ember/order-in-models: [2, {
order: [
If you want some of properties to be treated equally in order you can group them into arrays, like so:
order: [
['single-line-function', 'multi-line-function'],
You can find full list of properties that you can use to configure this rule here.
You should write code grouped and ordered in this way:
- Attributes
- Relations
- Single line computed properties
- Multiline computed properties
- Other structures (custom methods etc.)
export default Model.extend({
// 1. Attributes
shape: attr('string'),
// 2. Relations
behaviors: hasMany('behaviour'),
// 3. Computed Properties
mood: computed('health', 'hunger', function() {
const result = this.get('health') * this.get('hunger');
return result;
// BAD
export default Model.extend({
mood: computed('health', 'hunger', function() {
const result = this.get('health') * this.get('hunger');
return result;
hat: attr('string'),
behaviors: hasMany('behaviour'),
shape: attr('string')