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7.7.0 Usage Guide



JSON body

The most common API endpoint with HAPI.js is one that POST's a JSON body.

method: 'POST',
    path: '/items',
    config: {
        handler: (request, reply) => { reply('OK'); },
        tags: ['api'],
        validate: {
            payload: Joi.object({
                a: Joi.number(),
                b: Joi.nunber()

Form body

If you wish to have hapi-swagger display a interface to POST data in form-urlencoded format add the route option payloadType: 'form'.

    method: 'POST',
    path: '/items',
    config: {
        handler: (request, reply) => { reply('OK'); },
        tags: ['api'],
        plugins: {
            'hapi-swagger': {
                payloadType: 'form'
        validate: {
            payload: Joi.object({
                a: Joi.number(),
                b: Joi.nunber()

Params query and headers

The plugin will take either a JavaScript or JOI object for params query and headers and build the correct interface.

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/items/{pageNo}',
    config: {
        handler: (request, reply) => { reply('OK'); },
        tags: ['api'],
        validate: {
            params: {
                pageNo: Joi.number()
            query: {
                search: Joi.string()
            headers: Joi.object({
                'authorization': Joi.string().required()


There are a number of restriction for what types can be used for params, query and headers. The standard is a object with properties which are JOI objects. In example above you can see examples of native JavaScript objects for params and query. The headers uses a Joi.object() which is useful if you want to chain other JOI functions such as unknown().

Trying to use more complex types in params, query and headers such as Joi.array() or complex parent child Joi.object() structures may not work, in these cases pass the data in a JSON body object.


There are times when you may wish to name a object so that its label in the Swagger UI make more sense to humans. This is most common when you have endpoints which process JSON objects. To label a object wrap it as a JOI object and chain the label function as below. You need to give different structures their own unique name.

validate: {
    payload: Joi.object({
        a: Joi.number(),
        b: Joi.nunber()

NOTE: the plugin reuses "definition models" these describe each JSON object use by an API i.e. a "user". This feature was added to reduce the size of the JSON. The reuse of models can cause names to be reused as well. Please switch options.reuseDefinitions to false if you are nameing your JOI objects.

Grouping endpoints by path or tags

The plugin will by default group your endpoints using information in the path. So \users\{id} and \users\{id}\history would be group together under the title users. How the path based grouping works is controlled by using the options.basePath and options.pathPrefixSize properties.

If you wish to create groups of your own making you can use the options.grouping: tags property. You need also need to define custom tags for each route as below.

let options = {
    info: {
        'title': 'Test API Documentation',
        'version': Pack.version,
    options.grouping: 'tags'

let routes = [{
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/petstore/{id}',
    config: {
        handler: (request, reply) => { reply({ ok: true }); },
        description: 'Array properties',
        tags: ['api', 'petstore']
}, {
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/store/{id}/address',
    config: {
        handler: (request, reply) => { reply({ ok: true }); },
        description: 'Array properties',
        tags: ['api', 'petstore']

Both the routes above would be grouped in petstore. This is because the second tag in each route is set to petstore and the options.grouping is set to tags

Extending group information with tag objects

Swagger provides a tag object which allows you extend the information provide for a group of endpoints in the UI. You must match the name in the options.tags array items with the path fragmenets or tags used to create groups.

let options = {
    info: {
        'title': 'Test API Documentation',
        'version': Pack.version,
    tags: [{
        'name': 'users',
        'description': 'Users data'
        'name': 'store',
        'description': 'Storing a sum',
        'externalDocs': {
            'description': 'Find out more about storage',
            'url': ''
    }, {
        'name': 'sum',
        'description': 'API of sums',
        'externalDocs': {
            'description': 'Find out more about sums',
            'url': ''

The groups are order in the same sequence you add them to the tags array in the plug-in options. You can enforce the order by name A-Z by switching the plugin options.sortTags = 'name'.

Ordering the endpoints within groups

The endpoints within the UI groups can be order with the property options.sortEndpoints, by default the are ordered A-Z using the path information. Can also order them by method. Finally if you wish to enforce you own order then you added route option order to each endpoint and switch the plugin options to options.sortEndpoints = 'ordered'.

    method: 'PUT',
    path: '/test',
    config: {
        description: 'Add',
        tags: [
        plugins: {
            'hapi-swagger': {
                order: 2

Rewriting paths and groupings

Ther are two ways to change to do this: There are time you may wish to modify how groups and endpoint paths are displayed within the documentation.

