Install uwsgi package.
This role requires Ansible 2.2 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
This role use Molecule to run tests.
Local and Travis tests run tests on Docker by default. See molecule documentation to use other backend.
Currently, tests are done on:
- Debian Jessie
- Ubuntu Trusty
- Ubuntu Xenial
and use:
- Ansible 2.2.x
- Ansible 2.3.x
- Ansible 2.4.x
$ tox
# Installation vars
uwsgi_install_mode: 'package'
uwsgi_packages: "{{ _uwsgi_packages }}"
uwsgi_service_name: 'uwsgi'
# Configuration vars
uwsgi_configuration_available_path: "{{ _uwsgi_configuration_available_path }}"
uwsgi_configuration_enabled_path: "{{ _uwsgi_configuration_enabled_path }}"
uwsgi_configuration_log_path: "{{ _uwsgi_configuration_log_path }}"
uwsgi_configuration_run_path: "{{ _uwsgi_configuration_run_path }}"
uwsgi_configuration_owner: 'root'
uwsgi_configuration_group: 'root'
uwsgi_configuration_mode: '0640'
uwsgi_apps: []
uwsgi_apps_defaults: "{{ _uwsgi_apps_defaults }}"
# Handler management
uwsgi_restart_handler_enabled: True
# Package management
- name: 'uwsgi'
- name: 'uwsgi-plugin-python'
- name: 'uwsgi-plugin-python3'
# Configuration management
_uwsgi_configuration_available_path: '/etc/uwsgi/apps-available'
_uwsgi_configuration_enabled_path: '/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled'
_uwsgi_configuration_log_path: '/var/log/uwsgi'
_uwsgi_configuration_run_path: '/var/run/uwsgi'
autoload: true
master: true
workers: 2
no-orphans: true
pidfile: "{{ uwsgi_configuration_run_path ~ '/%(deb-confnamespace)/%(deb-confname)/pid' }}"
socket: "{{ uwsgi_configuration_run_path ~ '/%(deb-confnamespace)/%(deb-confname)/socket' }}"
logto: "{{ uwsgi_configuration_log_path ~ '/%(deb-confnamespace)/%(debconfname).log' }}"
chmod-socket: 660
log-date: true
uid: www-data
gid: www-data
- hosts: servers
- { role: infOpen.uwsgi }
Alexandre Chaussier (for Infopen company)
- a.chaussier [at]