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rht edited this page Nov 21, 2015 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the go-ipfs wiki!

As a golang project, go-ipfs is easily downloaded and installed with go get All data is stored in a leveldb data store in ~/.ipfs/datastore. If, however, you would like to mount the datastore (ipfs mount /ipfs) and use it as you would a normal filesystem, you will need to install fuse.

As a precursor, you will have to create the /ipfs and /ipns directories explicitly, as they require sudo permissions to create (sudo mkdir /ipfs; sudo mkdir /ipns). Then chown them so ipfs can access them without root permission, eg sudo chown <username>:<groupname> /ipfs and same for /ipns.

MacOSX (Mountain Lion)

It has been discovered that versions of osxfuse prior to 2.7.0 will cause a kernel panic. For everyone's sake, please upgrade (latest at time of writing is 2.7.2). The disk image can be found at There is also a homebrew formula, if you like, brew install osxfuse.

Note that ipfs attempts an automatic version check on osxfuse to prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot if you have pre 2.7.0. However, that version check has become unreliable, and may fail even if you are up-to-date. If you are sure about your osxfuse version and would like to mount, simply add return nil at the top of this function: Then reinstall by running go install in $GOPATH/src/

You should be good to go! If you're not, hop on IRC and speak with us, or if you figure something out, add to this wiki!

Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)

Install Fuse with sudo apt-get install fuse. Change permissions on the fuse config: sudo chown <username>:<groupname> /etc/fuse.conf (note <groupname> should probably be fuse)

If the mount command crashes and your mountpoint gets stuck, sudo umount /ipfs


If you manage to mount on other systems (or followed an alternative path to one above), please add any special tips/tricks to this wiki!

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