Option 1 basePath and pathPrefixSize

You can use the plugin options basePath and pathPrefixSize to trim what path information is shown in the documentation. This will not change the API endpoint URL only the path information in the documentation.

options: {
    basePath: '/v1',
    pathPrefixSize: 2

The pathPrefixSize determines how many path segments to remove. The number counts the / from the host part of the URL.

Option 2 pathReplacements

The plugin option pathReplacements is more powerful, but still only changes the path information shown in the documentation. It allows you to use regex and can also change group titles.

Example of removing version numbers from both paths and groups ie v2 or v3

 pathReplacements: [{
    replaceIn: 'all',
    pattern: /v([0-9]+)\//,
    replacement: ''
  • replaceIn (string) defines what to alter, can be: 'groups', 'endpoints' or 'all'
  • pattern (regex) patten for matching
  • replacement (string) replacement string

There is a example of this feature dot-grouping.js in the examples directory.

Response Object

HAPI allow you to define a response object for an API endpoint. The response object is used by HAPI to both validate and describe the output of an API. It uses the same JOI validation objects to describe the input parameters. The plugin turns these object into visual description and examples in the Swagger UI.

An very simple example of the use of the response object:

const responseModel = Joi.object({
    equals: Joi.number(),

within you route object ...

config: {
    handler: handlers.add,
    description: 'Add',
    tags: ['api'],
    notes: ['Adds together two numbers and return the result'],
    validate: {
        params: {
            a: Joi.number()
                .description('the first number'),

            b: Joi.number()
                .description('the second number')
    response: {schema: responseModel}

A working demo of more complex uses of response object can be found in the be-more-hapi project.

Status Codes

You can add HTTP status codes to each of the endpoints. As HAPI routes does not have a property for response status codes it is added as a plugin configuration. The status codes need to be added as an array of objects with an error code and description. The description is required. The schema is optional, and unlike the example above, the schema object does not validate the API response.

config: {
    handler: handlers.add,
    description: 'Add',
    tags: ['api'],
    notes: ['Adds together two numbers and return the result'],
    plugins: {
			'hapi-swagger': {
				responses: {
            		'200': {
                        'description': 'Success',
                        'schema': Joi.object({
                                equals: Joi.number(),
            		'400': {'description': 'Bad Request'}
    validate: {
        params: {
            a: Joi.number()
                .description('the first number'),

            b: Joi.number()
                .description('the second number')


It can take some time to create the swagger.json data if your server has many complex routes. So hapi-swagger can cache its swagger.json data. The cache options are those of HAPI

options.cache: {
    expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000


options.cache = {
    expiresAt: '23:59'
  • expiresIn - relative expiration expressed in milliseconds since the item was saved in the cache. Cannot be used together with expiresAt.
  • expiresAt - time of day expressed in 24h notation using the 'HH:MM' format, at which point all cache records expire. Uses local time. Cannot be used together with expiresIn.

NOTE: The plugin has a number of internal caching features which do help its speed, but this options caches the whole JSON output.

File upload

The plug-in has basic support for file uploads into your API's. Below is an example of a route with a file upload, the three important elements are:

  • payloadType: 'form' in the plugins section creates a form for upload
  • .meta({ swaggerType: 'file' }) add to the payload property you wish to be file upload
  • payload configuration how HAPI will process file
    method: 'POST',
    path: '/store/file/',
    config: {
        handler: handlers.storeAddFile,
        plugins: {
            'hapi-swagger': {
                payloadType: 'form'
        tags: ['api'],
        validate: {
            payload: {
                file: Joi.any()
                    .meta({ swaggerType: 'file' })
                    .description('json file')
        payload: {
            maxBytes: 1048576,
            parse: true,
            output: 'stream'
        response: {schema : sumModel}

The project has an example of file upload with the handler function dealing with validation, such as filetype and schema validation.

Default values and examples

You can add both default values and examples to your JOI objects which are displayed within the Swagger interface. Defaults are turned into pre-fill values, either in the JSON of a payload or in the text inputs of forms.

validate: {
    payload: Joi.object({
        a: Joi.number().default('10'),
        b: Joi.nunber().default('15')

Examples are only shown in the JSON objects and are not used in the text inputs of forms. This is a limitations of Swagger.

validate: {
    payload: Joi.object({
        a: Joi.number().example('10'),
        b: Joi.nunber().example('15')

Headers and .unknown()

A common issue with the use of headers is that you may only want to validate some of the headers sent in a request and you are not concerned about other headers that maybe sent also. You can use JOI .unknown() to allow any all other headers to be sent without validation errors.

validate: {
    params: {
        a: Joi.number()
            .description('the first number'),

        b: Joi.number()
            .description('the second number')
    headers: Joi.object({
         'authorization': Joi.string().required()

Additional HAPI data using x-*

The OpenAPI spec allows for the addition of new properties and structures as long as they their name start with x-. Where possible I have mapped many of Hapi/Joi properties into the swagger.json file.

