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Hydra Booster Mascot

Hydra Booster

Docker Build Status

A DHT Indexer node & Peer Router

A new type of DHT node designed to accelerate the Content Resolution & Content Providing on the IPFS Network. A (cute) Hydra with one belly full of records and many heads (Peer IDs) to tell other nodes about them, charged with rocket boosters to transport other nodes to their destination faster.

Read the RFC - Kanban


[openssl support (lower CPU usage)]
go get -tags=openssl

[standard (sub-optimal)]
go get


Run a hydra booster with a single head:

go run ./main.go

Pass the -nheads=N option to run N heads at a time in the same process. It periodically prints out a status line with information about total peers, uptime, and memory usage.

go run ./main.go -nheads=5

Alternatively you can use the HYDRA_NHEADS environment var to specify the number of heads.

There's also a nicer UI option, this is intended to be run in a tmux window or something so you can see statistics about your contribution to the network. Use the -ui-theme flag to switch to it:

go run ./main.go -ui-theme=gooey # also "none" to turn off logging


Usage of hydra-booster:
  -bootstrap-conc int
        How many concurrent bootstraps to run (default 32)
  -bootstrap-peers string
        A CSV list of peer addresses to bootstrap from.
  -bucket-size int
        Specify the bucket size, note that for some protocols this must be a specific value i.e. for "/ipfs" it MUST be 20 (default 20)
  -db string
        Datastore directory (for LevelDB store) or postgresql:// connection URI (for PostgreSQL store)
        Don't create table and index in the target database (default false).
        Disables pre-fetching of discovered provider records (default false).
        Disable counting provider records for metrics reporting (default false).
        Disable provider record garbage collection (default false).
        Disable storing and retrieving provider records, note that for some protocols, like "/ipfs", it MUST be false (default false).
        Disable storing and retrieving value records, note that for some protocols, like "/ipfs", it MUST be false (default false).
        Enable libp2p circuit relaying for this node (default false).
  -httpapi-addr string
        Specify an IP and port to run the HTTP API server on (default "")
  -idgen-addr string
        Address of an idgen HTTP API endpoint to use for generating private keys for heads
        Use an in-memory database. This overrides the -db option
  -metrics-addr string
        Specify an IP and port to run Prometheus metrics and pprof HTTP server on (default "")
  -name string
        A name for the Hydra (for use in metrics)
  -nheads int
        Specify the number of Hydra heads to create. (default -1)
  -port-begin int
        If set, begin port allocation here (default -1)
  -protocol-prefix string
        Specify the DHT protocol prefix (default "/ipfs") (default "/ipfs")
  -pstore string
        Peerstore directory for LevelDB store (defaults to in-memory store)
  -random-seed string
        Seed to use to generate IDs (useful if you want to have persistent IDs). Should be Base64 encoded and 256bits
        What offset in the sequence of keys generated from random-seed to start from
  -stagger duration
        Duration to stagger nodes starts by
  -ui-theme string
        UI theme, "logey", "gooey" or "none" (default "logey")

Environment variables

Alternatively, some flags can be set via environment variables. Note that flags take precedence over environment variables.

        A CSV list of peer addresses to bootstrap from.
  HYDRA_DB string
        Datastore directory (for LevelDB store) or postgresql:// connection URI (for PostgreSQL store)
        Peerstore directory for LevelDB store (defaults to in-memory store)
        Don't create table and index in the target database (default false).
        Disables pre-fetching of discovered provider records (default false).
        Disable counting provider records for metrics reporting (default false).
        Disable provider record garbage collection (default false).
        Address of an idgen HTTP API endpoint to use for generating private keys for heads
  HYDRA_NAME string
        A name for the Hydra (for use in metrics)
        Specify the number of Hydra heads to create. (default -1)
        If set, begin port allocation here (default -1)
        Seed to use to generate IDs (useful if you want to have persistent IDs). Should be Base64 encoded and 256bits   
        What offset in the sequence of keys generated from random-seed to start from

Best Practices

Only run a hydra-booster on machines with public IP addresses. Having more DHT nodes behind NATs makes DHT queries in general slower, as connecting in generally takes longer and sometimes doesnt even work (resulting in a timeout).

When running with -nheads, please make sure to bump the ulimit to something fairly high. Expect ~500 connections per node you're running (so with -nheads=10, try setting ulimit -n 5000)

Running Multiple Hydras

The total number of heads a single Hydra can have depends on the resources of the machine it's running on. To get the desired number of heads you may need to run multiple Hydras on multiple machines. There's a couple of challenges with this:

  • Peer IDs of Hydra heads are balanced in the DHT. When running multiple Hydras it's necessary to designate one of the Hydras to be the "idgen server" and the rest to be "idgen clients" so that all Peer IDs in the Hydra swarm are balanced. Use the -idgen-addr flag or HYDRA_IDGEN_ADDR environment variable to ensure all Peer IDs in the Hydra swarm are balanced perfectly.
  • A datastore is shared by all Hydra heads but not by all Hydras. Use the -db flag or HYDRA_DB environment variable to specify a PostgreSQL database connection string that can be shared by all Hydras in the swarm.
  • When sharing a datastore between multiple Hydras, ensure only one Hydra in the swarm is performing GC on provider records by using the -disable-prov-gc flag or HYDRA_DISABLE_PROV_GC environment variable, and ensure only one Hydra is counting the provider records in the datastore by using the -disable-prov-counts flag or HYDRA_DISABLE_PROV_COUNTS environment variable.


Release a new version

  1. Update version number in version.go.
  2. Create a semver tag with "v" prefix e.g. git tag v0.1.7.
  3. Publish a new image to docker hub
  4. Scale the hydras down and then back up to pick up the change

Publish a new image

# Build your container
docker build -t hydra-booster .

# Get it to run
docker run hydra-booster

# Commit new version
docker commit -m="some commit message" <CONTAINER_ID> libp2p/hydra-booster

# Push to docker hub (must be logged in, do docker login)
docker push libp2p/hydra-booster

Metrics collection with Prometheus

Install Prometheus and then start it using the provided config:

prometheus --config.file=promconfig.yaml --storage.tsdb.path=prometheus-data

Next start the Hydra Booster, specifying the IP and port to run metrics on:

go run ./main.go -nheads=5 -metrics-addr=

You should now be able to access metrics at



By default the HTTP API is available at

GET /heads

Returns an ndjson list of peers created by the Hydra: their IDs and mulitaddrs. Example output:


GET /records/list

Returns an ndjson list of provider records stored by the Hydra Booster node.

GET /records/fetch/{cid}?nProviders=1

Fetches provider record(s) available on the network by CID. Use the nProviders query string parameter to signal the number of provider records to find. Returns an ndjson list of provider peers: their IDs and mulitaddrs. Will return HTTP status code 404 if no records were found.

POST /idgen/add

Generate and add a balanced Peer ID to the server's xor trie and return it for use by another Hydra Booster peer. Returns a base64 encoded JSON string. Example output:


POST /idgen/remove

Remove a balanced Peer ID from the server's xor trie. Accepts a base64 encoded JSON string.

GET /swarm/peers?head=

Returns a list of ndjson peers with open connections optionally filtered by Hydra head. Example output:



The hydra-booster project is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms: