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IBC Connection

1. Problem Statement / Outside view

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This part of the specification should present the problem at the very high level (if possible using sequential specification). We can think about this part of the specification as an operational level of the problem where basic mechanisms are explained, but without going into details about the particular system model in which problem can be solved and without entering protocol design details.

This part of the specification serves as a gentle introduction to the problem. It is useful to both protocol designers and engineers as a high level problem description.

IBC connection is a protocol that ensures establishment of connection between two modules. At the end of the connection handshake at both modules there is common view on the corresponding data structures.

One of the party (called sometimes source or module B) is triggering connection establishment and the other module follows.

Properties that should hold:

  • data structures have consistent view at the end of the handshake
  • protocol eventually terminates

Expected Expertise

  • lead: distributed algorithm designer
  • input/feedback: distributed systems engineers


  • High level English specification of the problem.

Verification, Validation, or Proof Obligation

  • N.A.

2. Protocol Specification / Protocol view

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This part of the specification should present concrete system model in which problem is considered, and an algorithm that solves the problem in the given model. It contains two parts: 1) system model specification and 2) algorithm (protocol) specification.

2.1 System Model Specification

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System model section should therefore contains the assumptions we made regarding the following aspects:

  • definitions of processes (process represents unit of execution) involved. A process can be a node in a distributed system or a thread (routine) in case of concurrent applications. Furthermore, we need to specify what kind of process faults we consider: no faults, crash-stop faults, crash-recovery faults, arbitrary (Byzantine) faults, etc. In addition to kind of faults we need also to specify a maximum bound (number) of faulty processes we assume: less than majority, less than one third, all connected processes could be faulty, etc.
  • definitions of communications between processes: message passing, shared memory, remote procedure calls, channels (blocking, unblocking, bounded, etc), etc.
  • synchrony assumptions on the process and network speed: synchronous (there is a known upper bound on the process/network speed), asynchronous (no assumption is made on upper bound on the process/network speed), partially synchronous (system in between synchronous and asynchronous, i.e., system is eventually synchronous, or transitions between periods of asynchrony and synchrony).
  • safety and liveness properties of the problem in the given model (these are the properties that an algorithm must fulfil to be able to solve the problem in the given system model).

S Y S T E M M O D E L*********************

  • Processes: We assume processes running on different (distributed) hosts. A process is normally called module in this contect. A module is a deterministic state machine that change its state only be executing transactions. In a typical setup, a host on which module is running is part of the replicated state machine (blockchain). Host can also be a single node.

Processes can be faulty: we assume that a process can behave completely arbitrary (Byzantine faults). There is no upper bound on the number of faulty processes.

  • Communications: processes communicate by exchanging messages. A module A is sending a message m to a module B by writing it to a local storage (data store), i.e., it is not directly sending it over wire to the module B. We then assume that there is an external process (relayer) that is reading messages that are sent by A and deliver it to the corresponding module. We assume that message m sent by a correct module A to a correct module B will be eventually delivered to the module B. Sending a message is not a blocking call, i.e., module continues execution after sending a message. We assume that every module has a unique identifier, and that every message contains cryptographic signature that cannot be forged, i.e., if a module B receives message m from the module A, then m was sent by the module A before.

  • Synchrony and ordering assumptions: we assume an asynchronous communication: if a correct module A send a message m to a correct module B, the message m is eventually received by the module B. We don't assume that messages will be delivered in the order of sending, i.e., network can reorder messages.

P R O P E R T I E S***********************

Safety 1: Once connection is established between correct processes, the corresponding data structures contains the same data (identifiers, commitment prefixes, initial consensus state).

Safety 2: Faulty module cannot prevent correct modules from establishing connection.

Safety 3: Faulty module cannot execute man in the middle attack.

Liveness 1: If a correct process A triggers connection establishment to a correct process B, then the connection is eventually established.

Expected Expertise
  • lead: distributed algorithm designer
  • input/feedback: distributed systems engineers, verification engineers
  • High-level English specification covering aspects mentioned above (processes, communication channels, synchrony assumptions, safety and liveness properties).
Verification, Validation, or Proof Obligation
  • Informal check that the problem refinement in the given model corresponds to the top level problem definition.

2.2 Algorithm (Protocol) Specification

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This part presents an algorithm (protocol) that solves the problem in the system model specified in the section 2.1. Algorithm specification at this level should be at the higher level of abstractions compared to real implementation, and should be seen mainly as part of the protocol design phase. High level algorithm specification should cover:

  • messages exchanged (minimal set of messages needed to express algorithm core algorithm logic)
  • core data structures every process maintains (minimal data structures needed to express core algorithm logic).
  • state machine(s) that defines algorithm transitions and
  • protocol invariants.