This includes Joi.alternatives() where try(...) defines more than one possible structure. The inclusion of alternatives model means the the swagger.json may also contain x-alt-definitions object to store alternatives models.

API on one connection and documentation on another

By default hapi-swaggger will document the server connection it is loaded on, you can change this by using the options.connectionLabel property to select another connection.

Create two connections, the API connection needs to support CORS so the client-side Javascript in swaggerui can access the API endpoints across the different host connections.

let server = new Hapi.Server();
server.connection({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, labels: 'api', routes: { cors: true } });
server.connection({ host: 'localhost', port: 3001, labels: 'docs' });

Then add the options.connectionLabel property with the value set to the label name of the API connection. Register your plugins using the select property to specify which connection to add the functionally to.

let options = {
    info: {
        'title': 'Test API Documentation',
        'description': 'This is a sample example of API documentation.',
    connectionLabel: 'api'

        register: apiRoutesPlugin,
        select: ['api']
        register: HapiSwagger,
        options: options,
        select: ['docs']
], (err) => {

    server.start((err) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            console.log('Server running');

JSON without UI

If you wish just to used swagger.json endpoint without the automatically generated documentation page simply set options.documentationPage to false. You can still create a custom page and make use of the SwaggerUI files.

If you wish only to the JSON output of the plugin for example with swagger-codegen and then set both documentationPage and swaggerUI set to false:

options: {
    documentationPage: false,
    swaggerUI: false

With the both documentationPage and swaggerUI set to false you do not need to load Inert and Vision plugins to use hapi-swagger.

Simplifying the JSON

The JSON output for OpenAPI(Swagger) is based on the JSONSchema standard which allows for the internal referencing of object structures using $ref. If you wish to simplify the JSON you can use plugin option options.deReference = true. This can be useful if your are using codegen tools against the JSON


The plugin can validate its output against the OpenAPI(Swagger) specification. You can to this by setting the plugin option options.debug to true. The debug output is logged into the HAPI server object. You can view the logs by either install the Good plugin or by using server.on.

There is a small example of the debug feature in the examples directory.

Features from HAPI that cannot be ported to Swagger

Not all the flexibility of HAPI and JOI can to ported over to the Swagger schema. Below is a list of the most common asked for features that cannot be ported.

  • Joi.extend() Only works if you are extending a base type such as number or string
  • Joi.lazy() This new JOI feature needs more research to see if its possible to visual describe recursive objects before its supported.
  • Joi.alternatives() This allows parameters to be more than one type. i.e. string or int. Swagger does not yet support this because of a number codegen tools using swagger build to typesafe languages. This maybe added to the next version of OpenAPI spec. (Experimental support allow for the first of any options to be displayed)
  • Joi.forbidden() There is only limited support .forbidden() with .alternatives()
  • array.ordered(type) This allows for different typed items within an array. i.e. string or int.
  • {name*} The path parameters with the * char are not supported, either is the {name*3} the pattern. This will mostly likely be added to the next version of OpenAPI spec.
  • .allow( null ) The current Swagger spec does not support null. This maybe added to the next version of OpenAPI spec.
  • payload: function (value, options, next) {next(null, value);} The use of custom functions to validate pramaters is not support beyond replacing them with an emtpy model call "Hidden Model".
  •'yy-mm-dd') __ The use of a moment pattern to format a date cannot be reproduced in Swagger

Known issues with jsonEditor

The jsonEditor is a new option in the latest version of SwaggerUI. It can provide a much enchanced UI, but I have found a few issues where it does not render correctly and can stop the rest of the UI from displaying.

  • Starting a JOI schema as an Joi.array() for a payload or response object can cause the UI to break with the browser JavaScript error message Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'required' of undefined.

Adding the interface into your own custom page

The plugin adds all the resources needed to build the interface into your any page in your project. All you need to do is add some javascript into the header of a web page and add two elements into the HTML where you wish it to render. The example be-more-hapi project makes use of a custom page where the interface is used with other elements.

Adding the javascript

The all the files in the URLs below are added by the plugin, but you must server the custom page as template using reply.view().

