, siblingsRelationSibling: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Alsystkini', description: 'Sibling', }, halfSiblingsRelationSibling: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Hálfsystkini', description: 'Half sibling', }, stepSiblingsRelationSibling: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Stjúpsystkini', description: 'Step sibling', }, // Apply to a new school newSchoolSubSectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Nýr skóli', description: 'New school', }, // Starting school startingSchoolSubSectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Byrjar í skóla', description: 'Starting school', }, startingSchoolTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Hvenær óskar þú eftir að barnið byrji í nýjum skóla?', description: 'When do you wish the child to start in a new school?', }, startingSchoolDescription: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Við viljum taka vel á móti skólabarninu. Til þess að getað undirbúið komu þess þá biðjum við þig að velja dagsetningu fyrir fyrsta skóladaginn.', description: @@ -449,48 +449,48 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { differentNeeds: defineMessages({ sectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Ólíkar þarfir', description: 'Different needs', }, // Language languageSubSectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.language.sub.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.language.sub.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Tungumál', description: 'Language', }, languageTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.language.title', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.language.title', defaultMessage: 'Tungumál barnsins', description: "The child's languages", }, languageDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.language.description', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.language.description', defaultMessage: 'Til að hægt sé að koma til móts við þarfir barnsins þarf skólinn að vita hvaða tungumál eru töluð í nærumhverfi þess. Veldu þau tungumál, eitt eða flerir sem töluð eru dagsdaglega á heimilinu í samskiptum við eða í kringum barn.', description: "In order to meet the child's needs, the school needs to know which languages ​​are spoken in their immediate environment. Choose the languages, one or more, that are spoken daily at home in communication with or around a child.", }, childNativeLanguage: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.child.native.language', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.child.native.language', defaultMessage: 'Hvert er móðurmál barnsins?', description: "What is the child's native language?", }, otherLanguagesSpokenDaily: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.other.languages.spoken.daily', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.other.languages.spoken.daily', defaultMessage: 'Eru önnur tungumál en móðurmál töluð daglega á heimili barnsins?', description: "Are languages ​​other than the native language spoken daily in the child's home?", }, languagePlaceholder: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.language.placeholder', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.language.placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Veldu tungumál', description: 'Choose a language', }, icelandicNotSpokenAroundChild: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.icelandic.not.spoken.around.child', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.icelandic.not.spoken.around.child', defaultMessage: 'Það er ekki töluð íslenska í nærumhverfi barnsins', description: "Icelandic is not spoken in the child's immediate environment", @@ -498,45 +498,45 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { // Support supportSubSectionTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Stuðningur', description: 'Support', }, support: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Stuðningur', description: 'Support', }, supportDescription: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Ef barnið þitt er með greiningu um fötlun, þroskafrávik, langvinn veikindi eða alvarlegan sjúkdóm sem gætu haft áhrif á skólagöngu þess, þá sér núverandi skóli barns um að miðla þeim upplýsingum áfram til þess skóla sem sótt er um í.', description: "If your child has a diagnosis of a disability, developmental disorder, chronic illness or serious illness that could affect their schooling, the child's current school will forward that information to the school they are applying to.", }, developmentalAssessment: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.developmental.assessment', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.developmental.assessment', defaultMessage: 'Hafa farið fram skimanir eða greiningar á þroska eða stöðu barnsins í núverandi skóla?', description: 'Have any assessments or diagnoses been conducted on the development or status of the child in the current school?', }, specialSupport: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Hefur nemandinn áður notið sérkennslu eða stuðnings í skóla?', description: 'Has the student previously received special education or support in school?', }, requestMeeting: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:different.needs.request.meeting', + id: 'nps.application:different.needs.request.meeting', defaultMessage: 'Ef þú telur að grunnskólinn þurfi nánari upplýsingar um þarfir barnsins getur þú óskað eftir samtali. Skólinn mun setja sig í samband við þig, þegar nær dregur fyrsta skóladegi', description: "If you believe that the elementary school needs more information about the child's needs, you can request a meeting. The school will contact you when the first day of school approaches.", }, requestMeetingDescription: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Óska eftir samtali við skóla', description: 'Request meeting with the school', }, @@ -544,68 +544,68 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { overview: defineMessages({ sectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:overview.