P R O T O C O L***************************

We should consider a single instance of the Connection Handshake protocol, where a correct module A triggers establishment of connection with a module B. Therefore, we assume that nodes manages only a single instance of core data structures.


  • ConnInit
  • ConnOpenTry
  • ConnOpenAck
  • ConnOpenConfirm

Data structures:

  • ConnectionEnd -- state, connectionId, clientId, counterParty, versions
  • CounterParty -- connectionId, clientId, commitmentPrefix

We probably don't need this at the high level:

  • LightClient -- consensusState
  • ConsensusState -- height, rootHash

We assume also the following helper functions (provided by environment):

  • getCurrentHeight -- returns current height (at the local blockchain)

  • getClientConsensusState(height) -- returns consensus state for the given height of the counter party module

  • verifyConnectionState -- verifies that the message about counter party connection end is valid. Verification is done by relying on light client verification mechanism.

  • verifyClientConsensusState -- verifies that the message about counter party perception of local consensus state is valid.

The protocol will be expressed as two party distributed protocol. Processes are denoted with A and B (maybe we should use Alice and Bob as in crypto protocols). Protocol starts when a process A receives ConnInit message. Protocol proceeds by processes exchanging messages (ConnOpenTry, ConnOpenAck and ConnOpenConfirm) and updating local ConnectionEnd. Every message conveys information about local process state and its correctness is verified at the counter party using helper functions. Note that the high level protocol ignores details about underlying light client updates; at this level we assume that it is provided by the execution environment through the helper functions. Furthermore, the relayer functionality is abstracted away at this level through the properties of the communication layer.

Sketch of one message handler:

State of every process

connectionEnd -- initially NilConnection

function connOpenInit( identifier: Identifier, clientIdentifier: Identifier, counterParty: CounterParty) { if connectionEnd != NilConnection then error

connectionEnd.connectionIdentifier = identifier
connectionEnd.clientIdentifier = clientIdentifier
connectionEnd.state = INIT
connectionEnd.counterParty = counterParty

consensusStateB = getConsensusState(connectionEnd.clientIdentifier)

send ConnOpenTry(
    connectionEnd, getProof(connectionEnd),
    consensusStateB, getProof(consensusStateB))


function connOpenTry( connectionEnd_A, proofOfConnectionEnd, consensusStateB, proofOfConsensusStateB) {

if connectionEnd != NilConnection then error

verifyConnectionState(proofOfConnectionEnd, connectionEnd_A) verifyClientConsensusState(proofOfConsensusStateB, consensusStateB)

connectionEnd = createConnectionEnd(connectionEnd_A) connectionEnd.state = TRYOPEN

consensusStateA = getConsensusState(connectionEnd.clientIdentifier)

send ConnOpenAck( connectionEnd, getProof(connectionEnd), consensusStateA, getProof(consensusStateA))


Expected Expertise
  • lead: distributed algorithm designer and/or verification engineer
  • input/feedback: verification engineers and distributed systems engineers
  • English description of the protocol
  • TLA+ specification of the protocol
  • TLA+ specification of properties (expressed in English in the section 2.1) as invariants and temporal properties
  • Abstract test scenarios
Verification, Validation, or Proof Obligation
  • Check that the protocol satisfies the invariants and temporal logic properties

3. Single Node View

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At this level we think about the specification of the code. Even in distributed systems, code inherently runs on one computer, so we take the single node perspective here while the rest of the system is modelled as the environment.

L O W L E V E L S P E C*****************

Connection Handshake protocol is implemented in practice by implementing multiple nodes (roles):

  • IBC connection module
  • Relayer
  • Light client

IBC connection module implements core connection handshake protocol from the endpoint view point. It is a deterministic state machine that receives input events, update state and writes it to the data store.

Relayer is a process (could contain multiple threads of execution) that ensures the following:

  • secure communication between modules
  • supports light client mechanisms (light client updates).

As relayer is also a distributed protocol, we will treat it in this context as a black box that provides communication guarantees and the relayer should be treated the same way (complete VDD spec) in a separate document.

Light client is a process that ensures based on a provides trusted state, how to update trusted state without participating in blockchain consensus protocol. It is a distributed protocol on its own, and we will consider it as part of this protocol as an oracle that provides some services.

Expected Expertise

  • lead: distributed systems engineer
  • input/feedback: distributed protocol designer, verification engineer


  • Code of the IBC connection module
  • TLA+ specification of the IBC connection module (multi connection support, data store, light client management, error handling, etc)
  • TLA+ specification of properties introduced at the implementation level (for example concurrency related) expressed as invariants and temporal properties
  • Abstract test scenarios

Verification, Validation, or Proof Obligation

  • Check that the specification satisfies the invariants and temporal logic properties
  • TLA+ reductions / refinement mappings with respect to the high level specification
  • Check that code passes tests that corresponds to (automatically) generated abstract execution scenarios.