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}images/favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}images/favicon-16x16.png" sizes="16x16" />
<link href='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}css/typography.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<link href='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}css/reset.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<link href='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}css/screen.css' media='screen' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<link href='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}css/reset.css' media='print' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<link href='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}css/print.css' media='print' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/jquery-1.8.0.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/jquery.slideto.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/jquery.wiggle.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/handlebars-2.0.0.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/js-yaml.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/lodash.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/backbone-min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}swagger-ui.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/highlight.7.3.pack.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/jsoneditor.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/marked.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lib/swagger-oauth.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}extend.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

<!-- Some basic translations -->
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lang/translator.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='{{hapiSwagger.swaggerUIPath}}lang/{{hapiSwagger.lang}}.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    // creates a list of tags in the order they where created
    var tags = []
    {{#each hapiSwagger.tags}}

    $(function () {


        var url =[^&]+)/);
        if (url && url.length > 1) {
            url = decodeURIComponent(url[1]);
        } else {
            url = "{{{hapiSwagger.jsonPath}}}";

        // Pre load translate...
        if(window.SwaggerTranslator) {

        // pull validatorUrl string or null form server
        var validatorUrl = null;
        {{#if hapiSwagger.validatorUrl}}
        validatorUrl: '{{hapiSwagger.validatorUrl}}';

        window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({
            url: url,
            dom_id: "swagger-ui-container",
            supportedSubmitMethods: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch'],
            onComplete: function (swaggerApi, swaggerUi) {
                if (typeof initOAuth == "function") {
                        clientId: "your-client-id",
                        clientSecret: "your-client-secret",
                        realm: "your-realms",
                        appName: "your-app-name",
                        scopeSeparator: ","

                if (window.SwaggerTranslator) {

                $('pre code').each(function (i, e) {

                if (Array.isArray(swaggerApi.auths) && swaggerApi.auths.length > 0 && swaggerApi.auths[0].type === "apiKey") {
                    auth = swaggerApi.auths[0].value;
            onFailure: function (data) {
                log("Unable to Load SwaggerUI");
            docExpansion: "{{hapiSwagger.expanded}}",
            apisSorter: apisSorter.{{hapiSwagger.sortTags}},
            operationsSorter: operationsSorter.{{hapiSwagger.sortEndpoints}},
            showRequestHeaders: false,
            validatorUrl: '{{hapiSwagger.validatorUrl}}',
            jsonEditor: {{#if hapiSwagger.jsonEditor}}true{{else}}false{{/if}}

        function addApiKeyAuthorization() {
                var key = $('#input_apiKey')[0].value;
                if (key && key.trim() != "") {
                    if('{{{hapiSwagger.keyPrefix}}}' !== ''){
                       key = '{{{hapiSwagger.keyPrefix}}}' + key;
                    var apiKeyAuth = new SwaggerClient.ApiKeyAuthorization(, key,;
                    window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add(, apiKeyAuth);
                    log("added key " + key);



        function log() {
            if ('console' in window) {
                console.log.apply(console, arguments);

Adding the HTML elements

Place the HTML code below into the body fo web page where you wish the interface to render

<section class="swagger-section">
    <h1 class="entry-title api-title">API</h1>
    <div id="swagger-ui-container" class="swagger-ui-wrap"></div>

Custom tag-specific documentation

If you want to generate tag-specific documentation, you should change the URL in the Javascript above from

url: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '{{hapiSwagger.endpoint}}',


url: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '{{hapiSwagger.endpoint}}?tags=foo,bar,baz',

This will load all routes that have one or more of the given tags (foo or bar or baz). More complex use of tags include:

this will show routes WITH 'mountains' OR 'beach' OR 'horses'

this will show routes WITH ('mountains' OR 'beach')  AND 'horses'

this will show routes WITH 'mountains' AND 'beach' AND NO 'horses'

Example code in project

There are a number of examples of different uses of hapi-swagger in the examples directory. These files contain a full HAPI node app:

  • connections.js - how to uses the plug-in with muiltple server connections
  • connections-sep-docs.js - how to have API on one connection and documentation on another
  • custom.js - how build a custom documentation page with its own CSS and JS
  • debug.js - how console.log debug information from hapi-swagger
  • group-ordered.js - how group and ordered endpoints in the UI
  • jwt.js - how to used the plug-in in combination with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) securityDefinition
  • options.js - how to use many of the plug-ins options
  • promise.js - how to setup the plug-in using promises
  • swagger-client.js - how use the plug-in to build an lib interface with swagger-client
  • upload-file.js - how create documenation for a file upload
  • versions.js - how to use the plug-in with hapi-api-version for versioning of an API

External example projects

Both these example use a custom HTML page

  • be-more-hapi - talk from Async.js on the October 2013 - old hapi-swagger example project, but keep update
  • hapi-token-docs - A example site using HAPI, JWT tokens and swagger documentation
  • time-to-be-hapi - Londonjs talk March 2016 has many example uses of HAPI and one using hapi-swagger