Releases: irmen/Pyrolite
release 4.20 (java only)
Compatible with Java 9, but now requires Java 8 (JDK 1.8) minimum to run.
Require Serpent library 1.23.
Release 4.19
avoids unnecessary stream close calls when iterating a remote iterator reaches the end.
serpent dependency updated to 1.18.
Release 4.18
- require Serpent 1.17 to fix critical issue with serializing 0-bytes in strings and non-ascii strings. (when using serpent, if you used pickle it was fine)
- dotnet: properly recognise [Serializable] and [DataContract] classes.
- added some more javadocs.
Release 4.17
- Fixed decode crash of escaped single quote (') that sometimes occurs in protocol level 0 pickled strings.
- Made even more fields of the Unpickler class protected so they can be accessed in a subclass.
- Implemented pickle's persistent ID functionality via the new persistentLoad method on the Unpickler, and the PERSID/BINPERSID opcodes.
- Implemented pickle opcodes OBJ and INST (rarely encountered, but still).
Release 4.16
Dotnet: fixed major problem that prevented the previous version from working at all. It crashed due to a type casting error during connection handshake, caused by deserializer protocol changes in updated Serpent library. This has now been resolved.
Java version: version number strings are now correct again.
Release 4.15
the .NET library of this release contains a fatal bug that prevents it from working at all, sorry.
- Fixed possible error when processing serialized byte data.
- Requires Razorvine.Serpent library version 1.16 or newer (to fix complex number parsing errors)
Release 4.14
Support for protocol changes introduced in Pyro 4.48.
Support for iterator result item streaming added (introduced in Pyro 4.49).
Fixed type casting crash in proxy metadata retrieval (.net).
Shows python exception type better in exception messages.
Java compilation now requires java 7 (jdk 1.7+)
Updated Serpent library dependency to version 1.15.
Release 4.13
can now register a custom pickler for inheritance tree of interfaces or abstract base class.
Release 4.12
- fixed unpickling of Python3 bytearray pickles.
- tweaked constructor of ClassDict to set
Release 4.11
Added compatibility with Pyro 4.44+ metadata datatype change (set to list)