- Working with Git for Enterprise DevOps (Source Control Essentials)
- Implementing Continuous Integration (CI) with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions
- Planning and Implementing a Release Strategy
- Implementing Secure Continuous Deployments (CD) with Azure Pipelines
- Provisioning Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with ARM, CLI, and Bicep
- Implementing Secure DevOps & Compliance
- Planning a Package and Dependency Management Strategy
- Collecting and Processing Continuous Feedback
- Working with Git for Enterprise DevOps
- Structuring Git Repositories
- Understanding and Using Git Branching Concepts and Workflows
- Pull Requests in Azure Repos
- Git Hooks & Events
- Managing Git Repositories: Large Files and Repos
- Automatically Detecting and Avoiding Technical Debt
- Implementing CI with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions
- Exploring Azure Pipelines
- Managing Azure Pipeline Agents and Pools
- YAML Pipeline Syntax
- Describing Pipelines and Parallelism
- Continuous Integration
- Implementing a Pipeline Strategy
- Integrating with Azure Pipelines
- Introduction to GitHub Actions
- Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
- Strategy for Building Containers
- Creating and Implementing a Release Strategy
- Introduction to Continuous Delivery
- Recommendations for Release Strategies
- High-Quality Release Pipeline
- Introduction to Deployment Patterns
- Implementing Blue-Green Deployments and Using Feature Toggles
- Implementing Canary Releases and Dark Launching
- Implementing A-B Testing and Progressive Exposure Deployment
- Implementing Secure Continuous Deployment with Azure Pipelines
- Creating a Release Pipeline
- Configuring and Deploying Environments
- Managing and Modularizing Tasks and Templates
- Understanding Options for Managing Application Configuration
- Implementing Application Configuration
- Integrating with an Identity Management System
- Automated Monitoring of the Deployment Process
- Provisioning Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with ARM, CLI, and Bicep
- Infrastructure as Code and Configuration Management
- Creating Azure Resources with Azure Manager Templates
- Creating Azure Resources with Azure CLI
- Provisioning with Bicep
- Exploring Azure Automation with DevOps
- Introducing Desired State Configuration (DSC)
- Creating and Implementing a Dependency Management Strategy
- Understanding and Planning Package Dependencies
- Introduction to Azure Artifacts and GitHub Packages
- Understanding and Using Versioning Strategies: SemVer
- Using Package Dependencies in Pipelines
- Secure DevOps & Compliance
- Introduction to Secure DevOps
- Implementing Open-Source Software
- Software Composition Analysis
- Static Analyzers (Sonar Cloud, Mend)
- Security Monitoring and Governance
- Collecting and Processing Continuous Feedback
- Tools for Tracking Usage and Data Flow
- Implementing Crash Report Routes for Mobile Applications
- Creating Monitor and Status Dashboards
- Sharing Knowledge within Teams
- SRE and Design Practices for Measuring End-User Satisfaction
- Creating Procedures for Collecting and Analyzing User Feedback
- Creating Procedures for Automating Application Analytics
- Managing Alerts, Flawless Retrospectives, and Fair Culture