This is a class to teach how to use the ModusToolbox™ Machine Learning solution. The descriptions and exercises use a PSoC™ 6 MCU along with motion sensors and microphones to develop IoT applications for gesture detection, keyword detection, etc.
After completing this class, you should be able to create and debug machine learning applications using ModusToolbox™. Several Infineon machine learning partners are also discussed.
The ModusToolbox™ Machine Learning Technology Pack must be installed to complete the exercises in this class.
- ModusToolbox™ Software Training Level 1 Getting Started
- ModusToolbox™ Software Training Level 2 PSoC™ MCUs
- Manual: This directory contains the manual chapters.
- Projects: This directory contains solutions to exercises.
The manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1: Introduction - Overall introduction to the class.
- Chapter 2: Machine learning basics - Background on what machine learning is and how it can be used.
- Chapter 3: Imagimob - How to use Imagimob Studio to collect and label data, create and train models, and deploy models to PSoC MCUs.
- Chapter 4: Machine learning in ModusToolbox™ - Discussion of the Machine Learning Technology Pack and how it is used to optimize Machine Learning models.
- Chapter 5: Infineon ML parnters - Introduction to Infineon's machine learning partners and what level of services they offer.
- Chapter 6: Cyberon - How to use Infineon's partner Cyberon to create single or dual stage audio keyword detection models and deploy them to PSoC MCUs.
- Chapter 7: SensiML - How to use Infineon's partner SensiML to collect and label data, create and train models, and deploy models to PSoC MCUs.
- Chapter 8: Edge Impulse - How to use Infineon's partner Edge Impulse to collect and label data, create and train models, and deploy models to PSoC MCUs.
The following hardware is used for the exercises in this class:
- CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 (PSoC™ 62S2 Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit)
- CY8CKIT-028-SENSE (IoT sense expansion kit)
Additional information can be found at: