So, connect to your smui_db
via localhost:3306, with username root, and password password.
Everytime you write out the rules.txt
it is saved to the mounted volume ./volumes/preliveCore/conf/rules.txt
This same volume is mounted into the Solr container as /opt/mysolrhome/ecommerce/conf/querqy
, and Solr
reads it in from there.
The SMUI Push Config to Solr just writes the file out, and then reloads the Solr core, and then Solr reads in the new file. FTW!
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/ecommerce/update?commit=true' --data-binary @solr/products.json -H 'Content-type:application/json'
We created a custom update processor to deal with date formats via:
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/ecommerce/config -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
"add-updateprocessor" :
"name" : "formatDateUpdateProcessor",
"class": "solr.ParseDateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory",
Create a user with the email and the password password:
docker-compose run quepid thor user:create -a "Demo User" password
For Quepid case, pick name for title, and id for identifier. Add thumb:imageUrl to the list of fields.
docker-compose run rre mvn rre:evaluate
docker-compose run rre mvn rre-report:report