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Yfirlit', description: 'Overview', }, overviewDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.description', + id: 'nps.application:overview.description', defaultMessage: 'Vinsamlegast farðu yfir umsóknina áður en þú sendir hana inn.', description: 'Please review the application before submitting.', }, child: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.child', + id: 'nps.application:overview.child', defaultMessage: 'Barn', description: 'Child', }, submitButton: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.submit.button', + id: 'nps.application:overview.submit.button', defaultMessage: 'Senda inn umsókn', description: 'Submit application', }, editButton: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.edit.button', + id: 'nps.application:overview.edit.button', defaultMessage: 'Breyta umsókn', description: 'Edit application', }, parents: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.parents', + id: 'nps.application:overview.parents', defaultMessage: 'Foreldri/forsjáraðili', description: 'Parent / guardian', }, nativeLanguage: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.native.language', + id: 'nps.application:overview.native.language', defaultMessage: 'Móðurmál barnsins', description: "The child's native language", }, icelandicSpokenAroundChild: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.icelandic.spoken.around.child', + id: 'nps.application:overview.icelandic.spoken.around.child', defaultMessage: 'Íslenska er töluð í nærumhverfi barnsins', description: "Icelandic is spoken in the child's immediate environment", }, schoolTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Upplýsingar um skóla', description: 'Information about school', }, currentSchool: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Núverandi skóli', description: 'Current school', }, selectedSchool: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Valinn skóli', description: 'Selected school', }, grade: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.grade', + id: 'nps.application:overview.grade', defaultMessage: 'Bekkur', description: 'Grade', }, currentGrade: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:overview.current.grade', + id: 'nps.application:overview.current.grade', defaultMessage: '{grade}. bekkur', description: '{grade} grade', }, @@ -613,12 +613,12 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { conclusion: defineMessages({ sectionTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:conclusion.section.title', + id: 'nps.application:conclusion.section.title', defaultMessage: 'Staðfesting', description: 'Confirmation', }, expandableDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:conclusion.expandable.description#markdown', + id: 'nps.application:conclusion.expandable.description#markdown', defaultMessage: 'Sveitarfélagið og skólinn munu taka afstöðu til umsóknarinnar og svara þér eins fljótt og auðið er.\n\nÁður en afstaða er tekin kann að vera þörf á því að afla frekari gagna í þeim tilgangi að upplýsa betur um aðstæður barns og/eða forsjáraðila. Mun þá sveitarfélagið eða skólinn setja sig í samband við þig.\n\nEf umsókn um nýjan skóla er samþykkt, verður forsjáraðili og barn boðað til móttökuviðtals.', description: @@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ export const newPrimarySchoolMessages: MessageDir = { export const inReviewFormMessages = defineMessages({ formTitle: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:inReview.form.title', + id: 'nps.application:inReview.form.title', defaultMessage: 'Umsókn í nýjan grunnskóla', description: 'Application for a new primary school', }, @@ -637,17 +637,17 @@ export const inReviewFormMessages = defineMessages({ export const statesMessages = defineMessages({ draftDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:draft.description', + id: 'nps.application:draft.description', defaultMessage: 'Þú hefur útbúið drög að umsókn.', description: 'You have create a draft application.', }, applicationSent: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:application.sent.title', + id: 'nps.application:application.sent.title', defaultMessage: 'Umsókn hefur verið send.', description: 'The application has been sent', }, applicationSentDescription: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:application.sent.description', + id: 'nps.application:application.sent.description', defaultMessage: 'Hægt er að breyta umsókn', description: 'It is possible to edit the application', }, @@ -655,38 +655,38 @@ export const statesMessages = defineMessages({ export const errorMessages = defineMessages({ phoneNumber: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Símanúmerið þarf að vera gilt.', description: 'The phone number must be valid.', }, nationalId: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Kennitala þarf að vera gild.', description: 'Error message when the kennitala is invalid.', }, relativesRequired: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:error.relatives.required', + id: 'nps.application:error.relatives.required', defaultMessage: 'Nauðsynlegt er að bæta við a.m.k einum aðstandenda', description: 'You must add at least one relative', }, siblingsRequired: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:error.siblings.required', + id: 'nps.application:error.siblings.required', defaultMessage: 'Nauðsynlegt er að bæta við a.m.k einu systkini', description: 'You must add at least one sibling', }, languagesRequired: { - id: 'dess.nps.application:error.languages.required', + id: 'nps.application:error.languages.required', defaultMessage: 'Það þarf að velja a.m.k eitt tungumál', description: 'At least one language must be selected', }, noChildrenFoundTitle: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Því miður ert þú ekki með skráð barn á grunnskólaaldri', description: 'Unfortunately, you do not have a child registered at primary school age', }, noChildrenFoundMessage: { - id: '', + id: '', defaultMessage: 'Eingöngu sá sem er með lögheimilisforsjá hefur heimild til að sækja um fyrir barn. \n\nÞjóðskrá skráir hver eða hverjir teljast foreldrar barns og hver fari með forsjárskyldur þess. Upplýsingar um skráningu forsjár og lögheimilisforeldris má nálgast hér: [Foreldrar og forsjá | Þjóðskrá (](\n\nUpplýsingum um tengsl á milli barna og foreldra auk forsjáraðila eru einnig aðgengilegar á [Mínum síðum á Í](', description: diff --git a/libs/application/types/src/lib/ApplicationTypes.ts b/libs/application/types/src/lib/ApplicationTypes.ts index d2c45faf5978..2cae65fc3431 100644 --- a/libs/application/types/src/lib/ApplicationTypes.ts +++ b/libs/application/types/src/lib/ApplicationTypes.ts @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ export const ApplicationConfigurations = { }, [ApplicationTypes.NEW_PRIMARY_SCHOOL]: { slug: 'nyr-grunnskoli', - translation: ['dess.nps.application', 'uiForms.application'], + translation: ['nps.application', 'uiForms.application'], }, [ApplicationTypes.MACHINE_REGISTRATION]: { slug: 'nyskraning-taekis',