Sometimes, Python alone is just not good enough. You need that extra boost. That tiny optimisation to get your programs running faster. Well, what if the solution was not actually Python? What if you could improve your Python programs... with other languages? This video cover 5 languages for speeding up your Python code.
Once you've compiled the code, run the script with Python:
python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Instructions for compiling the code is below:
Install the Rust binary into your virtual environment using Maturin:
maturin develop --release
Install the requirements and build the binary:
go install
go mod init mymodule
go get
gopy build -vm=python3 -output=distance_go ./go_src
For the Julia code, you may need to follow the instructions in the video.
In the Julia REPL:
>>> import Pkg
>>> Pkg.add("PyCall")
In the Python REPL:
>>> import julia
>>> julia.install()
Compile the Nim module:
nim c --app:lib -d:release distance.nim
Benchmark results are in results.csv