Business responsibilities associated with the user and its lifecycle, from the onboarding to the deletion of the platform.
Includes the following business functions:
Identity of each users, including:
- Given and family name (for persons)
- Company name (for organizations)
- User name
- Identity information (ID number, taxes ID, etc)
As showing in the seccion User - Motivation mapping, in this case the focus of the defined architecture will be on the management of the identity information about the different actors.
Addressing characteristics of the users, including:
- Snail mail address
- Email address
- Social URIs
As showing in the seccion User - Motivation mapping, in this case the focus of the defined architecture will be on the management of the email address, social URIs and Postal Code.
Management of the social graph, showing the relationship of a user with the universe of users in the platform. Includes:
- Contacts
- Groups
- Brands
- Access control
As showing in the seccion User - Motivation mapping, in this case the focus of the defined architecture will be on the management of the interactions graph that represents the relationships between actors.
Profile management of the user in the social network, including:
- Profile page
- Profile Data
- Presence
- Location
- Skills / habilities
As showing in the seccion User - Motivation mapping, in this case the focus of the defined architecture will be on the management of the basic information of the profile, like number of interactions, points redemptions history (relation with gamification).
The figure 8.2.1. shows how the user business function support the functional requirements and how they are influenced by the architecture characteristics and constraints.
As we can see in the previous diagram, all the busines functions will participate in some way covering the Hey Blue architecture.
The figure below (Figure 8.2.2) shows how the components of the conceptual architecture (more info in Application Components Collaboration Views) realize the Reference Architecture.