It is easy to play video with canVideo.js, and just supports HTML5.
Use less codes, automatically adapt to different devices.
simple, tiny, compatibility, and automatic.
- Play and control video files in your webpage.
- Not need third party libraries.
Format supported depends on your browser.
- All browsers: webm
- Chrome: webm, mp4, ogv
- Chrome for android: webm, mp4
- Firefox: webm, ogv
- Firefox for android: webm, mp4, ogv
Browsers using HTML5:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Opare
- Safari
- IE11+
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/css/canvideo.min.css">
<script src="lib/js/canvideo.min.js"></script>
It is easy to play video that you just code like these.
<div><div class="canvideo">
<canvas video title="string" src="url" >
Your browser dose not support canvas.
warn: It will not play video, if you do not add 'video' in <canvas>
If you need video to autoplay, loop, or mute(start playing), you can code like these:
<div><div class="canvideo">
<canvas video autoplay loop muted title="string" src="url" >
Your browser dose not support canvas.
If you need to play more videos, you must use JavaScript codes:
<script src="lib/js/canvideo.min.js"></script>
var videoList = [
['title1', 'url1'],
['title2', 'url2'],
['titleN', 'urlN']
var video = new CanVideo(videoList);
// Uses API to do more...
- autoplay(Boolean): Controls video whether autoplay or not.
- load(): Begins preload of video.
- loop(Boolean): Controls video whether loop or not.
- muted(Boolean): Control video whether mute or not,when video starts playing.
- pause(): Pauses playback of video.
- play(): Begins playback of video.
- playRate(times): Controls playbackRate times of video.
- src(url): Changes url of video, just play, not to change video list.
- stop(): Let video preload and pause.
- time(s, m, h): Changes current time of video.
- title(String): Set title of video player.
- version(): Shows current version of canvideo.js.
- volume(Number): Controls volume of video, just 0 to 1;
- oncanplay: Fires when the browser can start playing the video.
- onended: Fires when the current video list is ended.
- onpause: Fires when the video has been paused.
- onplay: Fires when the video has been started or is no longer paused.
- onwaiting: Fires when the video stops because it needs to buffer the next frame.
canVideo is licensed under the MIT license.