This is a collection of dictionaries created and maintained by sanskrit students. There could be errors - so caveat emptor.
These dictionaries can easily be installed and used on your computer/ phone etc.. using existing apps/ scripts such as the stardict-dictionary-updater app on Android.
- Just look at sample-student-dict in this repository.
- Just sign up on github, login, (initially fork and) add a YOUR_DICT folder containing a YOUR_DICT.babylon file with the browser interface, and send a "pull request".
- This is the only "technical" step you need to learn - hopefully someone will make a step by step video (TODO: create and link). Take the help of some volunteer if you must (TODO: Insert contact details.).
- Then, edit the file you created - again using the browser interface whenever you like; and a corresponding stardict dictionary will be updated - ready to be installed on your favorite device.